
The Dogon is an ethnic group living in Mali , best known for their mythology , mask dances , wooden sculpture and architecture .
On the " Resonance " and " Combination " of the National Cultures & A Mention from Diversification in Unity of National Folk Mythology
Thus , it shows that our folk literature just same as the western literature and popular legends has generality while disclosing the human feelings .
The relation of Song of Eternal Sorrow with the folk myth of modern metropolis is folk narration of modern metropolis appears by the worldly esthetic narrative way of modern metropolis .
The San Jose has long been the source of fascination and popular legends , and even figures in Gabriel Garcia Marquez 's " Love in the Time of Cholera . "
English and Chinese proverbs both originate from folk life , from literal works , historical events , religious records , fairy tales and mythology , and from other languages as well .
This paper does not indent to discuss the origin of the Tus , but explores the ethnic identification and distinction of the Tus of Five Hamlets in Tongren County of Qinghai through making use of fieldwork of anthropology and combining with the local oral history and folk myth legendry .
They 're also particularly strong on fairy tales , geography , folklore and mythology - much of it highly appealing to my third-grade Percy Jackson fan .
She is writing a thesis on Irish legend and mythology .
They both originate from folk life , mythology , literary works and from other languages .
Dracula , his fifth novel , was published in 1897 after Stoker spent several years researching European folklore and mythological stories of vampires .
Hares are shy , calm creatures that mainly eat plants , and they have been used in folklore and mythology for thousands of years .
Tigers have always been praised for their strength and unique markings . They feature prominently in ancient folklore , mythology , literature and modern films .
With respect to influences across the Han-Nuosu cultural interface , they have contributed as much as they have received in music , folk art , and myth .
On a recent afternoon , actors had spent two hours applying layers of makeup backstage , transforming into gods and goddesses , heroes and villains from Chinese folklore and mythology .
As the best representative of the contemporary black writers , Toni Morrison applies black language , black folklores and myths into her stories , which spreads black culture to the world .
For thousands of years , the folk down here folklore , folk beliefs and myths and legends of the mysterious formation of a rich culture , the land known in the Central Plains .
It combines the objective realism and the magic to transcend the realism limit , absorbs the materials from the fables , folklores and myths and relates to the social reality at the same time .
The author questioned basing the origin of Chinese ancient sports on folklores and mythologies , and believed this kind of researches lack rational analysis because the materials they used may only be regarded as folklores .
Apart from the myths , legends and stories in folk literature , there are also quantities of holidays , ceremonies and etiquette that concerns dragons .
There are documented facts of history , folk stories , folk legends , myths , fairy tales , and even poetry , idioms , proverbs , etc. , which are created for the animation to provide a reference and source of inspiration .
His main research aspects include folk ballads , myth and folklore .
The trend to go back to the marginal folk culture makes him love the custom and mythology very much , and he is fascinated by the plain and vital folk culture .