
  • 网络Hui Ka Yan
  1. 在该足球俱乐部曝出操纵比赛丑闻而被降级之后,恒大地产集团有限公司(EvergrandeRealEstateGroupLtd.)的掌门人许家印于2010年买下了它。

    Real estate billionaire Xu Jiayin , owner of Evergrande Real Estate Group , bought the club in 2010 , after it was relegated following a match-fixing scandal .

  2. 去年夏天,许家印将该足球俱乐部50%的股份出售给电商巨头阿里巴巴集团。

    Last summer , Mr. Hui sold a 50 percent stake in the soccer club to the e-commerce giant Alibaba Group .

  3. 许家印于1996年创办了恒大集团,他现在已经是公司的主席和控股股东。

    Evergrande was founded in 1996 by Mr. Hui , now its chairman and majority shareholder , who also goes by Xu Jiayin .

  4. 凭借367亿美元的个人财富,地产开发商广州恒大集团主席许家印登顶中国首富。

    With personal wealth of $ 36.7 billion , Hui Ka Yan , chairman of real estate developer Guangzhou Evergrande Group , has become the richest man in China .

  5. 2010年初,福布斯中国富人榜名列13的恒大地产集团老板许家印出手买下这支球队。

    In early 2010 , the team was bought by Xu Jiayin , the boss of property developer Evergrande Real Estate Group and China 's 13th richest man , according to Forbes .

  6. 阿里巴巴创始人马云表示,这笔将近2亿美元的交易决策是许家印把他灌醉后匆匆做出的。

    Alibaba 's founder , Jack Ma , said at the time that he agreed to the nearly $ 200 million deal in a snap decision , after Mr. Hui got him drunk .

  7. 根据国有媒体出版的有关传记,许家印出生在人口密集的河南省,年幼时因母亲去世几乎辍学,他靠定额配给的馒头才活了下来。

    Born in the overpopulated province of Henan , Mr Xu almost dropped out of school when his mother died at a young age and survived on rations of steamed bread , according to biographies published in state media .

  8. 一批主要由国有银行组成的银行采取措施,对建筑商恒大地产集团给予支持,这是中国庞大的房产行业经历动荡的最新迹象。控制该集团的是有着复杂人生经历的亿万富翁许家印。

    The move by a group of mainly state-run banks to bolster the builder , Evergrande Real Estate Group , which is controlled by the colorful billionaire Hui Ka Yan , is the latest sign of tumult in China 's sprawling housing sector .