
xú kě hé tónɡ
  • license contract;licensing contract;contract of license
  1. (十)专利实施许可合同的备案;

    ( 10 ) any patent license contract for exploitation submitted for the record ;

  2. 这也包括可能由卖方提供的、不在本许可合同范围内的操作软件或应用软件。

    This includes operating or application software that may be available from Seller that is not covered by this License Contract .

  3. 买方与卖方之间的关系只凭一个技术许可合同维系。

    The only link between buyer and seller is a licence agreement .

  4. 专利许可合同民事责任的立法研究

    Research on the Legislation of Patent License Contract Civil Liability

  5. 涉外版权许可合同法律问题研究

    Research of Legal Questions Related to Copyright License Contract with Foreign Elements

  6. 数字化商品的拆封许可合同浅析

    A Simple Analysis of the Permission Contract of Tearing Package of Numeralization Commodity

  7. 许可合同的有效期限一次不得超过十年。

    The period of effectiveness an authorizing contract may not exceed 10 years .

  8. 由于跨国公司的参与,交叉许可合同带来的垄断问题引起了人们的关注。

    But cross license contracts also involve monopoly issues and some born defects .

  9. 本合同优先于简易格式许可合同适用。

    This Agreement shall prevail in all respects over the Short Form License Agreements .

  10. 可编微程序积木系统许可合同规定的面积

    Microprogrammable building block system concession acreage

  11. 专有技术许可合同附件模板

    Model Contract for know-how Licensing Appendices

  12. 但是,我们将根据上诉法院的判决对我们现行的许可合同进行审查。

    However , we will be making a review of our licensing provisions in light of today 's decision .

  13. 但是,我们将根据上诉法院的判决对我们现行的许可合同进行审查。.

    However , we will be making a review of our licensing provisions i n light of today 's decision .

  14. 商标注册人可以通过签订商标使用许可合同,许可他人使用其注册商标。

    Any trademark registrant may , by signing a trademark license contract , authorize other persons to use his registered trademark .

  15. 电子格式合同作为电子合同中最广泛采用的一种合同形式,常见的形式包括网站点击合同、网上软件拆封许可合同、系统使用合同和大众市场许可合同。

    It includes many different types such as click-wrap contract , shrink-wrap license contract , access contract and mass-market license contract .

  16. 在日常生活中,人们对数字化商品的使用主要以“拆封许可合同”的形式出现。

    In everyday life , people 's using numeralization commodity arises in the form of " permission contract of tearing package " .

  17. 普通实施许可合同的被许可人经品种权人明确授权,可以提起诉讼。

    And the licensee of a common licensing contract may lodge a lawsuit upon explicit authorization of the owner of the variety .

  18. 在许可合同明显与许可国有更密切的联系时,许可国法律为合同最密切联系的法律。

    When the license contract is clearly linked to the country of licensor , the law of the country of licensor is .

  19. 公司目前采取合资企业、技术许可合同、共同开发等多样化的技术引进模式。

    The company takes various methods , such as joint venture , contracts for licensing of technology and joint developing to introduce technology .

  20. 本软件许可合同附录一列明了软件本身以及可以在上面执行软件的处理机或配置设备。

    Attachment 1 to this Software License identifies the Software and the processor or equipment configuration on which the Software may be executed .

  21. 但是,随着跨国企业的逐渐增加,交叉许可合同带来的垄断问题日益受到人们的关注。

    However , following the stepping up number of international corporations , monopolization problem , caused be cross license , attracts more and more individuals'attention .

  22. 其三,构建破产法上的专利实施许可合同转让制度。

    Third , construct patent licensing contract transfer system in the Bankruptcy Law . ( 3 ) Restrictions are put on the transfer and license implementation of the pledged patent .

  23. 他还表示,《商标法》规定,商标注册人可以通过订立商标许可合同授权他人使用其注册商标。

    He also stated that the Trademark Law provided that the trademark registrant may , by concluding a trademark licensing contract , authorize another person to use its registered trademark .

  24. 商标使用许可合同未在商标局备案的,不得对抗善意第三人。

    Where the trademark license contract fails to filed with the Trademark Office for the record , the said contract shall not be used against any bona fide third party .

  25. 根据它们的观点,国家版权立法需要规定强制许可合同方案,所有信息和版权许可应服从国家对版权的限制和例外。

    In their opinion , national copyright legislation needed to provide for compulsory licensing schemes and for all information and copying licenses to be subject to national limitations and exceptions to copyright .

  26. 就赔偿数额的确定上,首先要考虑权利人的利润损失,包括销量下降、成本增加造成的直接损失和许可合同无法履行的预期利润损失。

    The loss of profits of the copyright holder should be firstly satisfied . Losses of profits include the direct loss for sale declines and increased costs and expected loss of profits for that licensing contract can not be performed .

  27. 本文分别从法律制度层面和司法实践方面论证完善专利实施许可合同的违约责任,还分析了专利实施许可合同应完备的必要条款。

    From the aspects of the legal system , judicial practice and policy measures , this paper demonstrates improvement patent licensing liability for the breach of contract , but also analyzes the patent implementation permission contract should complete essential provision .

  28. 在转让技术使用权的许可合同中,原则上技术保护国法是与合同有最密切联系的法律。但在保护国有多个时,技术主要利用地为保护国;

    As to the license contract the law of the protecting country is in principle the law of proximate connection , but where there are several countries , the place of technology utilization is considered to be the protecting country .

  29. 软件经营单位应与生产单位签订书面许可合同,软件经营单位在销售软件产品时,应告知用户阅读许可证文档,并要求用户在阅读后做出是否认可的表示。

    A written licensing contract shall be signed between the managing and producing institutions . Managing institutions shall notify users to consult licensing files before the sale of software products , and require them to indicate whether to give their approval .

  30. 通过比较分析,合资企业+技术许可合同是公司迄今为止用得比较多的一种方式,实践证明该种模式也是引进技术最成功的方式。

    By comparative analysis , the model , joint venture with contracts for licensing of technology , has been more widely used by the company . It is proved that the modle is also the most successive one for technology introduction .