
lónɡ xiōnɡ
  • breast augmentation;enhance the breasts through surgery
  1. 一位丈夫送给他50岁的太太的生日礼物,是陪她到一家著名整形医院去做隆胸手术。

    A husband gives his wife the50th birthday gift of accompanying her to a famous plastic surgery hospital to have a breast augmentation surgery .

  2. 对于大多数女人来说,这是不可能的任务,于是她们跑去隆胸,或是患了暴食症、厌食症以及其他自psp电影下载我厌恶的精神性疾病。

    For most women , this is impossible task , then they ran breast augmentation , or had gluttony , anorexia and other self of mental illness .

  3. 女人可以选择进行隆胸。

    A woman can choose to have breast implants .

  4. 例如:32岁的Buttram在生育后无法通过锻炼恢复体形,她选择进行了隆胸术和腹部拉皮手术,整形外科医生称之为“妈咪整容术”。

    Unable to regain5 her old shape through exercise , Buttram , 32 , opted6 for breast augmentation and a tummy tuck , popular procedures in what plastic surgeons have dubbed7 “ the mommy makeover . ”

  5. 目的:观察监测麻醉(MAC)用于门诊隆胸术是否优于传统的区域阻滞麻醉。

    Objective : To investigate whether monitored anesthetical care ( MAC ) is better than traditional regional anesthesia in mammary augmentation surgery .

  6. 诊所整容科主任V·拉马德维医生说,一些患者做缩胸手术,是为了缓解肩膀和背部疼痛,还有一些人是为了提升自信心而想隆胸或缩胸。

    The head of plastic surgery at the clinic , Dr V Ramadevi , said some of her patients sought breast reduction to alleviate shoulder and back pain , while others sought to augment or shrink their breasts for a boost in confidence .

  7. 目前市面上的整形手术目的都是使患者的外表美观,其实并不专业;而且在最近的PIP劣质隆胸硅胶丑闻后,顶级的整形外科医师都开始着手推进建立更为严格的规范。

    Currently surgery which aims at improving the aesthetic appearance of patients is not considered a specialty , but after the recent PIP fiasco , leading surgeons are pushing for tighter regulations .

  8. Sanba进行了除皱,削下巴,垫鼻,隆胸等手术。

    Sanba has had her wrinkles smoothed , chin shaped , nose raised , breasts firmed , stomach flattened and more .

  9. 美国社交新闻网BuzzFeed报道称,上述手术瓦尼拉均做过,除此之外,她的一长串手术单还包括抽脂手术、睫毛植入、酒窝成型以及隆胸。

    Vanilla has unquestionably had those treatments , but her long list of procedures also includes liposuction , eyelash implants , dimple creation , and breast implants , reports BuzzFeed .

  10. 本文报告在迈瑞PC2000型监护仪监测下,使用美国道奇静脉推注泵在163例假体隆胸手术中施行靶控静脉复合麻醉的应用。

    This paper had reported the application of venous complex anesthesia with target control during 163 cases of humping breast under PC 2000 monitor injected with pump .

  11. 小切口负压抽吸清除注射隆胸聚丙烯酰胺水凝胶31例

    Dislodging polyacrylamide hydrogel after injecting augmentation mammaplasty by micro-incision vacuum absorption

  12. 我做完隆胸手术之后她载了我一程

    She didgive me a ridewhen I got my boobs done .

  13. 靶控静脉复合麻醉在隆胸手术中的应用

    Application of Venous Complex Anesthesia with Target Control During Humping Breast

  14. 不过最终,隆胸,减肥,肉毒杆菌毒素治疗.。。

    Ultimately , breast augmentation , fat reduction , Botox treatments ...

  15. 受害者曾在两年前做过隆胸手术。

    The victim got a boob job two years ago .

  16. 她刚作了隆胸手术。

    She 's just had an operation to make her breasts fuller .

  17. 美国女性平均隆胸年龄为34岁。

    The average age at which a woman gets implants is thirty-four .

  18. 当然,我攒这些钱是准备用来隆胸用的。

    Of course I was saving it up for a boob job .

  19. 1962年在美国华盛顿德克萨斯州,第一例硅酮隆胸物被植入。

    The first silicone breasts were implanted Houston , Texas in 1962 .

  20. 在当今世界,隆胸在最流行的整容手术中名列第二。

    Now breast augmentation is the second-most popular elective cosmetic surgery performed worldwide .

  21. 好,这个隆胸找不到什么结果。

    Well , the breast implant lead went nowhere .

  22. 经腋窝行隆胸术38例报告

    Augmentation Mammaplasty with Prothesis Implantation Via Axillary Incision & Report of 38 Cases

  23. 有黑市卖隆胸硅胶的吗?

    There 's a black market in breast implants ?

  24. 那女明星说她没有去隆胸。

    A : The actress said that she didn 't have her breasts enlarged .

  25. 她接受了硅胶植入手术来隆胸。

    She 's had silicone breast implants to increase the size of her bust .

  26. 你知道做隆胸手术得等多长时间吗?

    Do you know how long you have to wait sometimes for breast surgery ?

  27. 英国大使馆---帮我解决一下隆胸的烦恼吧!

    British embassy -- sort out my boobs !

  28. 图示隆胸术所用硅酮。

    Here is a silicone breast implant .

  29. 就像我们从隆胸手术所知道的那样,硅树脂非常柔韧,而且不会引起人体排斥。

    Which , as we know from breast implants , is both flexible and biocompatible .

  30. 认为美丽是肤浅的看法被自豪的硅胶移植者(隆胸??)所嘲笑。

    Proud owners of silicon implants scoff at the notion that beauty is only skin-deep .