
xùn zhènɡ shí qī
  • period of political tutelage;Period of Tutelag
  1. 他已宣布“缩短训政时期”,就不应该拒绝人们改组政府和改组统帅部的要求。

    Since he has proclaimed that " the period of political tutelage will be shortened ", he should not reject the demand for reorganizing the government and the Supreme command .

  2. 《中华民国训政时期约法》制定过程浅析

    " Republic of China Government during Training about the Law " on Making Process

  3. 历经1933年训政时期国民参政会组织法的制定,1938年终于促成了抗战时期国民参政会的成立。

    Through the making of organizational law of National Political Counsel for Tutelage Period in 1933 , National Political Council established in 1938 at last .

  4. 训政时期南京国民政府监察权力运作低效之原因探析效率低下的反毒运动;过时的、低效的设计和方法。

    The Tentative Analyses of the causes about the low efficiency of Nanking Government s Supervisory Power Under the System of Tutelage ; an inefficient campaign against drugs ; outdated and inefficient design and methods .