
xùn liàn shǒu cè
  • training manual
  1. 联合国维持和平训练手册;

    United Nations Peacekeeping Training manual ; un Peacekeeping Training manual ;

  2. 柬埔寨刑事司法行为参考和训练手册

    Reference and Training Manual for the Conduct of Criminal Justice in Cambodia

  3. SOLAS训练手册不够人手一本。

    SOLAS training manuals not enough for every crew .

  4. 我们有48个小时来准备用中文发表一本训练手册。

    We had forty eight hours to deliver a training manual in Chinese .

  5. 童工和保健训练手册

    Training Manual on Child Labour and Health

  6. 在训练手册上,书,或电子邮件上阅读问题是简单的。

    It 's easy to read questions in a training manual , book , or .

  7. 惩戒人员基本训练手册

    Basic Training Manual for Correctional Workers

  8. 审查联合国禁毒执法训练手册的专家咨询会议

    Advisory Meeting of Experts on the Review of the United Nations Drug Law Enforcement Training Manual

  9. 没问题。我只要试着照训练手册那样做就可以了。

    Grimm I 'm all right . I 'll just try to follow the training manual .

  10. 这是在印刷的训练手册,可只有他个人的学生;

    This is in print in the training manuals that were available only to his personal students ;

  11. 你知道我还没机会好好看看这本训练手册。

    Hey you know I haven 't had a chance to look through this new training manual so .

  12. 二级急救医疗助理治理程序及训练手册许多急救医疗措施非常简单,且容易操作。

    Emergency Medical Assistant II Protocols and Procedural Training Manual Many emergency medical methods are simple and easy to carry out .

  13. 他最大的贡献在于撰写了一本训练手册,其中的一些方法沿用至今。

    His biggest contribution , he writes a manual on military training , with methods that are still in use today .

  14. 说到读写能力,27%的美军士兵不能读懂用七年级水平写的训练手册。

    Speaking of literacy , 27 % of US Army enlistees can 't read training manuals written at the seventh grade level .

  15. “明日之星”大家庭的每个成员都在四月份收到了一封激励信与一部最新版的梅赛德斯-奔驰“明日之星”青少年训练手册。

    In April each member of the " SFS " family received an inspirational letter and copy of the updated Mercedes-Benz " Swing for the Stars " Junior Training Manual .

  16. 《数字应用能力训练手册》可帮助学习者学习提高获取数据、数字运算、结果展示和应用等的数字应用能力!

    " Digital Application Ability Training Manual " can help learners to learn to improve access to data , digital operations , the results show the number of applications and application capabilities !

  17. 联合国空间应用方案提供的研究金和训练机会手册

    Fellowship and Training Opportunities Offered Within the Framework of the United Nations Space Applications Programme

  18. 这个判断来自根据规则手册上的要求进行的训练,手册上说你的马应当摆脱抗拒导致的行动不便。

    Judges are trained to judge according to the rule book , and the rule book says your horse should be free from the paralyzing effect of resistance .

  19. 因此,本文不仅是一篇探讨如何提高大学生心理素质的论文,更可以看作是大学生进行自我心理素质训练的指导手册。

    As a result , this article is not only an article probing into how to improve the college students psychological quality but also a manual book for them to train their psychological quality their own .

  20. 我常要阅读英文训练资料或技术手册。

    Sometimes I have to read English training information or technical manuals .

  21. 更明确地说,我们地区总会资助各类教育训练,包括每年两次干部训练、裁判训练、手册训练等等;

    To be more specific , our district sponsors different trainings to members , including officer training twice a year , judges training , manual training etc ;