
  • 网络get to know
  1. 你是在哪认识了那个人?

    Where did you get to know that person ?

  2. 一旦认识了周围的人以后。

    Once you get to know them .

  3. 他在聚会上介绍我认识了一位希腊姑娘。

    He introduced me to a Greek girl at the party .

  4. 她在戏剧学校上学时认识了他。

    She met him when she was at drama school .

  5. 他通过父亲认识了很多正派的人。

    Through his father , he had met all the right people .

  6. 我们一个共同的朋友介绍我们认识了。

    We were introduced by a mutual friend .

  7. 还在三年前他们就认识了。

    They got to know each other three years ago .

  8. 昨天它去伦敦并在那儿偶然认识了彼得。

    Yesterday he went to London and there fell into company with peter .

  9. 我认识了几个非常合得来的人。

    I made some most agreeable acquaintances .

  10. 我曾经写过一篇关于童话故事对罗尔德·达尔写作的影响的论文,这篇论文让我重新认识了他奇异而令人愉快的语言。

    I once wrote a paper on the influence of fairy tales on Roald Dahl 's writing and it gave me a new appreciation for his strange and delightful words .

  11. 我在上中学的第二天就认识了大卫。

    I got to know David on the second day of middle school .

  12. 高中时,他认识了比尔·费尔南德斯和史蒂夫·沃兹尼亚克。

    In high school , he met Bill Fernandez and Steve Wozniak ( or ‘ Woz ' ) .

  13. 我还认识了一些新朋友,有时我们会一起旅行,探索不同的城镇和海滨地区。

    I also met new people and sometimes we would travel together exploring different towns and beachside places .

  14. (七年前,我认识了我一生最爱的人。)

    Seven years ago , I met the love of my life .

  15. 例句蒂姆和我是老相识,我们在小学的时候就认识了。

    Tim and I go way back – we met at primary2 school .

  16. 例句好了,现在大家都互相认识了,我们就进入正题吧。

    Right , now that everyone has met , let 's get down to business .

  17. 在这里,教皇不仅与许多老朋友重逢了,而且还认识了不少新朋友。

    The Pope meets many old friends and makes several new ones over the next few days .

  18. 首先,通过对BPR的理论回顾,明确了BPR定义和框架,阐述了企业实施BPR的意义和必要性,了解和认识了实施BPR的一般方法和步骤。

    First , via the academic review of BPR , defined the concept and frame of BPR , showed the significance and necessity of implementing BPR , then introduced general method and process of implementing BPR .

  19. 认识了你,让我知道相互珍惜如此重要。

    Understand you , let me know mutual cherish so important .

  20. 你们认识了三个校长,而我只认识了你们这一届大四的。

    You have known three presidents ; I one senior class .

  21. 在军事上,认识了游击战的特殊意义;

    Understanding the special meaning of guerrilla war on the military ;

  22. 他在舞会上认识了一个护士。

    He got off with a nurse at the dance .

  23. 要是很久以前就认识了里昂,那该多好。

    That would be fine if I met Lyons earlier .

  24. 通过这次的比赛,我认识了许多朋友。

    Pass this game , I knew many friends .

  25. 你已经被介绍给塞缪尔认识了吗?

    Have you been introduced to samuel , yet ?

  26. 西方在各个方面重新认识了中国,态度开始发生转变。

    In all aspects of the west China afresh , attitude begun to change .

  27. 她最后认识了凯文。

    She ends up meeting Kevin .

  28. 从第一刻起,我就认识了许许多多的新朋友,我与许许多多女孩坠入爱河。

    From the first moments I made many friends and fell in love with many girls .

  29. 在短暂的残运会服务期间,我享受了这难得的机会,认识了一些可爱的朋友。

    In the short time service I enjoyed the rare days , met some cute friends .

  30. 而且我认识了我可以做你不能做的事情,和我的脸同类。

    And I knew I could do stuff you can 't , like with my face .