
  1. 达美航空首席执行长安德森(RichardAnderson)周三在业绩电话会议中说,达美周二决定让原定飞往特拉维夫的航班改飞巴黎,这是在FAA最初的禁令之前做出的决定,与FAA禁令无关。

    Richard Anderson , Delta 's chief executive , said on Wednesday during an earnings call that his company 's decision to divert a Tel Aviv-bound flight to Paris on Tuesday was made prior to , and independent of , the FAA 's initial ban .

  2. 在最初版本出来之前,我给故事写了大纲。

    I made the mainframe of the story until the preliminary version .

  3. 最初(>9000年之前),克氏锥虫仅影响野生动物。

    Originally ( > 9000 years ago ), T.cruzi only affected wild animals .

  4. 英国人最初认为他们是之前被打败的穿灰色衣服的义勇军。

    The British initially thought that they were up against gray-clad militia troops , which they had earlier defeated .