
rèn zhēn
  • conscientious;earnest;serious;take to heart;take seriously
认真 [rèn zhēn]
  • [take to heart] 认为是真的;当作真的

  • 这事我可就认真了

  • [conscientious] 不马虎,以严肃的态度或心情对待

  • 认真的态度

认真[rèn zhēn]
  1. 我们普遍对工作都非常认真。

    We are generally very conscientious about our work

  2. 他很认真,也很懂行。

    He is a conscientious man and knows his job .

  3. 他说话时神情少有地认真。

    He spoke with a seriousness that was unusual in him .

  4. 到了认真考虑这一问题的时候了。

    It 's time to give serious consideration to this matter .

  5. 他使得投票者相信了他是严肃认真的。

    He managed to convince voters that he was for real .

  6. 我们将认真研究这份报告,然后再作决定。

    We will study the report carefully before making a decision .

  7. 陪审团认真讨论了五天才裁定他有罪。

    The jury deliberated for five days before finding him guilty .

  8. 他认真地注视着她的脸,捕捉每一丝细微的表情变化。

    He watched her face intently to catch every nuance of expression .

  9. 他认真考虑第二天的安排。

    He gave his mind to the arrangements for the next day .

  10. 健康与安全的问题应该认真予以考虑。

    Careful consideration should be given to issues of health and safety .

  11. 我认真权衡了这个计划的优点和有关的风险。

    I weighed the benefits of the plan against the risks involved .

  12. 政府因没有认真对待这个问题而受到指责。

    The government has been criticized for not taking the problem seriously .

  13. 谁都不认真对待这个问题,我非常担心。

    It alarms me that nobody takes this problem seriously .

  14. 近来他工作很不认真。

    He 's been very slack in his work lately .

  15. 他对彭尼的确是认真的,他想跟她订婚。

    He 's really serious about Penny and wants to get engaged .

  16. 在作出决定以前,我需要时间认真考虑考虑。

    Before I decide , I need time to reflect .

  17. 总算有一次受到认真对待,这变化真是令人耳目一新。

    It made a refreshing change to be taken seriously for once .

  18. 她的观点经不起认真推敲。

    Her argument doesn 't really stand up to scrutiny .

  19. 他被取消了需要认真对待的权利。

    He has forfeited his right to be taken seriously .

  20. 他看见她玩这个游戏十分认真的样子,觉得好笑。

    He was amused to see how seriously she took the game .

  21. 那不是认真的,全是闹着玩的。

    It wasn 't serious ─ it was all done in fun .

  22. 这工作做得不太认真。

    The work had not been done very thoroughly .

  23. 我们理应认真研究这些发现。

    It behoves us to study these findings carefully .

  24. 这报告没有经过认真调查,相当不实。

    The report was badly researched and quite inaccurate .

  25. 在作出决定之前我需要一些时间来认真琢磨一下。

    I need some time to mull it over before making a decision .

  26. 这个认真的年轻医生回答了我们所有的问题。

    The earnest young doctor answered all our questions .

  27. 他一辈子从未努力认真干过一天活儿。

    He hasn 't done an honest day 's work in his life .

  28. 如果雇员的意见得到认真对待,他们一般都会更加配合。

    Employees will generally be more cooperative if their views are taken seriously .

  29. 她是一个需要认真对待的有影响力的人物。

    She 's a force to be reckoned with .

  30. 我开始认真筛选大量的证据。

    I began sifting through the mass of evidence .