
  • 网络certification forms
  1. 在线考试系统是无纸化考试系统,它有其公正性、安全性、准确性、灵活性、随机性、及时性、方便性等特点,已成为目前国际上普遍采用的一种认证形式。

    Online examination system is paperless examination system , which has its fairness , security , accuracy , flexibility , randomness , timeliness , convenience and other features .

  2. 其认证形式为直接认证的方式,该方式为目前被广泛应用的一种认证形式,它适用于客户端与网页这两种形式的认证。

    It is a direct-mode authentication which is widely used as the form of an authentication currently . It is suitable for two kinds of authentications include the client-mode and the web-mode .

  3. InstantiationSpace逻辑在公钥认证协议形式化分析中的应用

    The Application of Instantiation Space Logic in Formal Analysis of Public Key Authentication Protocols

  4. 讨论了BAN逻辑用于认证协议形式化分析的作用、局限性以及改进的方向。

    At the end it discusses the actions of BAN logical analysis in authentication protocols , besides the limitations and the direction for further improvement .

  5. 介绍了最早的认证协议形式化分析方法&BAN逻辑及扩展的BAN逻辑,统称为BAN类逻辑。

    This paper introduces the earliest formal methods for the analysis of authentication protocols-BAN logic and the extended BAN logic , go by the general name of BAN like logic .

  6. 认证协议形式分析的讨论

    The discussion of formal analysis for authentication protocols

  7. 在认证协议形式化证明可靠性论证方面,给出形式化攻击者能力描述的可靠性证明。

    The third aspect is about justification of symbol formal proof methods on authentication protocols . A soundness proof was given out for formal attacker ability description .

  8. 串空间模型和CSP方法是当前最著名的分析认证协议的形式化方法。

    Strand space model and CSP method are two popular approaches to formal analysis for authentication protocols .

  9. 本文采用BAN逻辑对SIP网络中采用的HTTPDigest认证协议进行形式化,并对其认证过程进行逻辑推导。

    This paper formalizes the HTTP Digest authentication protocol in SIP networks with BAN logic , and ratiocinates on the process of authentication .

  10. LMDS系统安全认证协议的形式分析与改进

    Formal Analysis and Improvement of Security Authentication Protocol in LMDS Systems

  11. EAP-AKA无线认证协议的形式化验证方法

    Formal Verification of the EAP-AKA Wireless Authentication Protocols

  12. 认证协议的形式逻辑分析方法&BAN类逻辑综述

    Formal Logical Methods for Analysis of Authentication Protocols - BAN-like Logics

  13. 一种用户身份认证系统的形式化描述

    Formal description of an authentication system of user 's status

  14. 一个基于活体指纹的用户身份认证协议及其形式化分析

    Live-fingerprint based user identity authentication protocol and its formal analysis

  15. 公钥密码体制下认证协议的形式化分析方法研究

    Research to Formal Analysis Methods for Public-Key Authentication Protocols

  16. 改进身份认证协议的形式化描述与验证

    Formal description and verification of improved authentication protocol

  17. 认证协议的形式分析&BAN逻辑

    Formal Analysis of Authentication Protocol-BAN Logic

  18. 一种认证方案的形式分析

    Formal Analysis of an Authentication Solution

  19. 研究了安全协议,特别是实体认证协议的形式化分析技术;

    After analyzing security protocols , especially formal methods for authentication protocols , a new authentication protocol is proposed and a formal analysis is given .

  20. 利用该逻辑对两种改进的公钥认证协议进行形式化分析,说明带密钥的单向函数所提供的两种安全服务能够保证公钥认证协议的安全。

    Two improved public-key authentication protocols were analysed by the extended logic . It shows that one-way function offers the necessary secure services for public-key authentication protocols .

  21. 模型检验作为一种有效的分析和验证手段,在对有线认证协议的形式化分析上已得到了成功的应用,但关于无线认证协议的相关工作目前还比较少。

    As an effective formal analysis and verification method , model checking has been successfully applied to wired authentication protocols . However , there exists much work to do in wireless authentication protocols .

  22. TLS协议认证测试模型与形式化分析

    Formalized analysis for authentication test model of TLS

  23. 认证协议两种形式化分析方法的比较

    A Comparison Between Two Formal Analysis Methods on Authentication Protocols

  24. 在实际中,认证有两种形式。

    In practical terms , authentication comes in two forms .

  25. 安全协议特别是认证协议的非形式化分析在复杂的现代通信中变得尤其重要。

    Informal methods for the analysis of cryptographic protocols especially authentication protocols are becoming more important in complicated modern communications .

  26. 对认证协议的攻击形式有很多,但已构成的攻击事例中,百分之九十以上是重放攻击和类型缺陷攻击。

    There are many kinds of ways of attacks on authentication protocol , but replay attacks and type flaw attacks account for more than 90 percent of them .

  27. 逻辑化方法是当前分析密码协议安全性的重要方法.本文通过运用一种新的认证逻辑系统,给出NSL认证协议的形式化分析证明,并提出协议改进方案。

    Based on a new authentication logic system , the paper analyzes the securities of Needham-Schroeder-Lowe protocol , and the improvement of protocol is propose .

  28. 系统的测试结果表明:该认证系统在客户端和web这两种认证形式中都可实现正常认证;在大用户(100人)认证中,可实现正常认证,且性能表现良好。

    The result of test shows that the Portal authentication system can achieve normal authentication in these two forms of authentication on client and web especially in authentication of large users ( 100 ), it can also achieve normal authentication and has a good performance .

  29. 介绍了挪威森林认证的发展尤其是认证标准的形成过程、认证的形式及各级组织所面临的挑战。

    This paper introduces the development of forest certification in Norway , especially the formation of certification standards , certification modes , and challenges faced by different organizations .

  30. 本文介绍了电子认证、电子签名的概念和法律特征,研究了电子认证的认证机构及其法律形式、设立条件、法律义务以及法律责任等问题。

    This article introduces the concept and juristic characteristics of the electronic authentication ( Certificate Authority ) and electronic signature , and discusses such topics as legal form , establishment and legal obligation of the electronic authentic office .