
  1. XX移动是山西省具有全业务经营资质的基础电信运营商。

    XX mobile company in Shanxi Province is the only basic telecom operators with a full-service business qualification .

  2. 我公司具有乙级危化品经营资质。

    My company has the danger of Class B qualification for business .

  3. 客运企业经营资质等级评定浅析

    A brief analysis on evaluating the grade of operational qualification of passenger transportation enterprises

  4. 城市燃气供应宜选择有经营资质和管理经验的燃气经营企业。

    City gas supplying must select the business which have experience in managing and administer .

  5. 公司公章、经营资质证书的保管和维护,并确保它们被正确使用,如经营资质证书企业联合年检;

    Keeping and maintaining company chops and certificates , and ensure them used rightly , such as certificates annual union audit .

  6. 随着电信重组后各运营商均获得全业务经营资质,通信企业之间竞争日益激烈,而客户对通信企业提供的服务要求也越来越高。

    After the restructuring in telecommunications industry , telecommunications operators have obtained full-service business qualification . Competition between communication enterprises is becoming increasingly fierce ; therefore the services provided by the communication enterprises are increasingly highly expected by customers .

  7. 以企业经营资质等级评定促进运力及经营结构的调整,全面提升内蒙古自治区公路运输企业整体素质,以便更好地适应市场经济竞争的需要。

    Promote adjustment of both transportation capability and operational structure , and the overall qualities of road transportation enterprises in Inner Mongolia so as to meet better the competitive need of market economy based on the grading of operational qualification of enterprises .