- 网络authorized institution;Accreditation Body;Recognized Organization;CNAS

Authorized institution incorporated outside Hong Kong
Provided that nothing in a report published under this paragraph shall enable any particular customer of an authorized institution to be identified or reveal details of the affairs of any such customer without the consent of that customer ;
ISO9000 Quality System Certification Bodies are authority institutions who have achieved the accreditation of the national accreditation agency and shall do very strict audit to enterprises .
This is the latest in a series of enhancements to IELTS , based on continual consultation with test takers , teachers , recognising organisations and other stakeholders around the world .
This is to'force'the AI to build more balanced armies .
Included in the approved accreditation institutions , improve the visibility of .
In case of doubt , the AI should seek legal advice accordingly .
Get signed a mutual recognition agreement Party national and regional accreditation body recognized ;
By June , all AIs had confirmed that they were Year 2000 compliant .
I hope this will put both authorized institutions and debt collection agencies on the alert .
Join the virtual war and enjoy the game against a very good AI or your friend .
Such terms and conditions should be fair and balanced to both the institutions and the customers .
The HKMA paid close attention to authorized institutions ? Exposure to the stock market throughout the year .
Institutions should issue a clear statement of policies in relation to money laundering , adopting current regulatory requirements .
The foreign investors shall have obtained the accreditation of the accreditation organizations in their own countries or districts ;
They must be encouraged to co-operate fully with the law enforcement agencies and promptly to report suspicious transactions .
However , to guard against money laundering , it is important to establish an audit trail for suspicious funds .
The Hong Kong Monetary Authority ( HKMA ) is the licensing authority for all three types of authorised institutions .
The new sustainable investor category is a recognition of the growth of interest in sustainability issues among institutional investors .
The property market is no longer overheated and authorized institutions are now being much more restrained in their property lending .
Issuance activities of private sector debt paper remained active , contributed to largely by increased activities of local corporates and authorised institutions .
AIS must let their customers know the true cost of credit and ensure that all advertising and promotional materials do not contain misleading information .
Property-related lending close attention will continue to be paid to institutions ? Property-related lending , particularly in view of recent developments in the region .
Where an AI has included an exemption of liability clause in its terms and conditions , it should draw the clause to the customers attention .
The institution which obtains the evidence is satisfied , in accordance with the procedures established by the institution , that it does establish that fact .
The HKMA expects all locally incorporated authorised institutions to review their current practices and make every effort to adopt the minimum standards stipulated in the guideline .
In formulating such guidance , the HKMA has to strike a reasonable balance between protecting consumer rights and upholding banks legitimate interests in managing their business risk .
The self-assessment requires the internal auditors of AIS or other equivalent units to independently review the AIS compliance with the requirements under individual sections of the code .
So the AI will recognize that you are trying to overplay a certain area of the floor and go to a different offensive option during a set play .
For the sake of adapting the requirement of military equipment development in nowadays , the lab certificate institution will take a further step of military lab certificate system .