
  • 网络video art
  1. 从实时渲染视像demo&intro看数字视频艺术

    Look at Digital Video Art from Real Time Video demo & intro

  2. 基于GPU的实时视频艺术风格化系统

    A Real-Time Video Stylization System Based on GPU

  3. 当然网络视频艺术不尽为执行“快乐主义”的。

    The hedonism is not all of the network video arts .

  4. 表现“理想的我”的美的作品构成了网络视频艺术价值的另一个维度。

    Some arts which express the Idealistic Me constitute some part of the Network Video Arts .

  5. 现实社会的诸多控制(如与网络视频艺术相关的法律、道德、媒体以及艺术家族的制约),也部分限制了本我的释放。

    The release of id is partially limited by many present social control , including law , moral , media and industrial regulations .

  6. 网络视频艺术的民间特色,以及与生俱来的“自由”性,可能会导致一个误认:网络视频艺术就应该是感性的宣泄。

    Folk and free nature of the Network Video Arts might lead to a misunderstanding : The Network Video Arts is a kind of perceptual release .

  7. 但聊起艺术的时候她显得特别开心,就算谈起她并不收藏的作品类型时也是如此——比如视频艺术。

    But she seemed especially happy to talk about art , even when the conversation turned to works - say , video - that she does not collect .

  8. 加里·希尔的视频装置艺术

    Gray Hill Device Art of Video Frequency

  9. 多米尼克和西尔万·莱维(DominiqueandSylvainLevy)在法国创立了DSL收藏公司。该公司收藏的中国近年视频和数字艺术作品正在谢菲尔德的SIA和Site画廊展示。

    As part of the joint show , recent Chinese video and digital art from Dominique and Sylvain Levy 's DSL collection in Paris are on display at Sheffield 's SIA and Site galleries .

  10. 视频技术与艺术的融合

    Integration between Visual Techniques and Arts

  11. 通过绘画、摄影、影像视频和声音艺术等多重媒介,旨在拓宽视野,展现生活并工作在中国的不同艺术家们丰富且多变的艺术视角。

    Featuring a range of media including painting , photography , video , and sound art , Expanding Horizons represents the varied and rich visions of diverse artists , living and working in China .

  12. 我使用的媒体包括高清视频动画、视频游戏、网络艺术、数字图像及混合媒体装置。

    My media includes Hi-Definition video animation , video game , net . art , digital graphics and mixed-media installations .

  13. 三维视频使用户能够自由选择观看的视点与视角,并体验三维视觉感知,可广泛应用于三维电视、娱乐、视频通话、视频监控、艺术展览、教育、医疗和军事等各个领域。

    Three-dimensional video enables viewers to freely choose an arbitrary view-point and viewing direction , and provides three-dimensional visual perception to viewers . It can find wide applications in three-dimensional television , entertainments , video phone , video surveillance , exhibition , education , medical care and military field .