
shì wǎnɡ mó shén jīnɡ jié xì bāo
  • retinal ganglion cell
  1. 转基因视网膜神经节细胞系RGC-5的研究进展

    Research advancement in transformed retinal ganglion cell line RGC-5

  2. 嘌呤能P2X7受体激活可导致大鼠视网膜神经节细胞死亡和胞内钙离子浓度升高。

    The activation of purinergic P2X7 receptor can cause rat retinal ganglion cell death and the increase of intracellular calcium .

  3. LONGEVANS大鼠视网膜神经节细胞培养与鉴定

    Culture and identification of retinal ganglion cells in Long Evans rats

  4. 维生素E对微波辐照后视网膜神经节细胞形态的影响

    Effect of vitamin E on morphological variation of retinal ganglion cells after microwave radiation

  5. 研究了79个X和Y型猫视网膜神经节细胞对长时间的光栅刺激反应。

    We studied the responses of 79 X and Y type ganglion cells in the cat retina to prolonged grating stimuli .

  6. 实验性青光眼视网膜神经节细胞p53基因表达的检测

    Detection of the expression of p53 gene on retinal ganglion cells of rabbit eyes with intraocular hypertension

  7. TGFβ信号通路在小鼠视网膜神经节细胞轴突再生过程中作用的实验研究

    The Study on Promoting Mice Retinal Ganglion Cells Axon Regeneration and the Relationship with TGF β Signaling Pathway

  8. 以TUNEL染色检测视网膜神经节细胞凋亡。

    TUNEL staining was done to detect apoptotic cells in the rat retinas .

  9. 缺血性视神经病变视网膜神经节细胞凋亡过程中c-fos基因改变

    Change of c-fos gene during the apoptosis of retinal ganglion cells of ischemic optic neuropathy

  10. 结论本实验证实了BDNF可维持视网膜神经节细胞的存活。

    Conclusion The results demonstrate that BDNF could maintain the survival of RGCs .

  11. 研究方法:1.基于MATLAB平台,应用FCM模型对视网膜神经节细胞的放电活动进行仿真,并进行分析。

    On base of MATLAB , the electrical activities of retinal ganglion cells was simulated , and analyzed by FCM model .

  12. 体外培养大鼠视网膜神经节细胞缺氧条件下HIF-1α动态表达及意义

    Dynamic changes of hypoxia induction factor-1 α expression in retinal ganglion cells in vitro under hypoxia condition

  13. 目的比较LONGEVANS大鼠和Wistar大鼠睁眼前后视网膜神经节细胞(Retinalganglioncells,RGCs)电生理学特性及形态学特征上的差异。

    Objective To compare the differences of the electrophysiological and morphological properties of retinal ganglion cells ( RGCs ) in Long Evans and Wistar rats .

  14. 视神经损伤后大量视网膜神经节细胞(Retinalganglioncells,RGCs)的坏死或凋亡,是视力丧失的主要原因。

    After the injury of optic nerve , subsequent necrosis or apoptosis of retinal ganglion cells ( RGCs ) is the main reason of visual loss .

  15. 目的:利用分子生物学技术克隆大鼠睫状神经生长因子(CNTF)基因片段,构建腺相关病毒表达载体,为探讨CNTF对大鼠视网膜神经节细胞的影响奠定基础。

    Objective To construct the recombinant adeno-associated virus ( rAAV ) vector of CNTF gene .

  16. 超声微泡介导EGFP基因转染视网膜神经节细胞的体内实验研究

    Experimental Study in Vivo on Transferring EGFP Gene into the Retinal Ganglion Cells Mediated by Micro Bubbles

  17. 对照组视网膜神经节细胞层、内核层、色素上皮层、视网膜及脉络膜血管内皮细胞中均表达少量VEGF。

    VEGF was expressed in ganglion cell layer of retinal inner nuclear layer 、 retinal pigment epithelium and vascular endothelial cell of retina and choroid in normal BN rats .

  18. 它主要的病理特征为视网膜神经节细胞凋亡和视神经纤维层(retinalnervefiberlayer,RNFL)进行性丢失,进而导致视功能的损害。

    It is characterized by the axon loss of the retinal nerve ganglion cells and retinal nerve fiber layer ( RNFL ), which result in the damage of the visual function .

  19. 目的利用荧光金逆行示踪技术评价正常及视神经不完全损伤后的视网膜神经节细胞(Retinalganglioncells,RGCs)的数目。

    Objective To investigate the proportion of viable retinal ganglion cells ( RGCs ) in normal retina and ones after axonal crush injury by means of fluorogold retrograde labeling .

  20. S-D大鼠视网膜神经节细胞分布实验研究

    Topography of Ganglion Cell in Retina of Sprague-Dawley Rat

  21. 视网膜神经节细胞(RGCs)的进行性死亡是许多视网膜和视神经疾病发展到最后的必经之路。

    Retinal ganglion cells ' progressive loss is a common pathway for many retinal and optic nerve diseases .

  22. 为探讨微波对体外培养的猪视网膜神经节细胞形态的影响及维生素E(VE)的防护作用,为微波致视网膜损伤的研究提供一定的实验依据。

    To determine the morphological variation in the primary cultured pig retinal ganglion cells induced by microwave and the protection of VE can supply some experiment foundation for study of effect of microwave and its protection .

  23. 目的比较不同培养天数大鼠视网膜神经节细胞(Retinalganglioncells,RGCs)形态学特性与电生理功能,探讨其形态与功能的最佳培养时期。

    Objective To compare the electrophysiological and morphological properties of rat retinal ganglion cells ( RGCs ) during different culture days and to find the optimal culture phase for morphology and function .

  24. 视网膜神经节细胞(RGCs)是青光眼等神经退行性病变的主要损伤细胞,它的死亡常导致视功能不可逆性损害。

    Retinal ganglion cells ( RGCs ) are the main cells injured in nerve degenerative diseases , such as glaucoma .

  25. 远视性弱视发生的原因主要是视皮质中枢出现损害,可能视网膜神经节细胞也有异常,尤其是负责空间分辨的X型细胞受损明显。

    The pathomechanism of Hyperopia amblyopia may be because the central visual had damaged and retinal ganglion cells were abnormal , in particular , the X-cells were damaged significantly which were responsible for the spatial resolution . 5 .

  26. 1周时损伤处视神经出现溃变,神经胶质细胞增生,视网膜神经节细胞(Retinalganglioncells,RGCs)形态改变不明显;

    In 1 week , the optic nerve began to degenerate in injured part and the glia cell had proliferated , but the forms of retinal ganglion cells ( RGCs ) were normal .

  27. 1d组视网膜神经节细胞肿胀,细胞核肿胀、平均截面面积为51.4661±2.3050μm2(P<0.05);

    In the 1d model , the ganglion cells were swollen , with the average sectional area through nucleus 51.4661 ± 2.3050 μ m2 ( P < 0.05 );

  28. 方法正常对照组视网膜神经节细胞在常规条件下、缺氧组在1%氧浓度下分别培养1、3、12、24h。

    Methods In the normal control group , RGCs were cultured under normal condition . In the hypoxia group , RGCs were cultured for 1,3,12,24h under 1 % oxygen content .

  29. 玻璃体腔内注射rhIL-2可激活巨噬细胞,激活的巨噬细胞可以促进视神经损伤后视网膜神经节细胞的存活。

    ( 3 ) Intravitreal injection of rhIL-2 activates macrophages . Macrophages derived factors might enhance the RGCs survival .

  30. 但B族维生素对视网膜神经节细胞(RGCs)的影响未见报道,对低糖损伤的视网膜神经元的保护作用也未见报道。

    But few studies focus on the effects of B vitamins on retinal ganglion cells ( RGCs ), also very limit proof focus on neuroprotective effects of these drugs to low glucose injured retinal neurons .