
  • 网络RPE
  1. 7眼(28%)CNV呈不规则增强紊乱的反射信号,位于视网膜色素上皮层平面。

    In 7 eyes ( 28 % ), CNV appeared as a highly irregular reflectivity at the level of RPE and choriocapillaris .

  2. EGF免疫反应着色不强,但有特异性地均匀分布在节细胞层(GCL)、内核层(INL)、外核层(ONL)和视网膜色素上皮层(RPE);

    EGF immunostaining was not strong , but it was specific and distributed uniformly at the ganglion cell layer ( GCL ), inner nuclear layer ( INL ), outer nuclear layer ( ONL ), and retinal pigment epithelium layer ( RPE );

  3. 近视眼黄斑区视网膜色素上皮层厚度及形态与对比敏感度的联系

    The relationship between contrast sensitivity and retinal optical coherence tomography characteristics in myopic eyes

  4. 本文对眼局部生长调控信号的来源、作用和靶组织,以及视网膜色素上皮层在信号传递过程中的作用进行了综述。

    This review describes the sources , effect and targets of local growth-regulating signals , and the role of retinal pigment epithelium in relaying retinal growth signals to the choroid and sclera .

  5. 流式细胞仪检测尸CNA:神经视网膜层、色素上皮层的户CNA的表达在脱离后的,O天达到高峰,然后下降,并维持在较低的水平。

    The expression of PCNA began at the second day and reached a maximum at about 10 days , then declined and continued at a low level as long as the retina detached .

  6. 视网膜色素上皮单细胞层的培养

    Culture of monolayer retinal pigment epithelium

  7. 1例色素性视网膜炎患者行包括视网膜色素上皮层的胎儿视网膜移植后的视力变化

    Vision change after sheet transplant of fetal retina with retinal pigment epithelium to a patient with retinitis pigmentosa

  8. 色素上皮与神经视网膜层的脱离可直接诱发炎性因子在神经视网膜层及色素上皮层的高表达。

    The separation of neuro-retina and RPE could induce the over expression of pro-inflammatory cytokine both in neuro-retina and RPE directly .

  9. 视网膜细胞凋亡于光照后持续存在,主要分布于外核层及视网膜色素上皮层。

    Light exposure also induced apoptosis in retinal cells . Cells death mainly occurred in the ONL and retinal pigment epithelium ( RPE ) layer .

  10. 此外,在视网膜断层扫描中发现,视网膜神经纤维层在周边部有明显变薄的情形,而且在周边视网膜的色素表皮层有增生的变化。

    Retinal analysis with optical coherence tomography showed generalized thinning of the retina and hyperplasia of the retinal pigmented epithelial layer in the mid-peripheral retina .