
  • 网络Visual Thinking;visualthinking
  1. 因此,研究视觉思维对壁画的影响和作用是十分必要的。

    So it is quite necessary to study the influence of visual thinking over fresco .

  2. 视觉思维是20世纪后期,由美国德裔艺术心理学家鲁道夫·阿恩海姆(RudolfArnheim)研究和阐明这一概念的,他认为视知觉是思维必不可少的工具,视知觉与思维是统一而不可分的。

    Visual thinking is studied and clarified in later period of 20th century by the American Germany lineage art psychologist Rudolf Arnheim . He believed that vision Is the essential means as to thinking , and that the two parts are united .

  3. 基于视觉思维的产品设计象征性表现研究

    Based on Visual Thinking Product Design Performance Study of Symbolic

  4. 民间图形创意中视觉思维运用研究

    The Research on Visual Thinking in the Folkloric Graphic Design

  5. 视觉思维对壁画设计的影响和作用

    The Influence and Function of Visual Thinking on Fresco Design

  6. 第二章&视觉思维的理论基础:论述视觉思维的生理学基础;

    Second chapter & vision thought rationale : Elaboration vision thought physiology foundation ;

  7. 视觉思维是视觉语言之源。

    Visual thought is the source of art element .

  8. 从六个方面详述视觉思维的基本特征;

    Relates in detail the visual thought from six aspects the basic characteristic ;

  9. 许多专家认为,视觉思维是智力的最高形式。

    Many experts believe that visual thinking is the highest form of intelligence .

  10. 民间图形创作中的视觉思维

    The Visual Thinking of Folk Creation of Figure

  11. 浅谈视觉思维在体操教学中的应用

    Application of Visual Sense Thinking to Gymnastics Teaching

  12. 这种影响因为视觉思维的渗透而有了更为宽泛的触角。

    The influence had a broader antenna because of the seepage of the visual thought .

  13. 平面设计过程中的视觉思维

    Analysis to Visual Thinking in Graphic Design

  14. 因此,我们说视觉思维在壁画设计和欣赏过程中起着不可低估的影响和作用。

    So we say that visual thinking play an important role in designing and appreciating fresco .

  15. 这就是一种视觉思维过程。

    Thisis a visual thinking process .

  16. 视觉思维与广告读解

    Visual Thinking and Reading of Advertisement

  17. 视觉思维与壁画设计

    Visual Thinking and Fresco Design

  18. 第三章视觉思维培养的应用模式:提出视觉思维培养的基础媒介图像;

    Third chapter vision thought raise application pattern : Proposes the visual thought raise foundation medium image ;

  19. 视觉思维的觉醒和拓展,为艺术的表现开辟了广阔的空间。

    The awakening and the expansion of visual thought bring a new wide field for the expression of art .

  20. 视觉思维的介入,让铺装设计呈现出不同的表现形式和思维方法。

    Involvement of the visual thought , present the different manifestation and the thought method of the paving design .

  21. 与文明人被驯化了思维方式相比,生活在最基层的民间艺人在进行图形创造过程中,具有审美直觉性的视觉思维占主导地位。

    Contrary to the educated thinking method of civilian , visual thinking is employed more frequently in the folk graphic design .

  22. 制图综合是人脑神经元网络获取、处理、输出地理信息的复杂视觉思维过程,可以用人工神经元网络来模拟。

    Map generalization is a complicated thinking process which deals with geographic information that can also be imitated by neural networks .

  23. 民间图形创意研究的出发点是视觉思维。因为,图形创意设计的过程是将先前的想法进行视觉化的表现。

    Graphic design is a visualization of concept , so visual thinking should be an important point to study the folk graphic .

  24. 这种形象化的思考方式,是对视觉思维能力、想象创造能力、绘画表达能力三者的综合。

    This way of thinking in terms of images is a combination of visual thinking , imaginative and creative power and drawing ability .

  25. 此类关于概率感知假设的契合点洛克已经思考过了,认为人类推理的基础原来只是视觉思维。

    The sort of supposed perception of probable connections that Locke had thought was the basis of human reasoning turns out to be visual thinking .

  26. 本文以平面广告为例,从四个方面论述了广告表现中如何洞察受众的视觉思维。

    This article take the print advertisement as an example , discuss how to see target 's visual thoughts clearly in advertising performance from four aspects .

  27. 创作思维中形象思维及其抽象思维投影的轻重,视觉思维与言语思维,创造性思维与社会性思维;

    The balance between the thought casting on abstract thinking and thinking in images , visual thinking and verbal thinking , creative thinking and social thinking ;

  28. 运动着的人正是通过对壁画空间结构、色彩、以及综合材料的整合,适应它的流动感来完成视觉思维的全过程的。

    An moving enjoyer adopt to the mobility of architecture though the entity of fresco 's space structure color and comprehensive material to finish the visual thinking .

  29. 论文从三个方面深入探讨了构成壁画三大要素,即空间结构、设计色彩、综合材料与视觉思维的作用关系。

    This paper consists of the following three elements that form a fresco , space structure , design colors , the functional relations between comprehensive material and visual thinking .

  30. 在此基础上,结合格式塔心理学与视觉思维等理论,从视觉心理分析封面营销的认知原理。

    On this basis , the paper uses the visual psychology theory to explain the principle of cover marketing , such as gestalt psychology , theory of visual thinking .