
  • 网络Voiron;H. Wallon;Wallonia;Tarakudo
  1. 甲瓦龙酸内酯的合成研究发现香豆素衍生物通过内酯键或其它配位基团与Cd(Ⅱ)配位。

    Coumarin complexed with cadmium (ⅱ) through its lactone bond and other complexation group ( or atom ) is studied .

  2. 高等植物ABA的生物合成开始于细胞质内的甲瓦龙酸(MVA)或位于叶绿体内的丙酮酸硫胺素焦磷酸(TPP),经一系列反应最后在质体或胞质中形成的。

    Biosynthesis of ABA in higher plants comprises a series of chemical reactions starting with mevalonate ( MVA ) in cytoplasm or pyruvate_thiamin triphosphate ( TPP ) in chloroplast .

  3. 这个时期见证了北部的荷兰语区的弗莱蒙人(Flemings)和南部的法语区瓦龙人(Walloons)间在社区间的紧张局势。

    This period saw a rise in inter-communal tensions between the Dutch-speaking Flemings of the north and the French-speaking Walloons of the South .

  4. 甲瓦龙酸内酯的合成研究2-羟基环己烷乙酸内酯的合成

    The Synthesis of 2 - Hydroxycyclohexaneacetic Acid Lactone

  5. 一些观察人士甚至已经在谈论,比利时将分裂为佛兰德和瓦龙两个部分。

    Some observers were even talking about a break-up of the country into its Flemish and Walloon parts .

  6. 前者讲的是荷兰语(常指历史性的区域名,佛兰德语),瓦龙人讲的是法语。

    The Flemings speak Dutch ( often referred to by its historic regional name , Flemish ), and the Walloons speak French .

  7. 主要的佛兰德省在比利时德北半部,叫作佛兰得斯(佛兰德区域),主要的瓦龙省在南半部,叫作瓦尼尔。

    The predominantly Flemish provinces are in the northern half of Belgium , called Flanders ( Flemish Region ), and the predominantly Walloon provinces are in the southern half , called Wallonia .

  8. 比利时人主要有两个民族组成,佛兰芒人(日尔曼人血统)以及瓦龙人(凯尔特人血统,可能带有阿尔卑斯的混合成分)。

    The people of Belgium are primarily of two ethnic groups , the Flemings ( Teutonic origin ) and the Walloons ( Celtic origin , probably with an admixture of Alpine elements ) .