
  • 网络Xi'an University of technology;xaut;xut
  1. 西安理工大学图书馆参考咨询工作探讨

    Probe into Reference and Consultancy Work in Xi'an University of Technology Library

  2. 西安理工大学的学科的范围从机械、自动化、印刷工程和水力水电涵盖到企业管理、人文学科、社会科学和法律科学。

    The disciplines in Xaut has range from machinery , automation , printing engineering and hydropower to business management , humanities , social science and law science .

  3. b.山坡地质量累计侵蚀退化评判模型.西安理工大学工程硕士专业学位论文(4)化强度。

    B. retrogression judging model of the quality of brae by accumulative-total corrosion .

  4. 给电路加上适当信号源,检测电路的输出波形,并对西安理工大学硕士学位论文电路进行FFT分析,验证了设计的正确性。

    Maked the FFT analysis for this circuit , prove the design is right .

  5. 尽快解决占绝对控股地位国有股、法人股的流通问题,推一西安理工大学工商管理硕士(MBA)学位论文一动上市公司建立有效的法人治理结构和激励约束机制;

    Immediately resolve the currencies of state-owned stock and corporation-owned stock which occupy absolute control status in almost all issued companies , impulse to set up effective companies ' father framework and emotion-restriction mechanism .

  6. 通过对THz光电导天线中瞬态电场的模拟,得到了芯片内瞬西安理工大学硕士学位论文态电流的变化曲线,并通过FDTD方法对瞬态电流模拟结果进行了验证。

    By simulating of transient field in the photoconductor of THz photoconductive antenna , the curve of instant electric current was given here , and the result was validated by FDTD method .

  7. b.通过改变双电层结构产生φ1效应,影响反应粒子的表面浓度及界面反应的活化能,从而影响电极反&西安理工大学硕士学位论文应速度;

    B. To produce the " effect " by changing the structure of electric double layer and influence the surface concentration of reaction particle and activation energy of interface reaction , thus affecting the speed of electrode reaction ;

  8. AZ91D镁合金半固态液相的凝固方式与冷却速度所决定的过冷度有重要关西安理工大学硕士学位论文系。

    The solidification modes of liquid phase of semi-solid AZ91D Mg alloy were in close relationship with the degree of supercooling determined by cooling rate .

  9. 论文分析了EL2缺陷能级西安理工大学硕士学位论文和三种工作模式的关系。

    The paper discussed the relation about EL2 energy level and these three modes .

  10. 在田间微咸水(2.5g/l)灌溉条件下,研究不同灌水定额对土壤水盐运移规律和西安理工大学硕士学位论文作物产量的影响,并进一步探讨了灌区适宜的灌溉制度。

    Through field experiment , the effect of different irrigation quota on soil water and salt movement was studied under saline water irrigation . The suitable irrigation system were further discussed .

  11. 雾化压力:0.7MPa,所雾西安理工大学硕士学位论文化的粉末球形度好、表面光滑,粒度分布较均匀,氧含量低。

    The degree of sphericity of the solder powder is excellent , its surface is smooth , distribution of size is narrow , oxygen content is lower .

  12. 这种控制模式西安理工大学博士学位论文的实现在很大程度上需改变现有的配电终端的功能。

    This control model need change functions of present distribution terminal .

  13. 来自西安理工大学,爱好长笛演奏。

    From Xian science and engineering university , like to play flute .

  14. 利用负压盘式入渗资料,采用不同方法,分别计算并对比分析西安理工大学硕士学位论文了四种不同质地上壤的吸湿率及导水率。

    The calculations of hydraulic conductivities were conducted for different soil textures using several methods .

  15. 随后把计算得到的静应力状西安理工大学工程硕士学位论文态用于地震反应分析的初始应力场中。

    And the results of the static stress were applied on the analysis of seismic reaction .

  16. 遗传算法的进化迭代使种群中部分基因呈指数级增长,对于多值编码,因西安理工大学硕士学位论文为码值的多值性,一旦所。

    Secondly , with the evolution iteration , a part of genes have an exponent increase .

  17. 表现出了西安理工大学硕士学位论文这种模糊界面对提高材料热震性的有利影响作用。

    It indicated that the vague interface was favorable to improve the thermal shock resistance of materials .

  18. 运用“翻沙训练法”对西安理工大学男、女篮球队进行了训练实验。

    The male and female basketball players from Xi an University of Technology were trained with fusing training .

  19. 二黄局与西安理工大学联合研发了基于“虚拟仪器技术”电力参数校验仪。

    The construction bureau cooperated with Xi an University of Technology for developing the electrical parameter apparatus based on virtual technique .

  20. 加强非西安理工大学硕士学位论文一互溶性组元在此方面的功用作用是实现此类材料均匀化、高收缩比烧结的关键。

    The intensification of immiscible element in this process is the key to realize uniformization sintering and reach a higher shrinkage ratio .

  21. 西安理工大学硕士学位论文⑤铸态镁合金试棒的断裂方式是解理断裂或者准解理断裂,解理台阶十分明显;

    The fracture morphology of tensile tested specimens that were cast was cleavage or / and quasi-cleavage and cleavage steps were obvious .

  22. 采用先进的开发平台和工具,开发出了基于B/S结构的大坝安全监测数据西安理工大学硕士学位论文分析系统。

    By using the advanced developing platform and tools , the dam safety monitoring system was developed based on B / S frame .

  23. 本论文在做了大量研究开发工作的基础上,实现了对王益区水务信西安理工大学工程硕士专业学位论文息的输入、输出、查询、预测、调度等主要功能。

    Based on plenty of studying and developing , this paper fulfils the function of inputting and outputting , querying , forecasting and dispatching .

  24. 最后采用锁相环方式设计实现频率跟踪电路,以及西安理工大学硕士学位论文电源装置的相关保护电路和电流、电压调节电路的设计实现等。

    Lastly , the frequency-tracing circuit is designed with phase-locked-loop . After that , the protect circuit and current voltage regulation circuit are also designed .

  25. 研究表明,本人工湿地系统对非点源污染物有一定的截留和净化作用,且抗冲击西安理工大学硕士学位论文能力强。

    The study showed that these constructed wetland system can intercept and purify the pollutants of non-point source pollution , and it has best lasing-resistant ability .

  26. 检验了均值、方差的时变性,结果表明均值序列的时变性不明显,但方差西安理工大学硕士学位论文序列的时变性非常明显。

    We tested the time-variation of means and volatility , results show that the time-variation of means is not obvious , but the time-variation of volatility is very clear .

  27. 对研制装置的测试证明,新开发的配变监控终端测量精度较高,控制方法合理,西安理工大学硕士学位论文性能可靠,达到预期目标。

    The test proves that the new developed Transformer Terminal Unit has higher metrical veracity , reasonable control scheme and reliable performance , and the original object is attained .

  28. 西安理工大学工程硕士学位论文以上研究成果将以往垫层管(蜗壳)工程实际经验,提高到有统一的解析计算理论上;

    The above achievement has raised the level of application of penstock ( spiral case ) with elastic layer from engineering experience to a theory with a uniform analytical calculation .

  29. 通过坝料室内压缩试验和三西安理工大学工程硕士学位论文轴试验,研究确定坝体三维有限元静、动力计算参数。

    Finally , the static and dynamic calculation parameters of the three-dimensional finite element of the dam are confirmed through laboratory compression test and triaxial test on the embankment material .

  30. 针对多制式软件无线电接收机设计中的瓶颈问题&自动制式识别算法,本文西安理工大学硕士学位论文提出了一种简单有效的调制模型白动制式识别算法。

    Automatic modulation scheme recognition is the bottleneck of designing multi-modulation scheme software radio receiver . An automatic modulation scheme recognition algorithm called modulation model is presented in this paper .