
Under the revolutionary thought pattern that something was either A or B , they denied Chinese traditional culture , attempting to replace it with western values in order to construct Chinese new culture .
The Differences between Chinese and Western Values in Fashion Advertisements
Chief Factors Affecting Cross-cultural Communication & Difference between Chinese and Western Values
The SCMP is a daily newspaper that shares typical Western values and perspectives in media coverage .
The current social values of China presenting a pluralistic phenomenon including traditional values , western values and Marxism value concept .
Confronted with cultural shock and later cultural clash , the Chinese people are not only confused by the Western ideas in a condition of oppression , but also get frustrated under the restrictions of the traditional morals of thousands of years .
A Review of the Western Values Reflected In English Proverbs
Culture teaching contains western values , cultural connotations of words , related background information , and general knowledge about British and American cultures .
In other words , there is a widespread belief that success for Asian societies is dependent on their adoption of western values and institutions .
To establish values compatible with modern economic construction , it is necessary to greatly develop socialist market economy , assimilate the fine ingredients in traditional culture , and make use of the modern western values .
Essentially , it reflect the interests of the bourgeoisie demands , emotional needs and ideological aspirations , is a corrosive thought of interested in the propagation and landscaping of the Western core values and social system .
On Differences and Exchanges of Philosophy Concept between Eastern and Western Culture Value
Different cultural backgrounds between the East and the West lead to cultural gulf .
Either in China or in the west , literary values has always been a various complicated system in history .
The concept of learner autonomy is considered , more often than not , as laden with the Western cultural values and unsuited to the traditions of learning and teaching in China .
Liang Chi-chao , Sun Yat-sen and other bourgeois reformers and revolutionaries to a new culture to reflect the traditional attitude to explore similarities with Western values , to seek and Western Mohism of things in common .
The introduction of the concept of ecological civilization is to reflect upon the enormous harm on ecological environment by the philosophy of western civilization , and the social phenomenon alienated by the self-created material civilization under the rule of the consumer culture .
Through a historical analysis of the value structure of the Lutheran faith , including rational faith and its implications , and its advocacy of modem social values , this paper expounds the epochal significance of the structure and development of social values in modern western society .
An Outline of the Theory of Moral Value in the West
The clear critical attitude , especially centrally and seriously criticizing the mainstream value idea of the Western culture , is the remarkable signs of the study .
As the different ways in traditional of habits , values , religious beliefs , such as and thinking between China and Western countries , there are a lot of differences in performance .
As a supporter of the cultural heritage of the world media , in the context of the global cultural integration in China , the visual media industry is faced with the strong penetration of western culture and values .
With the influence of western cyberculture , it is possible that the value , ideological action and the expectation of main-stream culture in the non-western countries can cause paradox .
But western countries , which are led by the United States , and because of their economy advantages , thought that western values can be applied to every ethnic country .