
  • 网络administrative function;executive function
  1. 行政功能是系统科学概念,当行政组织的功能与实现行政目标一致时,行政功能表现为行政职能;

    Administrative function is the positive action of administration organizations , and administrative action is involved in the contents of system science .

  2. 前一个时期治安法官的行政功能开始萎缩,治安法官手中的行政职权明显减少。

    During the previous stage , the administrative function of the magistrates has already shrunk greatly , and the administrative power was accordingly largely decreased .

  3. 对罪犯有权限而且有时候有行政功能的地方法院。

    A local court with criminal jurisdiction and sometimes administrative functions .

  4. 但是他们开始使用互联网类提供服务功能和行政功能,

    but they 're starting to use the Internet for service functions , for administrative functions ,

  5. 它是行政功能发挥的重要保障,是维持和拓展公共行政秩序的重要因素。

    It safeguards the performance of administrative functions , and keeps and develops the order of public administration .

  6. 互联网势力正在开始以一些控制和行政功能的方式侵入电话系统,

    Internet pieces are beginning to sneak into it in terms of some of the control and administrative functions ,

  7. 内外部环境不断提出新问题的背景下,我国政府面临着公共行政功能到方式的新挑战。

    Facing the new problems proposed by the internal and external environments , Our government faces the new challenges of the public management function .

  8. 地方是实施可持续发展战略的主战场,只有把各地方行政功能区作为可持续发展的基本组织单元,才能有效地进行人口、资源、环境、发展四位一体的综合管理。

    When administrative functional regions become basic organizing units , the multiple management of the factors of Population , Resources , Environment and Development is efficient .

  9. 除了债务缠身,意大利政府的行政功能也是出了名的紊乱,在经济增长减缓以及银行疲软这个大环境下,这无疑是个棘手的问题。

    Italy has a famously dysfunctional government and a big debt load , which is obviously problematic in a world of slow growth and overextended banks .

  10. 乡和镇就其基本的方面看,有一些共通的功能,如承载功能、经济功能、政治与行政功能、文化教育功能、承接与服务功能。

    Basically , the villages and towns have some functions in common , such as bearing , economy , politics and administration , culture and education , and acceptance and service .

  11. 乡镇政府公信力指的是乡镇政府在与民众互动中所获得的一种信用能力,这种能力有助于乡镇政府的行政功能实现,有助于乡镇政府和民众之间形成良性互动。

    The credibility of the township government means a kind of credibility which is come from the interaction with the public . This capability makes both the administrative functions of township government and the positive interaction between the township government and the people come true .

  12. 论我国行政诉讼功能模式及其理论价值

    On Chinese Administrative Litigation 's Functional Mode and Theoretic Value thereof

  13. 论现代治安行政指导功能

    On the Function of Contemporary Administrative Guidance of Public Order

  14. 行政程序功能主要是控权功能、务功能和效率功能。

    Administrative procedural function means function in power control , service and efficiency .

  15. 现代行政程序功能研究

    A Study on Procedural Function of Modern administration

  16. 部门政府或公司的一个部分,属一行政或功能单位。

    Division an area of government or corporate activity organized as an administrative or functional unit .

  17. 论契约性整合机制的历史生成及其对公共行政的功能意义

    On the Historical Formation of " Indentured Integrated Mechanism " and Its Functions to Public Administration

  18. 教育工作是百年大计,然欲发挥教育之整体功能,以达成教育目标,诚有赖教育行政组织功能之提升。

    Education is a project of vital and lasting importance . To exert the holistic function of education relies on the promotion of educational administration .

  19. 行政区功能特征的不同导致土壤重金属的累积和赋存形态也具有较大的差异。

    The different features of the different administrative area of Xi ' an city resulted in the greater difference in the concentrations and chemical speciation of heavy metals .

  20. 罗马时代的英国城镇密集,既包括伦敦和赛伦塞斯特这样的大型定居点(它们还同时担负着行政管理功能),也包括沿陆路和水路发展起来的小型商业中心。

    Roman Britain had a dense network of towns , ranging from larger settlements , like London and Cirencester , which also served an administrative function , to small commercial centres that had grown up along the roads and waterways .

  21. 政府网络新闻发言人进驻SNS网站,可以更好地发挥政府公关、信息聚合、透明行政等行政功能。

    Network news spokesman moving into SNS has administration function of Government Relations , Syndication and Transparent administration etc.

  22. 司法行政反腐败功能初探

    Tentative Discussion on the Anti-corruption Function of Judicial Administration

  23. 行政法的功能及其实现新解

    On Function and Its Realization of Administration Law

  24. 论行政人格的功能及其域限

    On the Functions and Limits of Administrator Personality

  25. 行政人格对外功能主要体现在榜样激励、体系维护、社会辐射等功能。

    The external functions are mainly target stimulation , system maintenance and social radiation .

  26. 行政职能、功能、效能、效率、效益辨析

    Differentiation and Analyses on Administrative Function , Action , Effect , Efficiency , Benefit

  27. 行政指导的功能解读

    Study on the Function of Administrative Guidance

  28. 行政给付的功能

    Function of administration presentation

  29. 司法发挥政治功能是对行政和立法功能不足的弥补,具有显明的必要性。

    It is very necessary for Judicature to exert political function , because it can offset administration and legislation 's shortage .

  30. 行政职能、功能、效能、效率与效益是行政学中内容相关而又有所区别的范畴。行政职能指行政组织对社会进步应起的作用;

    The concept about administrative function , action , effect , efficiency , benefit belongs to relevant and discriminating categories in the science of public administration .