
  • 网络Administration building;Service building
  1. 行政办公楼外面的池塘缓缓地冒着气泡。

    The pond right outside of the Administration building bubbled softly .

  2. 世界卫生组织与联合国艾滋病规划署行政办公楼,日内瓦,瑞士

    Who and UNAIDS administration building in geneva , switzerland , 2005

  3. 高校行政办公楼建筑设计实践与探讨

    Studying on the architectural design of college administration office building

  4. 预应力管桩在某行政办公楼中的应用

    The application of pre-stressed pipe pile in administration office building

  5. 与白宫相邻的艾森豪威尔行政办公楼今天发生火灾。

    Fire at the Eisenhower Executive Office building next door to the White House .

  6. 开放、亲和的诗意化办公环境&南京工程学院行政办公楼

    An Open , Affinitive Office Environment with Poetry - The Office Building in Nanjing Institute of Technology

  7. 从安县行政办公楼的震害看基础隔震技术在框架结构中的应用前景

    Application prospect of base-isolation technology on framework structure from earthquake damage of an county 's administration building

  8. 有啊,邮局就在行政办公楼旁边的实验楼的一层。

    Yes , there is one on the first floor of the Experiment Building , near the Office Building .

  9. 因地制宜顺应自然&广州大学城华师大校区行政办公楼创作

    Adjust Measures to Local Conditions , Conformity to Nature & The Creation of the Administration Building of South China Normal University in Guangzhou Campus City

  10. 摘要该文通过对实践的总结,指出当今行政办公楼建筑存在过于严肃刻板、空间尺度失真等问题。

    With the summary on the practice , this article points out that excessive stiffness and distortion of space scale exist in today 's architecture of administration buildings .

  11. 四川大学华西医院行政办公楼由加拿大专家设计,建成于1942年,该建筑已使用60余年,属超期使用的建筑。

    The administration building of West China Hospital Sichuan University was designed by Canadian experts , and Built in 1942.The structure has been used for more than 60 years and exceed the design working life .

  12. 然后,通过传统布线和综合布线的比较分析,确定机场网络采用综合布线方式,分析介绍了综合布线的设计方法,以行政办公楼的综合布线为例设计和实现布线要求。

    Through the traditional wiring and the synthesis wiring comparative analysis , the definite airport network selected the comprehensive wiring method , the analysis introduced the synthesis wiring design method , take administrative office building comprehensive wiring as example design and realization wiring request .

  13. 本文针对广州大学行政办公A楼工程的地质条件,对工程基础方案进行定性分析和对比,从而选择该建筑物适用的基础型式。

    Aiming at the geology of administration office building A of Guangzhou University , the foundation type was been qualitative analysis and contrast . And the appropriate foundation type was chosen .

  14. 常州盘石水泥集团行政中心办公楼设计因地制宜,注重建筑与总体环境之间的平衡与协调关系,运用现代设计理念和方法营造便捷高效、景观化的办公环境。

    According to local condition , the project de - signer lays stress on balance and harmony between integral surroundings and buildings , and uses modern design ideas and methods to construct office circumstance with convenience , high efficiency and scenic visualization .

  15. 在过去的200年里,它还有别的名称,如行政官邸和办公楼等。

    Over its200 year history , it has been known by other names , including the Executive Mansion and the President 's House .