
  1. 食品、健康行业榜上富豪新贵

    The new rich people in the list of food and nutraceutical industry

  2. 这类业务可以提升银行在行业排行榜上的排名。这个排名在银行内部很受关注,并且由于许多公司只愿意与排名顶级的机构做交易,这种排名对营销也很有益处。

    The work has the advantage of boosting banks ' rankings in industry league tables , which are closely watched internally and also important for marketing purposes as many companies want to deal with only the top-ranked institutions .

  3. 2002年中国肉类食品行业金牌企业排行榜

    List of gold-brand establishments of Chinese meat industry in 2002