
xuè gài
  • blood calcium
血钙[xuè gài]
  1. 昼夜节律性温度变化对蛋鸡血钙浓度及其pH值的影响

    Effect on Blood Calcium Concentration and pH in Hens under Cyclic Temperature Changes

  2. TG的影响因素为TC、HDL-C、体重指数(BMI)、血钙、父母高血脂史和性别;

    TC , HDL-C , BMI , blood calcium , family history of parents'hyperlipidemia and sex for TG ;

  3. 静脉注入降血钙素的结果表明,它是一个潮红促进剂。

    Calcitonin , when administered intravenously , turns out to be yet another flush promoting agent .

  4. 氟及维生素C对血钙、血磷、碱性磷酸酶及胶原代谢的影响

    Effect of Fluoride and Vitamin C on Blood Ca , P , ALP and Gelatine of Metabolism

  5. B、C级患者的低钙血症发生率高于A级,C级患者的血钙水平明显低于A和B级。

    The serum calcium in Grade C patients was much lower than that in Grade A and B patients .

  6. 电针明显抑制了因注射Pit引起的血钾和血钙浓度变化。

    The changes of serum potassium and calcium concentrations induced by injecting pituitrin were inhibited by electroacupuncture .

  7. 与A组相比,B组、C组血钙均明显升高(P0.05)。

    The blood serum calcium levels in group B and group C were increased significantly compared with group A ( p 0.05 ) .

  8. 低蛋白血症和PT延长的病例伴有低血钙较常见。

    Patients with hypoproteinemia or prolonged prothrombin time ( PT ) were often accompanied by hypocalcemia .

  9. 增加,明显抑制NS患者的骨形成和骨吸收,患者处于低骨转换状态,使血钙升高,PTH下降,促进肠钙吸收,尿钙排出增加;

    Intestinal Ca absorption is increased and excretion is decreased in NS .

  10. 大豆黄酮各添加组骨密度、血钙升高,AKP活性下降,10mg/kgDa组,血清钙比对照组升高23.16%,差异显著(P<0.05);

    Serum calcium increased by 23.16 % ( P < 0.05 ) with 10mg / kg Da ;

  11. 试验组治疗后血钙降低,血磷升高,碱性磷酸酶活性增高(P<0.05)。

    The calcium was increased , the phosphorus was decreased , and the activity of ALP was increased in the blood of experimental group after PEMF treatment ( P < 0 05 ) .

  12. 手术后血钙和血PTH水平显著降低。

    Serum calcium and PTH level decline significantly after surgery .

  13. Walker(256)癌肉瘤引发大鼠高血钙模型

    An Animal Model of Cancer Related Hypercalcaemia Induced by Walker_ ( 256 ) Carcinoma in Rats Carcinosarcoma

  14. 2组在血钙、磷、碱性磷酸酶及骨密度(BMD)无明显差异。

    There were no difference in blood calcium , serum inorganic phosphorus , alkaline phosphatase and bone density .

  15. 术后72h内持续心电监护观察心律、心率变化,术后3d内每日测定血镁浓度,并动态监测血钾、血钙浓度。

    Arrhythmia incidences , blood magnesium levels , blood potassium levels and blood calcium levels were observed 72 h after operation .

  16. 血清T3、T4、TSH及血钙水平均与实验前有显著盖异(P<0.05)。

    Compared with before embolization , there were significant differences in serum T_3 , T_4 , TSH and blood calcium levels ( P < 0.05 ) .

  17. 所有患者血钙、血磷、ALP水平均在正常范围。

    The serum serum calcium , serum phosphorus and ALP level of all patients is in normal range .

  18. 背景:奶牛乳热分为临床型低血钙症,即奶牛乳热(MilkFever),以及亚临床型低血钙症(SubclinicalHypocalcemia)。

    Background : Hypocalcemia in dairy cows is divided into clinical type , named as milk fever , and subclinical type .

  19. HF的吸收会由于HF对血钙固定导致低血钙症。如果出现严重的低血钙症,就会发生血钾过多。

    Absorption of HF may cause hypocalcemia due to HF 's fixation of blood calcium . Hyperkalemia may occur if severe hypocalcemia appears .

  20. 透析后两组血钙比较差异具有统计学意义(P0.01);

    Relatively great difference was observed in serum calcium concentration and blood pressure between the two groups after dialysis ( P ( 0.01 )) .

  21. 结果与对照组相比,LPS组出现明显的代谢性酸中毒、高血钾、高血钠、低血钙及高血糖等内环境紊乱状态(P<0.05)。

    Results Metabolic acidosis , hyperkalemia , hypernatremia , hypocalcemia and hyperglycemia were observed in LPS group rats ( P < 0.05 ) .

  22. 老年脑梗塞血小板膜Ts含量与血脂血糖及血钙相关分析

    Correlation between Blood Platelet Membrane Ts Content and Blood Lipid , Blood Sugar , Blood Calcium in Patients with Senility Cerebral Infarction

  23. 血钙和血清PTH测定是可靠的定性诊断手段;

    Serum calcium and PTH assays are both reliable methods for the diagnosis of PTA and PTC .

  24. 测定血清淀粉酶、血钙、BUN水平。

    The severity of pancreatitis was determined by blind histologic grading and serum amylase , plasma calcium and BUN levels .

  25. 结果单次血液透析串联血液灌流后,慢性肾衰竭维持血液透析患者血PTH下降明显,血钙(Ca)增高。

    Results Blood PTH was decreased and blood calcium was increased in patients with chronic renal failure maintaining hemodialysis after HD + HP treatment .

  26. 血钙磷乘积值在第1、3、6、9个月达到目标值(55)的比例分别为73.33%,77.78%,82.35%,85%,与治疗前(50%)比较,P值均0.05。

    The percentages of patients whose serum calcium-phosphorus product level reached to target range ( 55 ) in baseline and month 1,3,6,9 were 50 % , 73.33 % , 77.78 % , 82.35 % , 85 % , respectively .

  27. 结合血钙、血氯磷比和血清甲状旁腺激素(PTH)测定及相关影像检查可确诊。

    Information on blood calcium , parathyroid hormone ( PTH ) and imaging may be helpful for diagnosis .

  28. 使用还原型谷胱甘肽后白介素6、白介素18在各时间点均显著降低,髓过氧化物酶在12h时降低,血钙浓度升高。

    After treatment with GSH , levels of IL-18 and IL-6 became lower at 6,12,24h and MPO at 12h .

  29. 不能接受手术者,应定期复查血钙和PTH。

    Those who can not undergo surgery , should be regularly reviewed for serum calcium and PTH . 5 .

  30. 尼尔雌醇可使血钙水平恢复,1,25(OH)2D水平回落,骨重建速率抑制,为防治骨质疏松的有效机理之一。

    Nilestriol can restore blood calcium level , 1,25 ( OH ) 2D levels drop , bone remodeling rate inhibited , as the effective mechanism of prevention and treatment of osteoporosis . 5 .