
bǎ zǔ zhī
  • target tissue
靶组织[bǎ zǔ zhī]
  1. 结论肝是酒精性损伤的靶组织,LPO、GSH-Px和硒是酒精早期毒性损伤的敏感指标。

    Conclusion The liver was the target tissue of ethanol toxic injure , LPO , GSH-Px and Se were sensitive index of alcohol 's early stage toxic injure .

  2. 据此,我们推断,pib基因编码的抗稻瘟病产物是在根部起始合成,抗病基因产物在夜间由根系输送到植株地上的靶组织,实现其抗病的功能。

    We infer that , the disease resistance product of pib structure gene is synthesized in root , and then transported to the target tissue of aboveground in the night to perform the function of blast resistance .

  3. 最近的研究表明了1,25-(OH)2-D3在靶组织中的特异性定位。

    Recent study has shown specific localization of 1,25 - ( OH ) _2-D_3 in target organs .

  4. 可能是不同组织的微环境中含有不同的因子,促进进入不同组织的MSCS获得靶组织的表型,向不同谱系分化。

    It is probably because certain factors in the microenvironment are necessary for MSCs to differentiate into target cell lineages .

  5. 正常CHO细胞无浸润能力,只能轻微附着靶组织;

    The normal diploid CHO cells can not invade target organs and show only slight adhesion to them .

  6. 采用猪视网膜为靶组织,采用FDA酶联免疫检测的样品前处理方法进行了盐酸克伦特罗残留的定性及定量检测方法研究。

    The qualitative and quantitative determination of Clenbuterol residue in porcine retinal tissue by the method of FDA was studied .

  7. 靶组织体积的计算受PET图像采集模式,散射校正方法,衰减校正方法,重建技术,图像显示模式,正电子药物等因素影响。

    Many factors work on the target volume calculation , such as PET image acquisition mode , scatter correction , attenuation correction , reconstruction method , image display mode , positron pharmacy .

  8. 超声造影剂(UCA)通过改变靶组织声学特性显著地提高了HIFU的治疗效果,在HIFU临床应用过程中显示了重要的应用价值。

    Ultrasound contrast agents ( UCA ) could improve the therapeutic efficiency of HIFU because of their intensity reflection and scattering of ultrasonic waves , it shows great value in clinical use .

  9. 甲状腺激素抵抗综合征(RTH)是身体各个靶组织对甲状腺激素抵抗的一类综合病症,属于常染色体显性遗传病,主要是由于编码甲状腺激素β受体(TRβ)的基因发生突变引起。

    Resistance to thyroid hormone ( RTH ) is a syndrome of reduced responsiveness of target tissues to thyroid hormone ( TH ) .

  10. PDT效果主要取决于光敏剂的光动力活性,而光动力活性有赖于光敏剂的光物理、光化学和与生物体内靶组织的亲和力。

    The effect of PDT mostly depends on the photodynamic activity of photosensitizer , and the photodynamic activity of photosensitizer depends on its photophysical and photochemical properties and bio-appetency to target tissue .

  11. 基质细胞衍生因子-1(SDF-1)是动员骨髓细胞和促进细胞向靶组织归巢的过程中的关键性趋化因子。

    The chemotactic cytokine stromal cell derived factor-1 ( SDF-1 ) plays a key role in mobilizing cells from the bone marrow and promoting homing of the cells to target tissues .

  12. 活性维生素D3作用于多种靶组织,生理作用也多种多样,广泛用于治疗骨质疏松、甲状旁腺亢进(肾衰)、牛皮癣、癌症以及免疫疾病等。

    The vitamin D3 which has diverse biological mechanisms could act on variant target tissue . So it is wildly used in treating of osteoporosis , parathyroid ( ARF ), psoriasis , cancer and immune diseases .

  13. 结论:HAP法比DCC法灵敏、可靠。用以测定甾体激素高非特异性结合的靶组织与非靶组织中的ER低含量时,HAP法更有价值。

    Conclusions HAP assay is a more sensitive , more accurate method than that of DCC assay and plays a more valuable role on determinating low ER value in all kinds of steroid target and nontarget tumor tissues with high nonspecific binding .

  14. 11β羟基类固醇脱氢酶(11βHSD)在胰岛素靶组织内催化皮质醇(皮质酮)与可的松(脱氢皮质酮)相互转化,调节局部糖皮质激素活性。

    11 β - hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase ( 11 β - HSD ) catalyzes the interconversion of cortisone ( dehydro corticosterone ) into cortisol ( corticosterone ) within insulin target tissues , thereby modulates the activity of glucocorticoids .

  15. 方法将125I籽放射源植入到靶组织内治疗6例胸部恶性肿瘤,其中肺癌伴广泛纵隔淋巴结及胸壁转移2例,肺Pancoast瘤3例,纵膈恶性神经鞘瘤1例。

    Methods 125 Iodine seed were inserted into the target tissue and permanent left there for brachytherapy in 6 cases of thoracic malignant tumours , which including lung cancer , Pancoast 's tumour , mediastinal malignant schwannoma .

  16. 11C-胆碱是最近研制的一种正电子肿瘤阳性显像剂,在肿瘤/非靶组织的比值高于18F-FDG,特别在脑肿瘤和前列腺癌显像方面较18F-FDG显示出优势。

    S : 11C-choline is a newly developed positron tumor positive imaging agent . In the imaging the T / N ( tumor / normal ) value is higher than that of 18F-FDG and superior than 18F-FDG especially in brain tumor and prostate cancer detection .

  17. 依据TRBIV的形状、大小、在感染细胞内的位置以及靶组织类型等判断,该病毒不同于已报道的大菱醉虹彩病毒,是一种新的感染我国大菱虾的虹彩病毒。

    According to the shape , size and target tissues of the virus , we recognized that TRBIV is different from the documented turbot iridovirus and it may be a new piscine iridovirus for cultured turbot .

  18. 在肌肉和脂肪等葡萄糖利用的靶组织,由于能量的减少也会诱发胰岛素抵抗。

    So , the deficiency of energy can increase insulin resistance .

  19. 鼻咽癌细胞侵袭不同靶组织的特征观察

    Observation of the characteristics of nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells

  20. 以肽类作为药物载体,分子量小,跟目标组织具有很强亲和能力,在血液及其它非靶组织中清除快,能够稳定渗透和穿入组织细胞中。

    Peptide , as a medicine carrier , has low weight and strong affinity to the cells .

  21. 硝普钠耳毒作用的内耳靶组织

    Ototoxic target of sodium nitroprusside

  22. 子宫内膜是卵巢激素作用的靶组织,在生殖生理的研究中占有重要的地位。

    Endometrium is main tissue of ovarian hormones , which is important in the studying on procreating .

  23. 结论口服中药熊胆粉能透过血-眼屏障到达相应靶组织,于房水和玻璃体中的浓度明显小于血液中浓度,进入房水和玻璃体的能力相近。(中华眼科杂志,2006421023-1025)

    Conclusion Fel Ursi can reach intraocular tissue through penetrating blood-aqueous barrier and blood-vitreous barrier after orally application .

  24. 男性不同发育阶段靶组织中雄激素水平生理性变化

    Physiological Variation of Androgen Levels ( T and DHT ) in Target Tissues at Different Developmental Stages of Male

  25. 细胞体积调节机制在胰岛素的主要靶组织骨骼肌中尤为重要。

    The mechanisms in cell volume regulation are particularly important to skeletal muscle , a major site of insulin action .

  26. 胰岛素分泌绝对和相对不足以及靶组织细胞对胰岛素的敏感性降低是引发糖尿病的基本环节。

    Absolutely and comparatively deficiency of insulin and decreased sensitivity of tissue and cell to insulin is the basement of developing into diabetes .

  27. 有学者的研究也支持这一观点,认为血液循环中的雌激素虽然含量高,但是不如局部靶组织或细胞内的雌激素发挥的生物学效能高。

    Some scholars research also support the idea that the estrogen in blood circulation is high , but local target cells play function .

  28. 在多种以前未知的维生素D的靶组织中,证明了特异性核内定位。

    Specific nuclear localization has also deen demonstrated in a variety of other tissues not previously appreciated as targets of vit - amin D action .

  29. 胰岛β细胞胰岛素分泌缺陷和(或)靶组织对胰岛素敏感性降低是致糖尿病的重要病理生理机制。

    The deficiency in islet β - cell secretion and ( or ) the decrease in insulin sensitivity of target tissue are the important pathophysiological mechanisms of diabetes .

  30. 高强度聚焦超声治疗是采用多探头高能聚焦超声装置,对靶组织发射聚焦超声波,使靶组织内产生高温,进行治疗,可直接使肿瘤达到凝固性坏死。

    High Intensity Focused Ultrasonic technology () is a branch of the medicine-physics . It makes high intensity ultrasonic energy on the focus to act on target tissue .