
  • 网络vascular dementia;VaD
  1. 银杏叶制剂可能对预防脑卒中后血管性痴呆的发生、发展有益。

    It is favourable for EGb to prevent occurring and developing in VaD after stroke .

  2. 相对而言,血管性痴呆的病理学变化具有不均一性,既包括传统的多发性脑梗死、微血管损害和缺血后脑病,也存在神经变性性病理学改变。

    Relatively , the pathological hallmarks of VaD show heterogeneity , which not only contain traditional multiple cerebral infarction , microvascular lesions and post-ischemic encephalopathy , but also involve neurodegenerative pathology .

  3. 血管性痴呆的智能测验与P(300)的相关性

    The correlativity on intelligence test of dementia and P_ ( 300 ) of vascular dementia

  4. 脑血管性痴呆的CT与解剖学研究

    CT and Anatomical Study of The Brain Vascular Dementia

  5. 载脂蛋白E基因多态性与淀粉样β蛋白和血管性痴呆的关系

    Relationship among genetic polymorphism of apolipoprotein E , beta-amyloid protein and vascular dementia

  6. 皮质下缺血性血管性痴呆的MRI相关高危因素研究

    A correlativity study of MRI findings of subcortical ischemic vascular disease and vascular dementia

  7. 拟血管性痴呆小鼠血浆血栓素B2、6-酮-前列腺素F1α的变化及电针的影响

    The effect of the electropuncture on the plasma TXB_2 、 6-Keto-PGF1 α content in synthetic vascular dementia mouse

  8. 血管性痴呆小鼠海马胆碱乙酰转移酶mRNA表达特征研究

    Change of mRNA expression of choline acetyltransferase in neuron of hippocampus in mice with vascular dementia

  9. 内颞叶结构MR体积测量在Alzheimer病和皮层下血管性痴呆鉴别诊断中的价值

    MR volumetric measurement of medial temporal lobe in differentiating Alzheimer disease and subcortical ischemic vascular dementia

  10. Alzheimer病和血管性痴呆的磁共振波谱分析

    Brain proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy in Alzheimer disease and vascular dementia

  11. 血管性痴呆和Alzheimer病的经颅多普勒超声研究

    Transcranial Doppler sonography in vascular dementia and Alzheimer 's disease

  12. 结论海马组织cAMP和AC水平降低可能参与了血管性痴呆的分子生物学发病机制;

    Conclusion The lower levels of cAMP and AC in hippocampus might participate in the molecular pathogenesis of VD ;

  13. 方法利用血管性痴呆模型,RTPCR技术检测全脑重复缺血再灌(IR)后ICEmRNA的表达。

    Methods ICE mRNA expressions after cortex repetitive ischemia-reperfusion ( IR ) were determined by RT-PCR in VD mice .

  14. 方法:经CT检查确诊为脑出血或脑梗塞后引起血管性痴呆患者120例,随机分为两组:治疗组80例采用针刺百会,穴注风池,舌针法进行治疗;

    Methods : The 120 VD patients after encephalorrhagia and cerebral infarction those had been defined by cerebral CT were divided randomly into two groups .

  15. Alzheimer病和血管性痴呆患者血清β-AP的检测

    Measurement of Serum β - AP Levels in Patients with Alzheimer Disease and Vasular Dementia

  16. 采用CT技术测定30例缺血性血管性痴呆和30例缺血性卒中对照患者脑室和脑沟线性指标。

    The indices of ventricles and cerebral sulci in 30 ischemic vascular dementia patients and 30 patients with ischemic stroke were calculated with CT based technique .

  17. 目的:观测喜得镇对血管性痴呆小鼠海马神经元胆碱乙酰转移酶mRNA变化的影响,以探讨胆碱乙酰转移酶mRNA变化在血管性痴呆发病中的作用及喜得镇对此变化的机制。

    Objective : To observe the effect of hydergine on choline acetyltransferase mRNA in neuron of hippocampus in mice with vascular dementia .

  18. 结论:喜得镇改善血管性痴呆小鼠学习、记忆成绩与其恢复海马低水平的胆碱乙酰转移酶mRNA有关。

    Conclusion : Hydergine improved dysfunction of learning and memory in VD , suggested that hydergine restored expression of choline acetyltransferase mRNA .

  19. 结论喜得镇能改善血管性痴呆小鼠模型的学习、记忆功能,这可能与N甲基D天门冬氨酸受体mRNA水平正常化有关。

    Conclusions Hydergine can improve dysfunction of learning and memory in VD , which suggest that hydergine may restore expression of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor mRNA .

  20. 皮层下血管性痴呆视觉空间工作记忆fMRI研究

    FMRI Study of Visual Spatial Working Memory in Subcortical Vascular Dementia

  21. 血管性痴呆患者血清Livin、VEGF与MMP-9水平的临床意义

    Clinical study of Livin , VEGF and MMP-9 in serum of vascular dementia patients

  22. 脑血管性痴呆智商和P300测试分析

    Intelligence quotient and P300 test in patients with vascular dementia

  23. 目的:探讨毒扁豆碱对血管性痴呆(VD)的治疗效果。

    Objective : To investigate the curative effect of physostigmine on vascular dementia patients .

  24. 目的:血管性痴呆(Vasculardementia,VD)是老年期疾病的重要类型之一。

    Objective : Vascular Dementia ( called VD as follows ) is one of the important types in senile disease .

  25. 阿尔茨海默病及血管性痴呆患者血清胆固醇、IL-6和VitB(12)等水平的临床观测

    Observation of Serum Cholesterol , IL-6 and VitB_ ( 12 ) Levels in Alzheimer 's Disease or Vascular Dementia Patients

  26. 结论经改进后的MID大鼠模型是进行血管性痴呆基础研究和疗效评价的理想模型。

    Conclusion The modified MID model is useful to carry out basic study and curative assessment in treating vascular dementia .

  27. 结论GP可明显减轻血管性痴呆大鼠大脑皮层及海马的DNA和RNA损伤。

    Conclusion The injury to the DNA and RNA in cerebral cortex and hippocampus in vascular dementia rat was obviously decreased by GP .

  28. 阿尔采默病(Alzheimer'SDisease,AD)和血管性痴呆(Vasculardementia,VD)是老年期痴呆最常见的两种类型,其发病机制、临床表现、治疗和预后均有所不同。

    Alzheimer 's disease and vascular dementia are the frequent types in gerontic dementia . They have different pathomechanism , clinical manifestation and treatment .

  29. 结果①统计学研究表明活血祛瘀方、涤痰开窍方可以改善血管性痴呆大鼠学习记忆能力,与模型组相比较,有显著性差异(P<0.05)。

    Results ( 1 ) Statistical analysis indicated that PBC and RPR treatments could significantly improve the learning and memory abilities of VD rats compared to the controls ( P < 0.05 ) .

  30. 方法采用MRI技术测定30例缺血性血管性痴呆患者和30例正常对照者脑叶和海马体积。

    Methods The volumes of cerebral lobes and hippocampus formation in 30 ischemic vascular dementia patients and 30 normal controls were measured with MRI based technique .