
xuè tán
  • bloody sputum;sputum cruentum
血痰[xuè tán]
  1. 结论育龄期妇女,如反复出现自发性气胸、血痰、活动后呼吸困难,胸部HRCT示两肺弥漫囊状改变,临床上应想到PLAM可能。

    Conclusions PLAM should be taken into consideration if women of childbearing age suffer repeatedly from spontaneous pneumothorax , bloody sputum , dyspneic respiration after exercises , and HRCT indicates bilateral diffuse cystic airspaces change ;

  2. 血痰28例占48.2%;

    28 revealed bloody sputum ( 48.2 % );

  3. 4种不同性状的痰液(干酪痰、血痰、黏液痰、唾液)结核杆菌阳性检出率分别为20.00%、0,13.76%、6.06%,差异有统计学意义(P0.05);

    The positive rate of tyroid sputum , blood sputum , mucous sputum and saliva was 20.00 % , 0,13.76 % and 6.06 % respectively . There was a difference of them ( P0.05 ) .

  4. 临床主要症状为咳嗽、胸痛、血痰。

    The major clinic signs included cough , chest pain and bloody sputum .

  5. 除术后血痰外,无重要并发症。

    In our series there were no serious complications except blood-tinged sputum after examinations .

  6. 咳嗽、血痰、胸疼为常见症状。

    The common symptoms were cough , bloody sputum , chest pain and so on .

  7. 抽吸性血痰患者的临床与实验室检查对鼻咽癌的鉴别诊断意义

    Differential diagnosis significance of clinical and experimental examinations for nasopharyngeal cancer in patients with blood sputum drawing back from nasopharynx

  8. 并发症3例(97%),其中气胸2例,血痰1例。

    Complications occurred in 3 cases ( 9 7 % ), including 2 cases of pneumothorax and 1 case of hemoptysis .

  9. 结论咯血或血痰、肺部音、呼吸困难是严重肺挫伤的主要表现。

    Conclusion Hemoptysis or sputum with blood , rales over the lungs and dyspnea are the major manifestations of severe pulmonary contusion .

  10. 而在血痰、发热、胸痛等症状缓解方面,奇宁组和化疗组没有显著性差异(P>0.05)。

    There was no significant difference between Group A and Group B in the remission of symptoms such as hemoptysis , ignis , pectoralgia ( P > 0.05 ) .

  11. 方法将102例以抽吸性血痰为主诉的患者,按最终诊断分为两组(鼻咽癌组与非癌组),对其临床与实验室检查资料进行回顾性分析、对比。

    METHODS : A toal of 102 cases of blood sputum drawing back from nasopharynx were divided into two groups of nasopharyngeal cancer and non-cancer diseases , according to final diagnosis , respectively .

  12. 结果对血氧饱和度下降、呼吸和心率不稳定、气道压力明显不稳定、血痰、肺不张、严重肺部感染等能查找出原因,并予相应的镜下治疗,效果显著;

    Results The reasons , such as oxygen saturation decline , irregularity of respiration and heart beat , unstability of airway pressure , bloody sputum , atelectasis and serious pulmonary infection , could be found out , and then the corresponding fiberbronchoscope treatment was performed with good results .

  13. 而后为呼吸性碱中毒、血或痰块引起的气道阻塞和呼吸性酸中毒。

    Respiratory alkalosis and airway obstruction as well as acidosis were common complications also .

  14. 结论纤支镜在危重创伤伴发肺部并发症患者监护中应用,不但可及时明确诊断,而且可以有效清除气道分泌物及血、痰痂。明显改善呼吸功能、提高患者对严重创伤的承受力。

    Conclusion Fibrobronchoscope can remove secretion , blood and phlegm and improve respiratory function and enduring capability during the inspection and treatment of complication of bronchi and lungs in critical trauma .

  15. 结论越鞠丸是针对气、血、痰、火、湿、食郁结而设,重在行气解郁,能明显改善功能性消化不良的症状。

    Conclusion Yueju Pill is made for qi , blood , phlegm , fire , dampness and food stagnation , and can promote qi flow to relieve depression and the symptoms of hypopepsia .

  16. BAL的病原体检出率为69%(31/45),血培养结合痰、咽拭子培养病原体检出率为38%(20/52)。

    Positive rate of BAL alone and of blood culture combined with pharynx swab and sputum were 69 % ( 31 / 45 ) and 38 % ( 20 / 52 ), respectively .

  17. 咳嗽有血吗,痰中是否带血?

    Have you ever coughed up blood or bloody phlegm ?

  18. 方法针对不同的晚期肿瘤患者,根据病情及感染部位分别进行血培养、痰培养、分泌物培养、胸水或腹水培养、尿培养、痰涂片、以及大便涂片,检测并鉴别致病菌。

    Methods Based on the illness state and infection site , pathogenic microbes were examined by culture of blood , sputum , secretion , pleural fluid , peritoneal fluid and urine and smear preparation of sputum and stool , respectively .

  19. 血是夹在痰中间还是血块?

    Is it spread all through the phlegm , or is it in clots ?

  20. 方法制定感染标准,符合标准者做血、尿、痰细菌培养。

    Methods Infective criterion was designed , blood and sputum and urine were cultured for bacteria in patients who met the criterion .

  21. 结论:刺络泻血疗法是治疗痰瘀互结型高尿酸血症的一种安全、有效的方法,值得临床推广应用。

    Conclusion : stab winding spilled blood therapy in the treatment for HUA of phlegm and blood stasis junction is a safe and effective method , it is worthy of clinical application .

  22. 见水治血、见血治水、血与水(痰)同治的治法最适合于急、慢性病的后期(久病入络)及妇科病、老年病和下焦病的论治。

    The methods of treating water syndrome , treating blood syndrome , and treating both water and blood syndrome are suitable for the treatment of the late stage of acute or chronic diseases , gynecopathy gerontological diseases , and diseases of lower energizer .