
luó sī qǐ zi
  • screwdriver;driver;bolt driver
螺丝起子 [luó sī qǐ zǐ]
  • [screwdriver] 见改锥

  1. 他用螺丝起子戳她的脸颊。

    He had gouged her cheek with a screwdriver .

  2. 这枚硬币可以充当螺丝起子用。

    This coin may act as a screwdriver .

  3. 肯尼:我借了他的一个螺丝起子。

    Kenny : Well I borrowed one of his screwdrivers .

  4. 你的工具箱里另外有一把螺丝起子吗。

    Is there another screwdriver is your tool box ?

  5. 他用螺丝起子将箱子撬开。

    He pried the box open with a screwdriver .

  6. 他正试图用一个螺丝起子敲开一个零钞机。

    He was trying to Jimmy open a change machine with a screwdriver .

  7. 给我一杯螺丝起子加冰块。

    Give me a screwdriver on the rocks .

  8. 那一般不用螺丝起子吧。

    That doesn 't usually require a screwdriver .

  9. 生产部有六个人,拿着螺丝起子坐在六英尺的桌子旁升级电脑。

    Manufacturing consisted of three guys with screwpers sitting at six-foot tables upgrading machines .

  10. 我去拿把螺丝起子你继续弄这个

    I 'm gonna go grab a screwdriver . But you run with this .

  11. 磁性塑料柄倒顺多用螺丝起子

    Magnetic ratchet multi-purpose screw-driver with plastic handle

  12. 请给我螺丝起子。

    Please hand me the screwdriver .

  13. 一字塑料柄螺丝起子

    Flared tip screwdriver with plastic handle

  14. 当一只手伸进来试图开门锁时,她就用螺丝起子扎那只手。

    When a hand came inside and tried to unlock the door , she stabbed it .

  15. 木柄棘轮式螺丝起子

    Ratchet screwdriver with wooden handle

  16. 肯尼:但那螺丝起子很旧了,我相信爸爸几乎从来不用。

    Kenny : but it was an old one . I 'm sure he hardly ever uses it .

  17. 如果你总把那凿子当螺丝起子用,就会使它变钝的。

    If you keep using that chisel as a screwdriver you 'll take the edge right off it .

  18. 手柄上有螺旋可以使刃片有向下的压力旋转的螺丝起子。

    A screwdriver with a spiral in the handle so the blade rotates with downward pressure on the handle .

  19. 这是一个普遍的称呼,来指代锤子,锯子,螺丝起子等工具。

    It 's a general term referring to things like hammers , saws , screwdrivers ; all of these are tools .

  20. 防止意外抹去录音,录音后请用螺丝起子或其他尖头工具把卡带的塑胶翼片拆除掉

    " Break off the plastic tabs on the cassette tape after recording , with a screwdriver or other pointed tool . "

  21. 如果用手无法松开止回阀,则在阀体和止回阀之间插入一把长的螺丝起子(参阅图2)。

    If Check cannot be loosened by hand , insert a long screwdriver between valve body and Check ( see figure 2 ) .

  22. 一种或有螺帽或有塞孔的螺纹扣件;其开槽头可以由螺丝起子钉入。

    A threaded fastener used either with a nut or with a tapped hole ; slotted head can be driven by a screwdriver .

  23. 安迪按在一个齿轮箱上,他们上他时,其中一个人用菲利浦螺丝起子顶着他的太阳穴。

    They bent him over a gear-box and one of them held a Phillips screwdriver to his temple while they gave him the business .

  24. 一名坐在轮椅里的95岁妇女仅靠手中的一把螺丝起子,就把一个劫犯拒之门外,她不断用螺丝起子扎罪犯的手。

    Armed only with a screwdriver , a95-year-old woman in a wheel chair kept a burglar from breaking into her home by repeatedly stabbing his hand .

  25. 例如,螺丝起子是用来起螺丝的,但是有时您也可能用来打开油漆盖子。

    For example , a screwdriver is made to be used with screws , but at some point you may have used one to open a can of paint .

  26. 像硬币、螺丝起子、安全别针等小件金属物能在她的身上贴住几分钟之久。

    Looks like light casting metals and so on coin , screw driver , safety pin to be able to stick to for several minutes long time on hers body .

  27. 禁止把物体(如扳手、螺丝起子、撬杆等)插入阀门帽的开口处。这样做可能损伤阀门,导致泄漏。

    NEVER insert an object ( e.g. , wrench , screwdriver , pry bar , etc. ) into valve cap openings . Doing so may damage the valve causing it to leak .

  28. 一种专供飞利浦螺丝的螺丝起子。

    A screwdriver for Phillips screws .

  29. 有可以插入螺丝头的狭槽的楔形尖端的螺丝起子。

    A screwdriver with a flat wedge-shaped tip that fits into a slot in the head of a screw .