
  • 网络dog nose;Dog's Nose
  1. 如果你给我带来制造狗鼻子的科学家。

    If you bring me the scientist who created geko .

  2. 不过,就像我们经常开玩笑说的那样,狗鼻子更灵。

    But dogs , as the old joke might have had it , smell even better .

  3. 大家都知道狗鼻子异常灵敏,却不知道其实人类的也不差。

    While we all know that dogs have incredibly sharp noses , it is not so well-known that we humans are not so bad at sniffing things out ourselves !

  4. 你所真真切切知道的是,你那对于变质东西十分灵敏的狗鼻子,已经闻到了过去你所编织的“天方夜谭”已经失去控制并开始变馊了。

    All you really do know is that your fine tuned nose for something going bad has picked up the scent of a " fairytale " you wove that has gone out of control and turned sour .

  5. 生病的狗即使鼻子冰凉也要去看兽医。

    Sick pets with cold noses should be seen by your veterinarian .

  6. 那股气味使我的狗的鼻子抽动着。

    The smell made my dog 's nose twitch .

  7. 再画另一个椭圆重叠作为狗的鼻子。

    Overlap another oval for your dog 's snout .

  8. 狗用鼻子顶着一个球使其保持平衡。

    The dog balanced a ball on its nose .

  9. 他摸狗的鼻子。

    She felt the dog 's nose .

  10. 狗用鼻子把门碰开了。

    The dog nosed the door open .

  11. 狗用鼻子去碰睡着的孩子。

    The dog nuzzled the sleeping child .

  12. 其中一半的狗用鼻子触碰生气表情的图片时,就会得到奖励。

    Half the dogs received a treat when they touched an angry face with their nose .

  13. 狗把鼻子伸到洞里去看兔子是否还在里面。

    The dog plunges its nose down the hole to see if the rabbit was still there .

  14. 狗的鼻子里有6000个感受器,可以嗅到甚至人觉察不到的气体。

    Dogs have 6000 receptors in their nose and manage to smell odors that we do not even suspect .

  15. 我让狗将鼻子伸到洞里,看看兔子是否还在里面。

    I let my dog plunged its nose down the hole to see if the rabbit was still there .

  16. 和人类相比,狗的鼻子里有很多嗅觉感受器,这些感受器对许多气味都很敏感。

    Dogs have many more scent receptors in their noses than humans do , and their receptors are sensitive to more smells .

  17. 我感到一只狗在用鼻子碰我的腿。

    I felt a dog 's snout nuzzling my leg .

  18. 狗开始用鼻子把两边的人推开。

    The dog began to push the people on each side with its nose .

  19. 他们有狗是没有鼻子的。

    They 've got dogs with no noses !

  20. 鼻子不是黑色.但是浅色系的狗.容许鼻子颜色浅一点点。

    Nose other than black . except in the case of lighter colored dogs . where a lighter colored nose is acceptable .

  21. 当你回到家里碰碰狗湿湿的鼻子看着它摇摆的尾巴你想不开心都难

    It 's kind of impossible to have a bad day when you 're coming home to a wet nose and a waggling tail

  22. 鸟有敏锐的眼睛,而狗有灵敏的鼻子。

    Birds have sharp eyes and dogs have sharp noses .

  23. 首先,给你的卡通狗画一个鼻子并且在口鼻部画出一个笑容。

    First up , give your dog a nose and a snout with a cheeky grin .

  24. 有的狗和猫的鼻子会失色,逐渐变为白色或红色。

    Some dogs and cats will occasionally lose pigment from their noses , causing this feature to turn white or red .

  25. 稍稍远一点的地方躺着一条白色带有黑花斑的随车大狗,它把鼻子贴在前爪上,耐心等待着两个小伙子回家去吃晚饭。

    A little aloof , as became an aristocrat , lay a black-spotted carriage dog , muzzle on paws , patiently waiting for the boys to go home to supper .

  26. 狗嗅觉灵敏众所周知,狗的鼻子经过训练后可以识别各种不同气味。

    Dogs are known for a strong sense of smell . Their noses can be trained to identify different odors .

  27. 狗以嗅觉灵敏而著称。狗的鼻子经过训练后可以鉴别不同的气味。

    Dogs are known for a strong sense of smell . Their noses can be trained to different s.

  28. 人们对于狗的灵敏感知能力给出了科学的解释:一般来说,这与狗的鼻子有关,鼻子是狗感知世界的首要方式。

    There 's a scientific explanation for most of the amazing things dogs can sense . Often , that explanation has to do with the dog 's nose , its No. 1 way of understanding the world .