
dàn bái zhì
  • protein;proteide
蛋白质 [dàn bái zhì]
  • [protein] 一个很大类的天然存在的、氨基酸的极其复杂的结合物,含有碳、氢、氮、氧,通常还有硫,偶尔有磷、铁或其它元素,是动植物活细胞的必需成分,也是动物膳食的必需成分

蛋白质[dàn bái zhì]
  1. 我们的饮食中大约有15%的蛋白质。

    Around 15 % of our diet is composed of protein .

  2. 豌豆、豆荚和扁豆是植物蛋白质的大好来源。

    Peas , beans and lentils are a good source of vegetable protein .

  3. 食物由碳水化合物、蛋白质和脂肪构成。

    Food is made up of carbohydrates , proteins and fats .

  4. 饮食中摄入过量蛋白质可能会加速衰老。

    Too much protein in the diet may advance the ageing process

  5. 昆虫由数万种蛋白质构成。

    Insects are made up of tens of thousands of proteins .

  6. 活细胞中所有复杂的运行成分都由蛋白质分子构成。

    Protein molecules compose all the complex working parts of living cells

  7. 奶制品富含钙与蛋白质。

    Milk products are an excellent source of calcium and protein .

  8. 鱼肉曾是劳动者的主要蛋白质来源。

    Fish was a major source of protein for the working man .

  9. 除去水,蛋白质占了体重的一半。

    Excluding water , half of the body 's weight is protein .

  10. 这些蛋白质会刺激血细胞的产生。

    These proteins stimulate the production of blood cells .

  11. 只有几种蔬菜食品有如此高的蛋白质含量。

    Only a few vegetable-origin foods have such a high percentage of protein .

  12. 炸鱼薯条富含蛋白质。

    Fish and chips are packed with protein .

  13. 鱼肉富含蛋白质。

    Fish is a rich source of protein .

  14. 豆类富含蛋白质。

    Legumes are an excellent source of protein .

  15. 时间久了,蛋壳中的蛋白质就会分解为其构成成分氨基酸。

    Over time , the protein in the eggshell breaks down into its constituent amino acids

  16. 蛋白质是否存留取决于骨头被石化的方式。

    The survival of the proteins depends on the way in which bones are fossilised .

  17. 真实的情况是,大多数人摄入的蛋白质比他们实际所需的多出许多。

    The fact of the matter is that most people consume far more protein than they actually need

  18. 它所含脂肪不到1%,富含蛋白质,矿物质含量也很高。

    It contains less than 1 per cent fat , an appreciable amount of protein , and a high content of minerals

  19. 植物需要氮以便制造蛋白质。

    The plant requires nitrogen in order to make proteins .

  20. 牛乳中的固态物质包括盐分、蛋白质和糖。

    Milk solids include salts , protein and sugar .

  21. 中国在世界上最早用人工方法合成一种有生物活力的蛋白质--结晶胰岛素。

    China was the first country in the world to synthesize crystalline insulin , a bioactive protein .

  22. 角蛋白是毛发和指甲中的主要蛋白质。

    Keratin is the major protein in hair and nails .

  23. 有些洗衣粉能通过化学作用分解蛋白质。

    Some washing powders break down proteins by chemical action .

  24. 蛋白质首先分解成氨基酸。

    Protein is first broken down into amino acids .

  25. 脱脂奶粉是廉价的蛋白质洗脱剂。

    Nonfat dry milk is an inexpensive proteinaceous eluent .

  26. 大豆含有丰富的蛋白质。

    Soybeans are very rich in protein .

  27. 蛋白质遇热会凝固。

    Protein turns solid when heated .

  28. 蛋白质是一种生物高分子,它是有机体的基本成分,并且参与了细胞中的每一个流程。

    Proteins are biological macromolecules that are an essential component of organisms and participate in every process within cells .

  29. 春天来了,母鸡们又开始下蛋了,这些鸡蛋在冬天结束时为我们提供源源不断的蛋白质。

    In spring , chickens start laying again , bringing a welcome source of protein at winter 's end .

  30. 在常见的浆果中,草莓的维生素C含量最高,不过,由于其种子的缘故,树莓含有的蛋白质、铁和锌(并不是说水果含有很多蛋白质)更多一点。

    Of the common berries , strawberries are highest in vitamin C , although , because of their seeds , raspberries contain a little more protein , iron and zinc ( not that fruits have much protein ) .