
dàn bái zhì biàn xìnɡ
  • protein denaturation
  1. 大豆制油过程中尿素酶活性与蛋白质变性关系的研究

    Relationship between urease activity and protein denaturation in extracting soybean oil

  2. 蛋白质变性机理与变性时的热力学参数研究进展

    Progress in Study of Protein Denaturation and Thermodynamic Parameters of Denaturation

  3. 结果ASA可降低半乳糖性白内障晶状体水合反应的程度,集中表现在以蛋白质变性为主导的后期核质混浊阶段。

    ResultsInhibitive effects of ASA on hydration of galactose induced cataract were demonstrated in the later stage of nucleus opacification .

  4. 3按照蛋白质变性的两态机理计算了CopC的结构稳定化能。

    The stable energy of CopC and Cun-CopC were calculated according to two states mechanism .

  5. 本论文有两个部分:研究光系统II(PSII)蛋白质变性以及膜脂重组的保护和复性,探讨叶绿体与植物细胞凋亡的关系。

    The aim of this study is to investigate the denaturation , membrane lipids protection and recovery of photosystem II ( PSII ), and the involvement of chloroplasts in plant apoptosis .

  6. PSE肉的严重汁液流失是肌浆蛋白和肌球蛋白变性的结果,而宰后早期(6h前)的低pH是蛋白质变性的主要诱因;

    These data indicated that high drip loss of PSE was due to the denaturation of sarcoplasmic protein and myosin , which were the results from lower pH at early postmortem time .

  7. 通过测定在不同变性时间下盐酸肌浓度对荧光强度的影响以及荧光强度随pH有规律的变化,进一步证实了该蛋白质变性过程中形成较稳定中间态的结论。

    A regular change in fluorescence intensity at differen time could be determined due to the change of concentration of Cdn · HCl or low pH. The conclusion was further confirmed that the protein formed a stable intermediates state in the denatured processes .

  8. 目的比较人老年性白内障和硒性SD大鼠核性白内障,探讨该白内障模型在运用于对人老年性白内障的研究中的可行性,进而初步研究蛋白质变性过程中二级结构的变化。

    Objective To discuss whether the sodium-selenite-induced cataract is a suitable model in the study of human senile cataract and further investigation the change of the conformation of the secondary structure of the protein during the cataractogenesis .

  9. SDS作为一种蛋白质变性剂,不仅能够使HRP变性失去部分活性,而且还能使HRP对底物OPD的米氏常数Km(OPD)和最大反应速率都比其在缓冲体系中小;

    As a denaturant for protein , SDS not only makes the HRP lose its activity because of denaturalization , but also decrease the Michaelis constant and the maximum velocity of the reaction for the substrate OPD .

  10. 冻藏温度对牡蛎蛋白质变性速率的影响

    Effects of Temperature on Protein Denaturation Rate of Oyster during Frozen Storage

  11. 变性剂诱导的多结构域蛋白质变性现象的研究

    The Study on Unfolding Features of Denaturant-induced Multiple-domain Proteins

  12. 因此,冻藏易导致2种淡水鱼糜的蛋白质变性;

    Therefore , frozen storage caused protein denaturation of surimi from both species .

  13. 四种淡水鱼在冻藏过程中蛋白质变性的测定

    Determination of protein denaturation for four kinds of freshwater fishes during frozen storage

  14. 蛋白质变性、降解,胨、氨基酸、缩氨酸等物质有所增加。

    The protein denatured and amino acid increased when proteins denatured and degraded .

  15. 研究不同处理条件下蛋白质变性程度对酶解特性的影响。

    Study on the denaturation level in different treatment and the effect of enzymatic hydrolysis .

  16. 表面活性剂对蛋白质变性作用的研究

    Study on Denaturalization of Proteins by Surfactants

  17. 从蛋白质变性的构象渐变模型出发,分析了多结构域蛋白质变性过程的特点。

    The unfolding features of the multiple-domain proteins are analyzed in terms of sequential model .

  18. 鱼排酶解物对鳙鱼鱼糜冻藏过程中蛋白质变性的影响

    Effects of enzymatic fish frame protein hydrolysate on denaturation of bighead carp surimi during frozen storage

  19. 蛋白质变性的渐变模型

    A sequential model on protein denaturation

  20. 在分析已有实验结果的基础上,给出了反映蛋白质变性过程特征的新模型&渐变模型,该模型显示出蛋白质分子变性是一个构象渐变的连续稳态过程。

    The model shows that the protein unfolding undergoes a continuous steady process of conformational changes .

  21. 烹饪使食物中的蛋白质变性,变得难以消化和吸收。

    Cooking denatures the proteins in our food , rendering them harder to digest and utilize .

  22. 组织学检查可见出血、脂质沉积和蛋白质变性、髓鞘破坏等;

    The histological changes of short T1 signal were hemorrhage , lipid-laden macrophage , denatured protein and myelinolysis .

  23. 实验结果表明蛋白质变性程度增大,不利于酶解,水解度越低。

    The result show that denaturation level rose while disadvantageous enzymatic hydrolyzing , the DH was reducing . 3 .

  24. 用吸附动力学方法得到了可描述多个结构域变性的关系表示式,特别对典型双结构域蛋白质变性过程予以较详细的讨论。

    The formulae that can describe the protein unfolding processes of the multiple-domain proteins are deduced by means of adsorption kinetics .

  25. 可见添加海藻糖能有效地防止蛋白质变性,提高冷冻鲤鱼鱼糜的品质。

    The addition of trehalose could protect protein denaturation during frozen storage , resulting in good quality of frozen carp surimi .

  26. 重点概述二维相关红外光谱在研究温度、酸度等物理变量诱导蛋白质变性及结构变化方面的应用。

    Another purpose is to provide new insight into temperature and acid induced protein structure and denaturation by using 2D IR spectroscopy .

  27. 在分析已有的实验结果的基础上,给出了反映蛋白质变性过程特征的新表示形式。

    On the basis of analyzing the experimental results , a new expression that can reflect the feature of urea-induced denaturation is given .

  28. 用来表征蛋白质变性的热力学参数有热容、变性自由能、变性焓和变性熵等。

    The thermodynamic parameters , which be used to manifest the protein denaturation , are heat capacity , Gibbs free energy , enthalpy and entropy .

  29. 自从安芬森的蛋白质变性-复性试验以后,越来越多的人接受了蛋白质的一级结构决定了这个蛋白质的三级结构的假定。

    Since Anfinsen experiment , more and more people accepted the assumption that the primary structure of protein determines the tertiary structure of this protein .

  30. 试验得到样品含水率为16%时,血粉蛋白质变性温度最低为76.9℃。

    The denatured temperature of blood meal will be the lowest of 76 9 ℃ when the moisture content of blood meal reaches 16 % .