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  1. 结果表明:(1)C型、S型2种不育细胞质对杂交种株高均有极显著增高效应,YⅡ-Ⅰ型不育细胞质虽使杂交种株高有所增加,但未达显著水平。

    The results were as follows : ( 1 ) THe effect of C and S sterile cytoplasms were very significant on hybrid plant height , but the effect of Y ⅱ - ⅰ cytoplasm was not significant .

  2. EAF留碳操作虽使冶炼周期延长5~10min,但LF喂丝量降低1/2以上,显著降低冶炼成本和提高钢水质量。

    Although EAF carbon pick-up operation prolonged steelmaking period for 5 ~ 10 min , the LF feeding wire amount decreased more than 1 / 2 , it obviously decreased melting cost and increased steel quality .

  3. 实验结果表明:CPE及CPE/HPVC的加入,虽使体系的力学性能有所降低,但能明显改善TPU的加工性能,并且基本保持了TPU优异的耐寒性。

    The results indicate that with the incorporation of CPE and CPE / HPVC , the mechanical properties of the blends decreased lightly , but the processability of TPU was significantly improved and the cold resistance of TPU was not changed basically .

  4. 发现介电模型交换关联势并不导致价带态发生明显的变化,它虽使布里渊区X点附近导带态和价带顶之间的能差稍有增大(~0.2eV)。

    It is found that the dielectric model exchange-correlation potential does not change the valence band states significantly and increases by a small amount the energy difference ( - 0.2eV ) between the X conduction band states and the top of the valence band .

  5. 苯酚和对苯二酚的荧光光谱重叠比较严重,同步荧光光谱虽使选择性有所改善,但仍有重叠,苯酚和对苯二酚的同步荧光峰相差仅20nm。

    The fluorescence spectra of phenol and p - dihydroxybenzene overlap seriously . The peak wavelengths of sychronous fluorescence spectra for phenol and p-dihydroxybenzene are 300 and 320 nm , respectively , the difference being only 20 nm .

  6. VWDK用二进制码元直接控制两个差别很小的类正弦载波而实现调制,虽使超窄带传输成为可能,但接收端的相关检测却变得困难。

    The pivotal thinking of VWDK is to make the difference of two modulation waves minimum , which makes coherent detection more difficult , then results in poor SNR performance .

  7. 消炎痛虽使不锈钢的电位略有正移,但不改变它原来的钝化状态或活化状态。

    Indomethacin did not turn the stainless steel from active state into passive state .

  8. 主虽使人忧愁,还要照他诸般的慈爱发怜悯。

    For though he sends grief , still he will have pity in the full measure of his love .

  9. 对于上班族来说,一天中,赶早上班,虽使人慌忙火急,可那是因为你没有失业。

    For office workers , day , catch the early work , while people hurried Huoji , but that is because you do not have jobs .

  10. 结果表明,种蒜的低温处理促进了鳞芽分化,但抑制了生长;而高温处理虽使鳞芽分化较晚,但促进了生长。

    The results showed that the lower treatment temperature promoted the differentiation of scaly bud , but inhibited the plant growth , and the higher treatment temperature did on the contrary .

  11. 灌溉频率的增加虽使甜瓜植株的叶面积略有降低,但与对照处理无显著性差异。而灌溉频率的增加可以使甜瓜叶片叶绿素含量显著增加。

    The increasing of irrigation frequency decreased leaf area of melon plants slightly , which was no significant difference with control treatments , increased the chlorophyll content of melon leaves significantly .

  12. 道教修炼,虽使孙悟空等超越了自然生命、具有无穷法力,却非修炼的极境,仅仅是进一步修炼的入门和准备;

    Taoism gives the Monkey King infinite supernatural power , but it is not the ultimate goal of life and it is just the preparation for the next step in life .

  13. 姐姐走近前来,使她不得不把这个念头暂时搁在一旁。她一见姐姐神色欣然,便知道这两位贵客虽使她自己失意,却使她姐姐较为得意。

    Her resolution was for a short time involuntarily kept by the approach of her sister , who joined her with a cheerful look , which shewed her better satisfied with their visitors , than Elizabeth .

  14. 二战虽使参战各方损失惨重,但也给美国带来了难逢的历史机遇,美国通过参战实现了长期以来的夙愿,成为世界超级大国,爬上了世界霸主的宝座。

    While the warring parties suffered heavy losses , to the United States the war brought the historical opportunities . Through the war the United States achieved the long cherished dream to become a world superpower and got the throne of world hegemony .

  15. 此种对外贸易结构虽使菲律宾民族经济发展繁荣一时,却造成其经济结构的失衡与脆弱,以及社会问题的积累与社会发展的滞后。

    Though the foreign trade promoted development and prosperity of Philippine national economy for a time , the whole economic structure was out of balance and fragile . Moreover , the country had been confronted with many social problems and its social development bogged down .

  16. UV-B辐射降低IAA含量,虽可使部分光合产物转入类黄酮合成,但延迟大豆生长。

    UV-B radiation decreased the content of IAA , although it can make some product of photosynthesis shift into the synthesis of flavonoids , the growth of the soybean delayed .

  17. PQ暴露神经毒性虽未使纹状体DA含量显著降低,但动物在爬杆上所花时间较对照组显著延长,表明动物运动能力出现一定程度下降。

    Although the DA concentration in CPu of these paraquat exposure mice do not decline obviously , the time of pole test was prolonged significantly compared with control group , which showed that the locomotory capacity of animals had impaired .

  18. 表明:姜汁和蒜汁可以使离体血清和肝匀浆SOD活力显著增加,血清MDA含量明显降低。姜汁、蒜汁虽能使肝匀浆MDA含量降低,但无统计学意义。

    The re-sults show that zingiber juice and allium juice can remarkably increase SOD activity in both the serum ( in vitro ) and hepar homogenate and decrease MDA content in the serum , and that they can also decrease MDA content in hepar homogenate , not significantly .

  19. 与CSG-1相比,CSG-2虽可使滤饼含水率降至约74%,但其对污泥过滤性能和沉降效果的改善均较差。

    Compared with the CSG-1 , the water content in remaining sludge cake after filtration is decreased to 74 % by the CSG-2 , but the velocities of filtration and settlement are slower correspondingly .

  20. 另外,加入丙三醇虽可使纤维直径的均匀性有所提高,但却不利于纤维成形。

    Besides , the uniformity of the nanofibers could be increased by the addition of glycerin , but the coagulation effect of the nanofibers was decreased .

  21. 传统的治疗方法如生长激素疗法虽能使一些患儿得到治疗,但因许多患儿对生长激素不敏感和生长激素价格昂贵、有一定不良反应等原因,使患儿的治疗受到限制,效果不佳。

    Although traditional treatments such as growth hormone therapy have certain effects , however , the effects are limited because of high price , side-effects of growth hormone or insensitivity to it .

  22. 与白光对比结果表明,声致发光虽能使照相底版感光,但不足以激活血卟啉产生单线态氧。

    By comparison of the above results with those irradiated by white light , it is shown that sonoluminescence is not strong enough to activate HP although it can sensitize photo plate .

  23. 等面积划分法是基于非线性调频信号设计法的改进,这种方法依赖于所选取的窗函数形式,所以得到的频率组合虽能使信号旁瓣变低但并非最优化的,同时旁瓣分布不均匀。

    Equal area division is based on the non-linear frequency waveform design . The combination of frequencies depends on the selected form of window function . Therefore , it is not the optimal one .

  24. 结果表明:加热法虽能使油的外观由混浊变清,但无法去除乳化汽轮机油中的表面活性物质,不能改善油的性能;

    The results show that heating method can make external appearance of oils from turbidity to clarity , but it can not remove the surface active substance in the emulsified turbine oil , so it can not improve oil performance ;

  25. 在这件事上,将军的发怒虽说定会使亨利感到震惊,但却吓不倒他,而他之所以能这样坚定不移,那是因为他相信自己是正义的。

    But , in such a cause , his anger , though it must shock , could not intimidate Henry , who was sustained in his purpose by a conviction of its justice .

  26. 庭审退回补充侦查制度虽有可能使一些案件查明事实真相,但它与刑事诉讼法的其他制度和一些审判规律的矛盾,以及由此带来的消极影响也是显而易见的。

    The system of returning for supplemental investigation makes it possible to find out the truth of some cases . But it is in contradiction with the other systems and some trial rules of the Law of Criminal Procedure . And the negative effect it brings is obvious .

  27. 舌头虽软,能使骨断。

    The tongue break bone though itself have none .

  28. 敌虽众,可使无斗。

    Though the enemy be stronger in numbers , we may prevent him from fighting .

  29. 巴比伦虽升到天上,虽使她坚固的高处更坚固,还有行毁灭的从我这里到她那里。这是耶和华说的。

    Even if Babylon was lifted up to heaven , even if she had the high places of her strength shut in with walls , still I would send against her those who will make her waste , says the lord .