
suī rán
  • although;while;though;when;however;albeit;notwithstanding;even so;even if though;with
虽然 [suī rán]
  • (1) [even if though; although] --用在上半句,下半句多用但是、可是、却等与它呼应,表示承认前边的为事,但后边的并不因此而不成立

  • 李大伯虽然年过六十,劳动劲头却比得上年轻的小伙子

  • 虽然我一见便知道是闰土,但又不是我这记忆上的闰土了。--鲁迅《故乡》

  • (2) 虽然如此,虽是这样;即使这样 [even so]

  • 善哉。虽然,公输盘为我为云梯,必取宋。--《墨子.公输》

  • 虽然,受地于先王,愿终守之,弗敢易!--《战国策.魏策》

虽然[suī rán]
  1. 安妮喜欢蒂姆,虽然他经常使她心烦。

    Anne was fond of Tim , though he often annoyed her .

  2. 她虽然非常害怕,但表面上依然很镇静。

    Though badly frightened , she remained outwardly composed .

  3. 他是个好司机,虽然有点过于自信。

    He 's a good driver , if a little over-confident .

  4. 我们儿时的生活虽然贫穷却过得很愉快。

    We led a poor but happy enough existence as children .

  5. 她虽然是个大明星,却非常平易近人。

    Despite being a big star , she 's very approachable .

  6. 政变虽然流产,但是不久以后政府便垮台了。

    The coup failed but the government fell shortly afterwards .

  7. 她虽然处处出于善意,却往往事与愿违。

    She 's full of good intentions but they rarely work out .

  8. 我们之间虽然不和,但她仍旧是我的妹妹。

    We have our differences , but she 's still my sister .

  9. 虽然我们最后总算赶上了那趟公共汽车,但也是够悬的。

    We caught the bus in the end but it was close .

  10. 虽然这并非完美无瑕,但我们正朝着目标前进。

    It 's not perfect but we 're getting there .

  11. 她虽然从不抱怨,但显然已疲惫不堪。

    She never complains , but she 's obviously exhausted .

  12. 这两幅画很相似,虽然不完全相同。

    The two pictures are similar , although not identical .

  13. 虽然过了两百年,这房子的大部分还保持完好。

    Most of the house remains intact even after two hundred years .

  14. 她得到的报酬虽然不高,但有极好的体验。

    She didn 't get paid much but it was all good experience .

  15. 虽然出现过一些问题,但这基本上仍不失为一个好系统。

    There have been some problems but basically it 's a good system .

  16. 我喜欢她,虽然有时烦得真想把她掐死。

    I like her , although I could cheerfully throttle her at times .

  17. 虽然战争在即,人们照常忙着自己的事。

    Despite the threat of war , people went about their business as usual .

  18. 虽然有些重大的经费问题,这所学校一年来还是很成功。

    Notwithstanding some major financial problems , the school has had a successful year .

  19. 我们虽然缓慢但是在稳步前进。

    We are making slow but steady progress .

  20. 虽然乘飞机会便宜些,我们还是走了陆路。

    We made the journey by land , though flying would have been cheaper .

  21. 全球气温上升的后果虽然并非即时发生,但可能潜伏着大灾难。

    The effects of global warming , while not immediate , are potentially catastrophic .

  22. 他虽然经验最少,却是最出色的老师。

    He 's the best teacher , even though he has the least experience .

  23. 她虽然又是笑又是侃,但实际上玩得并不开心。

    She laughed and chatted but was , in truth , not having much fun .

  24. 他的衣服虽然很旧,但看上去干干净净,质地很好。

    His clothes , though old and worn , looked clean and of good quality .

  25. 虽然这些观众很难逗乐,但他的笑话还是引起了一阵笑声。

    It wasn 't an easy audience but he raised a laugh with his joke .

  26. 爬到顶上路程很长,虽然费力却很值得。

    It 's a long climb to the top , but well worth the effort .

  27. 对于她所说的,虽然不是每个细节我都同意,但基本内容却是赞同的。

    I agreed with what she said in substance , though not with every detail .

  28. 这个系统虽然缺点不少,却是现有最好的一个。

    The system , for all its faults , is the best available at the moment .

  29. 她虽然在澳大利亚,但我却能非常清楚地听到她的声音。

    She was in Australia but I could hear her voice as clear as a bell .

  30. 这家公司虽然仍处于危机之中,但已经挺过了经济衰退最严重的日子。

    The business is still in crisis but it has survived the worst of the recession .