
màn shēnɡ
  • trail;creep;straggle;ramble;grow haphazardly
蔓生 [màn shēng]
  • (1) [trail]∶蔓延;指植物伸展开

  • 春天最早的杨梅树在那里蔓生

  • (2) [overgrow]∶草生长在上面

  • 满墙都是蔓生的植物

  1. 蕨类植物、苔藓和真菌通过孢子传播蔓生。

    Ferns , mosses and fungi spread by means of spores .

  2. 他的池塘里长满了恣意蔓生的杂草。

    His pond has been choked by the fast-growing weed .

  3. 取出设备后,我带着李在花草蔓生的花园里转了一圈。

    As the equipment was unpacked , I led Lee around the overgrown garden .

  4. 庭院里有几处蔓生的灌木丛。

    The yard held a few straggly bushes .

  5. 把蔓生植株靠边放,使其从篮子的四面垂下。

    Position trailing plants near the edges and in the sides of the basket to hang down

  6. 这些蔓生枝条该剪了。

    These straggly stems should be pruned off .

  7. 蔓生白薇中的C(21)甾苷类成分

    C_ ( 21 ) Steroidal Glycosides from Cynanchum versicolor Bunge

  8. 方法用柱色谱法从蔓生百部中分离原百部碱,对原百部碱HPLC含量测定色谱条件进行优选。

    HPLC was used to determine protostemonine content in Radix Stemonae and the optimum condition was chosen .

  9. 一种香瓜蔓生植物的果实;小型到中型的黄壤的瓜。高维生素C、瓜氨酸含量小果型西瓜新品种黄玫瑰无籽1号的选育

    The fruit of a cantaloup vine ; small to medium-sized melon with yellowish flesh . A New Mini Triploid Seedless Watermelon Variety ' Yellow Rose No. 1 '

  10. 纽约专门从事绿色屋顶与绿色幕设计业务的FutureGreenStudio公司在面板上栽种了绿色、银色和紫色色调的观赏草和蔓生植物。

    Future Green Studio , a New York-based firm specializing in green roofs and green walls , embedded the panels with ornamental grasses and trailing plants in shades of green , silver and purple .

  11. 他的这个树林由景观设计公司ChristianDuvernoisLandscape的雅各布・兰格(JacobLange)设计,它将被连绵起伏的草坪、多年生植物和蔓生的百里香所环绕,林中还会辟有纵横交错的步行小径。

    Designed by Jacob Lange of Christian Duvernois Landscape , his forest will be set in an undulating landscape of meadow grasses , perennials and creeping thyme , crisscrossed with walking paths .

  12. 栽培大豆中的双隐性蔓生倒伏现象

    Double recessive loci controlled viny and lodging habit in cultivated soybean

  13. 研究蔓生百部中微量生物碱的结构。

    Objective To study the alkaloid structures of stemona japonica Miq .

  14. 几种蔓生的黑莓之中的任何一种,尤指生长在北美的一种。

    Any of several trailing blackberry brambles especially of North america .

  15. 亚非蔓生三叶草本植物,钴蓝色花。

    Trailing trifoliate Asiatic and African herb having cobalt blue flowers .

  16. 苹果树乌黑、虬曲的枝条因未经修剪而恣意蔓生。

    The tree 's dark twisted branches sprawl in unpruned abandon .

  17. 瓜来自蔓生植物;理解来自经验。

    Melons come from a vine ; understanding comes from experience .

  18. 鸡蛋形的、可吃的、美洲热带蔓生植物的果实,与西番莲科相关。

    The egg-shaped edible fruit of tropical American vines related to passionflowers .

  19. 澳大利亚西部多毛蔓生或匍匐植物,有亮丽的红粉色的花。

    Hairy trailing or prostrate Western Australian vine with bright scarlet-pink flowers .

  20. 几种蔓生黑莓丛的类似黑莓的果实。

    Blackberry-like fruits of any of several trailing blackberry bushes .

  21. 茜草属中数量众多的树木、灌木、蔓生植物中的任意一种。

    Any of numerous trees or shrubs or vines of the family Rubiaceae .

  22. 主要为热带肉质或蔓生草本植物的一个属。

    Genus of mainly tropical fleshy or trailing herbs .

  23. 香豌豆沿向上蔓生。

    The sweet peas are twisting up the canes .

  24. 常春藤蔓生整个墙面。

    There is ivy trailing all over the wall .

  25. 一年生欧洲蔓生植物,有翅可食豆荚。

    Sprawling European annual having a 4-winged edible pod .

  26. 蔓生和矮生长豇豆器官生长相关与生产力研究

    Studies on Organ Growth Relationship and Productivity in Vine and Dwarf Asparagus Bean

  27. 我已经把我所有的希望都寄托在你身上了。(支撑蔓生植物的)棚;架;

    I have staked all my hopes on you .

  28. 豆科中的类似于蔓生植物的任意一种。

    Any of various plants of the family Leguminosae that usually grow like vines .

  29. 组成勃梯达科的一个植物小属;低矮蔓生雌雄异体灌木。

    Small genus of plants constituting the family Batidaceae : low straggling dioecious shrubs .

  30. 种植普遍的南美蔓生植物,盾状叶,玫瑰色花。

    A commonly cultivated trailing South American plant with peltate leaves and rosy flowers .