
  • evaporation drying
  1. 采用液相沉淀和蒸发干燥工艺制备了β磷酸三钙/硫酸钙(βTCP/CSA)复合粉体。

    β - tricalcium phoshate / calcium sulphate composite powders were synthesized by wet precipitation and then evaporation drying process .

  2. 干燥(脱水):由于蒸发而干燥的生物体。

    Desiccation The drying out of an organism due to evaporation .

  3. 秸秆移动蒸发前沿干燥模型及其实验研究

    Study on Moving Evaporate - interfaces Dry Model of Straw

  4. 在稀释剂中再溶解:喷到表面的丙烯酸漆通过稀释剂的蒸发来干燥。

    Re-dissolve in thinner : When an acrylic lacquer is sprayed onto a surface it dries by evaporation of the thinner .

  5. 热固油墨:活版及柯式用油墨。热力使它的高温沸腾溶剂蒸发而干燥。

    Heat set ink : Letterpress and offset inks which dry under the action of heat by evaporation of their high boiling solvent .

  6. 可广泛应用于生物、化工、医药、食品、染料、轻工和农药等领域的喷雾、造粒、蒸发等干燥加工过程。

    It can be widely used in the various drying processes in such the fields as biology , chemical , pharmacy , food , dyestuff , light industry and pesticide , etc.

  7. 本文介绍一种用流态化技术与喷雾干燥相结合的方法将苯甲酸钠溶液在流化床内完成蒸发、干燥与造粒。

    In this paper a fluidization technique and a spray drying method were presented that may combine evaporation 、 drying , and granulation of sodium benzoate solution in a fluidized bed all at once .

  8. 回顾上海医药工业研究院制药装备研究室在过去40年研究开发的主要成果,包括发酵罐、过滤技术、蒸馏、萃取、蒸发、干燥及自动控制等领域,最后涉及过程开发的研究。

    The main achievements of research and development of pharmaceutical equipments of this institute in the fields of fermentor , filtration technique , distillation , extraction , evaporation , drying and autocontrol during the past 40 years are briefly reviewed .

  9. 纸张表面墨膜蒸发与渗透干燥的耦合建模

    A coupled model of penetration and evaporation for ink film drying on plain paper

  10. 方法采用薄膜蒸发与冷冻干燥相结合的方法制得多层脂质体,与流感裂解疫苗按比例混合,制备脂质体流感疫苗。

    Methods Prepare multilaminar liposome by film evaporation combined with lyophilization , then mix with influenza split vaccine at a certain ratio and lyophilize .

  11. 过热蒸汽干燥技术是使用高温蒸汽将密闭的环境中的物料内部的水分蒸发出来的干燥技术,具有干燥速度快,干燥品质好,节能等特点。

    Superheated Steam Drying is a drying technique of using high temperature steam to evaporate materials inner water , it has feature of drying quickly , quality good , saving Energy and so on .

  12. 本文主要是从乳粉生产工艺的实际情况论述微机自动控制系统在乳粉生产过程中的双效蒸发和喷雾干燥方面上的应用。

    According to the specific of the milk-powder 's production , the paper mainly discusses that the computer 's control system is applied to the two-effect evaporation and spray desiccation in the process of production .

  13. 综述了目前常用的干燥剂法、流动气体蒸发法和真空干燥法的原理和应用情况;

    Introduced are principles and application of recent desiccant method , flowing gas-vaporizing method and vacuum desiccating method .

  14. 据最新动静,一种融合了蒸发冷却和除湿干燥两种功能的节能空调系统已经设计完成。

    What 's new , Kozubal says , is a design that manages to merge evaporative cooling and desiccant drying into a cost-effective system .

  15. 假如答应涂上焊剂的部件处于竖立状态,那么焊剂中的水分会蒸发掉,而干燥的焊剂很轻易脱落,致使暴露的金属表面轻易被氧化。

    If fluxed parts are allowed to stand , the water in the flux will evaporate , and dried flux is liable to flake off , exposing metal surfaces to oxidation .

  16. 介绍了国内外天然气长输管道常用的干燥剂法、流动气体蒸发法和真空干燥法等几种干燥技术,并进行了对比。

    The paper introduces several domestic and international common desiccating techniques on long distance gas pipelines . They are the desiccant method , the flowing gas vaporizing method and the vacuum desiccating method .

  17. 新疆深居中纬度欧亚大陆腹地,降水稀少,蒸发强烈,气候干燥,水资源短缺是影响新疆生态平衡和制约国民经济持续稳定发展的重要因素。

    Xinjiang is located in the middle of Euro-Asia continent with rare precipitation , strong evaporation and arid climate , so , shortage water is the important factor of affecting the local ecological balance and restricting the sustainable economic development .

  18. 流化床喷雾造粒是将溶液、悬浮液或熔融液喷雾到已经干燥或不完全干燥颗粒的流化床床层内,在同一设备内一步完成蒸发、结晶、干燥或化学反应的造粒过程。

    During the spray granulation , either solutions , suspensions or melted liquid are sprayed onto dried moist particles that are located in the flow zone of the fluidized bed , then the granulation process involving vaporization crystallization , dessication and chemical reactions completes in the same equipment .