
  1. FGD脱硫废水处理工艺及其优化设计

    Illustration of FGD Wastewater Treatment Process and Optimizing Design

  2. 根据脱硫废水工艺条件和水质,废水处理系统采用一套可编程控制系统(PLC)进行控制。

    According to the process condition about the effluent of FGD and water quality , the effluent treatment system needs to be controlled by a set of PLC .

  3. 然后针对WFGD系统的脱硫废水的水质特点提出物化-生物处理方法,并进行试验研究。

    Then in view of the water quality characteristic of desulfurization wastewater the paper proposes the materialized-biological treatment method , and conducts the experimental study .

  4. 湿法烟气脱硫废水中硫化物的去除试验研究

    Research on the treatment of wet flue gas desulfurization wastewater sulfide

  5. 化学沉淀&絮凝法处理双碱法烟气脱硫废水

    Wastewater Treatment for Dual-Alkali Flue Gas Desulfurization by Chemical Precipitation and Flocculation

  6. 电厂石灰石-石膏法烟气脱硫废水处理

    Sewage treatment of limestone-gypsum flue gas desulfurization in power plant

  7. 再生橡胶脱硫废水处理工艺研究

    Study on the treating processes of regenerated rubber desulfuration wastewater

  8. 火电厂脱硫废水处理试验研究

    Test Study on waster water treatment for desulfuration in thermal power plant

  9. 海洋硫酸盐还原菌群处理烟气脱硫废水

    Marine SRB Community Reducing Sulfate Wastewater in Flue Gas Desulfurization

  10. 湿法烟气脱硫废水的处理

    Treatment of waste water in wet flue gas desulfurization

  11. 脱硫废水处理系统工艺设计

    The Workmanship Design of Desulfurization Waste Water Treatment System

  12. 国产湿法脱硫废水处理系统的研究与应用

    Study on and application of localized treatment system for waste water from wet desulfuration facility

  13. 工业锅炉除尘脱硫废水回用技术及设备的开发

    The research on reuse of dedusted and desulfurized wastewater from industrial boilers and equipments development

  14. 火力发电厂烟气脱硫废水处理

    Power plant waste water treatment by FGD

  15. 湿法脱硫废水处理技术

    Treatment of wet desulphurization wastewater

  16. 将脱硫废水引入闭式循环灰渣水系统进行综合处理等。

    Lead the waste water of FGD into the closed circulating ash-slag water system to conduct the comprehensive treatment .

  17. 炉渣处理烟气除尘脱硫废水

    Effect of Coal-Burning Slag on Treating Waste water of the Wet Dust Collection and Desulfuration of the Flue Gas

  18. 对脱硫废水所含杂质进行了分析,讨论了应该控制的项目和指标。

    Impurities contained in desulfuration waste water have been analysed , and items and indices to be controlled being discussed .

  19. 脱硫废水的喷雾蒸发处理技术原理及其研究模型。

    The principle of the method of the FGD waste water with evaporation treatment and its research models are gotten .

  20. 定州电厂烟气湿法脱硫废水的处理湿法脱硫工艺副产物亚硫酸盐的氧化动力学研究综述

    FGD Waste Water Treatment in Dingzhou Power Plant Development of Oxidation Kinetics About the Byproduct-sulfite Produced In the Wet Limestone Scrubbing

  21. 针对工业锅炉除尘脱硫废水设计一套工业化的处理设备,并对其实际的处理性能进行考察和评价。

    It is designed a set of industrialized processing equipments for dedusted and desulfurized wastewater from industrial boilers , whose actual performance is evaluated .

  22. 而且,脱硫废水的蒸发有其特殊要求,微小雾滴喷入到烟气流后,需在尽量短的时间内完全蒸发汽化,否则未完全汽化的雾滴会对烟道和电除尘器产生腐蚀。

    If the tiny sprayed droplets of the waste water into the flue gas can not be fully evaporated in a short time , the incomplete evaporated droplets will corrode the gas tunnel and the electrical precipitator .

  23. 锅炉脱硫除尘废水水质影响因素研究

    An Analysis of Influencing Factors of Water Quality of Boiler Precipitator Fluctuation

  24. 锅炉除尘脱硫及其废水回用系统的经济损益分析

    Cost benefit analysis of systems of dust removal and flue gas desulfurization and wastewater reusing for boilers

  25. 综述了粉煤灰在环境污染治理中的应用,包括烟气脱硫、废水处理以及污泥利用和土壤修复,并介绍了粉煤灰在环境应用中的作用原理。

    The application of fly ash in environment pollution control was summarized . It can be applied in flue gas desulfurization , wastewater treatment , utilization of sewage sludge and soil restoration .

  26. 通过砷酸生产中含硫尾气治理实例,介绍治理系统的预处理、脱硫及废水封闭循环。

    By means of an example of controlling the tail gas from the production of arsenic acid , this paper introduced the pretreatment , desulfurization and wastewater closed cycle of the control system .

  27. 以燃煤锅炉掺烧固硫除尘脱硫及其废水回用系统为研究对象,利用环境系统费用效益分析方法,分析了该系统的环保投入和取得的环境效益。

    A method of cost benefit analysis was applied to analyse the cost and benefit of environmental protection system in which processes and facilities concerning sulfur fixation in the coal fired boilers , wet type dust removal and flue gas desulfurization , and the wastewater enclosed reusing were constructed .

  28. 燃煤工业锅炉湿式脱硫除尘器废水水质波动分析

    Wet Desulphurization Coal-fired Industrial Boiler Precipitator Fluctuations in Water Quality Analysis

  29. 多层叠合复合流沉淀处理脱硫除尘器废水中试研究

    Pilot study on the treatment of wastewater from desulphurization dust removal by sedimentation of multilayer & superimposed compound flow

  30. 烟气脱硫,酸性废水的中和,处理含镍、铬、铅的工业废水。

    For example , FGD , the counteract of acidic waste water , the dealing of industrial waste water for nickel , chromium and lead .