
  • evaporative cooling techniques 缩写为 ect
  1. 蒸发冷却技术面对的几个重要问题

    Main tasks for research and practice of evaporation - cooling technology

  2. 太阳能供暖与蒸发冷却技术适用性分析

    Analysis of applicability of solar energy heating and evaporation cooling in china

  3. 扩展了蒸发冷却技术应用的范围。

    So the evaporation-cooling technology can have a wider application .

  4. 蒸发冷却技术在我国各区域适用性分析

    Research of Applicability of Evaporative Cooling Techniques in Most Area of China

  5. 晚间通风及其与蒸发冷却技术的联合应用

    Application of Night Ventilation and Its Combination with Evaporative Cooling

  6. 对蒸发冷却技术的推广具有重大应用价值,对完善蒸发冷却技术相关理论也具有重要意义。

    It has significance of the evaporation cooling technology 's correlative theories .

  7. 蒸发冷却技术在大功率整流装置中的应用

    Application of Evaporative Cooling Technology in High Power Rectifier Devices

  8. 卧式电机采用蒸发冷却技术还存在许多需要解决的问题。

    But a lot of problems need to be solved .

  9. 间接蒸发冷却技术的应用研究与现状

    Application Research and the Actuality of Indirect Evaporative Cooling Technique

  10. 发动机热流传感器的蒸发冷却技术

    Evaporation and cooling technique of engine 's heat flow sensor

  11. 矿井局部热害快速蒸发冷却技术的研究

    Research of Rapid Evaporation Cooling Technology in the Mine Local Thermal Disaster

  12. 蒸发冷却技术理论及应用研究

    The Theory and Application on Evaporative - cooling Technology

  13. 蒸发冷却技术在我国干燥地区的应用研究

    Application Research of Evaporative Cooling Technique in Dry District

  14. 再循环蒸发冷却技术及其应用

    Re - circulation Evaporative Cooling Technology and Its Application

  15. 蒸发冷却技术在变频器中的应用

    Application of Evaporative Cooling Technology in Frequency Converter

  16. 自循环蒸发冷却技术在水轮发电机上的应用

    Application of self-circulation evaporation-cooling technology to hydro-generating unit

  17. 蒸发冷却技术在新疆地区纺织行业应用现状分析

    Analysis of the Application Status-quo of Evaporative Cooling Technology Used in Xinjiang Textile Industry

  18. 被动蒸发冷却技术在双层皮玻璃幕墙的应用

    Application of Passive Evaporative Cooling in Double-Skin Facade

  19. 面向环保、节能、经济及室内空气品质联合挑战的蒸发冷却技术

    Evaporative Cooling Technologies Meeting Challenge of Environmental Protection , Energy Saving , Economy and IAO

  20. 间接蒸发冷却技术用于纺织空调的可行性分析

    Feasibility Analyses on the Application of the Indirect Evaporative Cooling Technology in Textile Air Conditioning

  21. 蒸发冷却技术广泛应用于制冷空调、电力和化工等领域。

    Evaporative Cooling Technologies is widely used in air conditioning and electric and chemical industry .

  22. 间接蒸发冷却技术&中国西北地区可再生干空气资源的高效应用

    Indirect evaporative cooling technology : high-performance application of renewable dry air energy in northwest China

  23. 广州城市气候资源与被动蒸发冷却技术的应用

    Urban Climatic Resources and application of the technique of passive cooling by evaporation in Guangzhou

  24. 在间接蒸发冷却技术中,空气-空气热交换器是一个重要设备。

    The air-to-air heat exchanger is an important component in an indirect evaporative cooling cycle .

  25. 水下电机定子蒸发冷却技术与传统冷却技术模型实验研究

    Experimental Study on a Stator Model of Underwater Motor by Evaporation-cooling Technology and Traditional Cooling Technologies

  26. 应用蒸发冷却技术的换热器由于采用不同的蒸发冷却技术又可以分为不同的类型,直接蒸发冷却换热器和间接蒸发冷却换热器是两种应用较广泛的类型。

    Evaporative cooling heat exchanger can be divided into different type according to the method of use different .

  27. 在理论分析方面,本文论述了蒸发冷却技术相关的大空间沸腾换热的理论基础。

    In the area of theory study , theory of pool boiling analysis concerning evaporation-cooling technology is discussed .

  28. 文章着重介绍了间接蒸发冷却技术在我国的应用研究与现状。

    The author discusses a lot the application research and actuality of indirect evaporative cooling technique in our country .

  29. 出于节约能源和环境保护的需要,蒸发冷却技术得到了广泛的研究和应用。

    To meet the need of energy-conservation and environmental protection , technology of evaporative cooling is deeply investigated and broadly applied .

  30. 本文的变频器散热系统采用了蒸发冷却技术,提高了散热效率,增加了系统稳定性。

    This converter cooling system use evaporative cooling technique , improves the cooling efficiency , increase the stability of the system .