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luò yǔ
  • be raining
  1. 每一次落雨,我心中总是无限感慨。

    Because every time it rains , I fall to pieces .

  2. 巴黎的铁塔落雨,痕迹已逐渐消磨。

    The Eiffel Tower in Paris , mark has gradually spend rainy .

  3. 2010年3月30日下午,时西南大旱,北京落雨。

    March , 2010 , drought in southwest , meanwhile Beijing in rain .

  4. 楼台落雨,石板生烟。

    Rendezvous rain , smoke stone .

  5. 随亡弱落雨持绝涌入河谷,四川地区河淌水位仍正在下落。

    As heavy rain continues pounding the river valleys , the water level is still rising .

  6. 时空之外,是不是你也在落雨的时候和我一样,一副落魄的形骸。

    Outside of time and space , is you also in dripped , the same as me , a deputy dethroned head .

  7. 采用三角化的墙体单元来模拟复杂基岩地质体,颗粒簇单元模拟滑体,并通过落雨法堆积生成滑体。

    Complex bedrock geology was simulated using triangular wall elements . Sliding mass was simulated using clump elements and generated using drop accumulating method .

  8. 无尽延长,超强防水抗汗效果,无论落雨、流泪都不会弄花双眼,让你整日保持迷人、深的眼眸。

    Its waterproof and sweat-proof formula prevents smudging even accidentally splashed by rainwater or tears , helping you maintain your attractive look in your eyes .

  9. 那时地见神的面而震动,天也落雨。西乃山见以色列神的面也震动。

    The earth was shaking and the heavens were streaming , because God was present ; even Sinai itself was moved before god , the God of israel .

  10. 耶和华阿,你从西珥出来,由以东地行走。那时地震天漏,云也落雨。

    O LORD , when you went out from Seir , when you marched from the land of Edom , the earth shook , the heavens poured , the clouds poured down water .

  11. 已完成的保护区、意大利落雨花园、帝国碗运动场、新布赖顿滨水公园的规划与建设,充分体现历史文脉、保留记忆、恢复自然、创造新的休憩运动空间。

    The planning and construction of the completed The Sanctuary , Italian Rain Garden , Empire Bowl Stadium , and the new Brighton Waterfront Park fully reflect the historic context , memory preservation , nature restoration , and new recreational space creation .

  12. 老人慢悠悠的说:“天无云不落雨,海无风不起浪,要说这海和天的变化嘛,我跟你唠一天一夜也唠不尽呀?”

    The old man said slowly ," just as there is no cloud incapable of producing rain , so there is no wind incapable of producing a wave . I could talk about the changeable weather over the sea for a whole day and night . "

  13. 星辰远去只有回忆和这歌声陪伴何时能再见你天空何时会落雨星辰何时会闪耀我何时才能拥有你何时能再见你天空何时会落雨星辰何时会闪耀我何时才能拥有你在那个薄雾清晨,我看到你微笑的脸庞

    rain When will the stars start to shine When will I know that you 're mine When will I see you again When will the sky start to rain When will the stars start to shine When will I know that you 're mine In that misty morning I saw your smiling face ...