
luò lèi
  • weep;shed tears
落泪 [luò lèi]
  • (1) [shed tears]∶掉眼泪

  • (2) [weep]∶哭,从眼里不断流出泪水

落泪[luò lèi]
  1. 分手后,听到哪几首情歌会让你落泪?

    Hear after breaking up where how many madrigals would let you shed tears ?

  2. 在表演过程中,任家萱感动落泪。

    Jen was visibly moved as she shed tears during her performance .

  3. 那是一个让我们许多人落泪的动人故事。

    It was a touching story that moved many of us to tears .

  4. 他们的故事会使你感动得落泪。

    Their story will move you to tears .

  5. 就我而言,我感到非常高兴,都快落泪了。

    For my part , I feel elated and close to tears

  6. 他悄悄溜走了,独剩我一人落泪。

    He quietly slipped away and left me to my tears .

  7. 他们会在女儿的婚礼上落泪的。

    They will shed a few tears at their daughter 's wedding .

  8. 她在自己房内暗暗落泪。

    She wept in the privacy of her own room .

  9. 见此惨状,无不落泪。

    No one could look at such a pitiful sight with dry eyes .

  10. 参加婚礼我要哭,出席犹太男子的成年礼我也要哭,什么洗礼,毕业典礼和生日宴会都会使我落泪。

    I cry at weddings , bar mitzvahs , christenings , graduations and birthday parties .

  11. 当这些困境使你委屈落泪

    when these hardships bring tears to your eyes

  12. 往届超级女声何洁在一次签约会上感动落泪,之后在微博上自嘲:对不起对不起,怪我没hold住。

    Former Super Girl He Jie , who was moved to tears upon signing a record deal , said self-mockingly later on her microblog Sorry for not able to hold it .

  13. Wyatt在法官面前潸然落泪。

    Wyatt stood before the judge breaking into tears .

  14. 当肯尼迪大法官(JusticeKennedy)宣布同性伴侣不必再“生活在孤独之中和被排除在人类文明最古老的制度之外”,资深诉讼律师们在众人面前落泪——他们并不是一群多愁善感的人。

    Veteran litigators - not a sentimental bunch -- wept openly as Justice Kennedy announced that same sex couples need no longer " live in loneliness , excluded from one of civilization 's oldest institutions . "

  15. 他似乎痛心疾首,甚至还伤心落泪。

    He seemed quite brokenhearted , and even cried a little .

  16. 我爱你,不要让我伤心落泪!

    I love you , do not let me sad tears !

  17. 到晚上9点有些人将为错过了机会而落泪。

    By nine p.m.some would be in tears over lost opportunities .

  18. 小黑羊过着寄人篱下的日子,经常伤心落泪。

    Small Hei Yang lives ovine life , often sad weep .

  19. 我微笑,不代表我没有落泪;

    I smile , does not represent me not to cry ;

  20. 在我想到她的健康而不放心的时候,我欲落泪。

    I feel like crying when I worry about mother 's health .

  21. 我会落泪、意志消沉,把自己锁在房间里。

    I 'd cry and mope and lock myself in my room .

  22. 谁读了这本小说都要落泪。

    No one could read the novel with dry eyes .

  23. 观众依然会为他的戏剧欢笑或落泪。

    People will still laugh , and cry , over his plays .

  24. 在他的狗的葬礼上落泪(本琼森)。

    Shedding funereal tears over his departed dog ( Ben Jonson ) .

  25. 那个电影如此悲伤,令他感动得落泪。

    It was such a sadfilm that it moved him to tears .

  26. 他死时有多少人落泪来衡量。

    By how many tears are shed when he dies .

  27. 她一想起死去的母亲就会落泪。

    The memory of her dead mother brought tears to her eyes .

  28. 我生自己的气,气到差点落泪。

    I was so cross with myself I almost cried .

  29. 我决心不为这事伤感落泪。

    I was determined not to get soppy about it .

  30. 很难过,快要抓狂,非常沮丧,想呐喊,想落泪,说不出话。

    Be sad . Be mad . Be frustrated . Scream . Cry .