
  1. 四部和声听觉训练的意义与方法

    The Significance and the Methods of the Ear-Training on Four Parts Harmony

  2. 《四部和声写作》一书所阐述的原理,可以使学生比较快、比较轻松地掌握四部和声写作,是本具有参考价值的专著。

    Harmony Composition is a valuable monograph on harmony , which can help students to master harmony writing in a faster and easily way .

  3. 本文就视唱练耳课练耳教学环节中四部和声听记的重要性和训练方式与和声学中和声听辨的关系,进行了探索性的分析与思考。

    The essay analysis the importance and training method of hear notes in four part harmony in solfege and the relation to hear discriminate in harmony .