- 名Nutritional status;vegetative state

Conclusions Body fluid distribution as reflected by E / I is closely associated with nutrition status .
The average nutritive indexes in each season were 4 ~ 9 , presenting a heavy level of eutrophication .
Study of Nutritional State and Bone Metabolism of COPD Patient
IL-6 and CRP are negative correlation to nutrition status and anemia .
Effect of Acute Diarrhea in Children on Nutrition State
BMD in patients with COPD is correlated with the nutritional state and lung function .
Moreover , the altered levels of leptin according to the nutritional condition facilitated the variation of TH mRNA expression .
Evaluation of Vitamin E Nutritional Status in Rats Fed a Diet of Grains from Keshan Disease Area and Effect of Selenium and Vitamin E
A Study of the Season Dynamic of the Selenium Nutrition State and Vitamin E Content in the Human Body in Kaschin-Beck Disease and Non-Disease Regions
Application of Hamming Accessed Degree to Eutrophication Assessment of Lake
Distribution of DIN and DIP in seawater and assessments on nutrient level for Xinghua Bay
Free Insulin-like Growth Factor I Plasma Level and Assessment of Nutritional Status in Dialysis Patients
Objective To gain clear idea of the function of the ketoacid theraphy on the nutritional state of lupus nephritis ( LN ) .
Results : There were significant difference in renal function , serum glucose , lipids and urinary protein be - tween two groups ( P < 0.05 ~ 0.01 ) . While patients in test group maintaining good nutritional state .
Conclusion The implanted foreign tissue for treatment of RP patients may improve the retina-choroid blood circulation , thus improving the nutriture of retino-choroid .
Total nitrogen first decline then rise , total phosphorus first rise then decline . The jialing river downstream and estuary section belongs to rich nutrition .
The trophic type of Tanghe reservoir was in moderate level deduced by Carlson trophic index .
Therefore it is feasible to use exergy , structural exergy and ecological buffer capacity to evaluate the health state of lake ecosystem .
The investigators concluded that EPO responsiveness is a strong prognostic indicator of mortality among hemodialysis patients and is tied to inflammatory and nutritional status .
Variation in the levels of the homocysteine has been shown to be due to nutritional status and homocysteine metabolism related enzymes gene polymorphism .
Objective To investigate the effects of serum leptin and tumor necrosis factor - α( TNF - α) on nutrition states in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ( COPD ) .
After treatment , the nutritional status of subjective score has a very significant improvement ( p 0.01 ), the control group before and after treatment no significant changes in points ( p 0.05 ) .
Plasma TNF - a JL - 6 and albumin were tested by biochemical instruments . Their nutritional status were also measured using subjective global assessment ( SGA ) .
The nutritional status and plasma free amino acid ( PFAA ) of 17 patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ( COPD ) were assessed with and without acute lower respiratory tract infection .
Conclusion The levels of TNF - α may have an influence on nutritional status of COPD . The disease and nutritional condition may deteriorate in COPD with higher levels of TNF - α .
Methods Bone mineral densities ( BMD ) of whole body and regional sections were measured by dual energy X ray absorptiometry ( DEXA ) in 39 aged patients with COPD and 19 control subjects .
Conclusion QST can be used as an important index for early peripheral nerve damage of chronic alcoholism .
Furthermore , with the TSI_M trophic state index model , the trophic state of Lake Chagan was monitored and evaluated .
The seasonal variation of N / P value was discussed , the nutritive status ( showed by nutritive quality index-NQI ) in the studied seawater aquaculture area was analysed based on the indexes of COD , TIN , PO ~ 3_4-P and Chl-a.
Based on the investigations from 2001 to 2002 , its average trophic state index was 33.8 , which indicating a mesotrophic reservoir .