- 名lignification

Effects of GA_3 on Postharvest Lignification of Green Asparagus
Effects of GA_3 Treatment on Lignification and Endogenous Hormone Levels of Postharvest Bamboo Shoots
ADL content in population from Youyu , located in the most northern Shanxi province was the least among the8 populations .
These results show that the fir and cedar lignification CCR gene may have more direct relationship .
The experiment was done by dealing Bougainvillea glabra 's cutting with different kind of plant-growth regulator IAA . IBA .
In addition , the inhibition of flesh leatheriness development of loquat fruit by hypobaric pressure storage was correlated to the reduced POD and PAL activities .
The present results indicated that POD had participated in the lignification . However , the distribution of POD was not same as the regions of lignin deposition completely .
It is suggested that GA_3 treatment retarded lignification through decreasing the rate of ABA / GA_3 in postharvest bamboo shoots .
Changes in active oxygen and polyamine metabolism and their relation to flesh woodiness development in SO 2 treated cold stored loquat ( Eriobotrya japonica Lindl . cv . Dahongpao ) fruits were investigated .
And the activity of PAL coincided with the increasing tendency of the numbers of vessel element in the plumular axis or juvenile stem of robinia and its degree of lignification as well .
The wall of endocarp cells begins to thicken 65-70 days after pollination .
A softwood cutting test of Acer mono was conducted which adopted method of treating semi - lignified cuttings by ABT rooting powder and spraying with light installation .
It is reported that , in plants , the production of hydrogen peroxide ( H2O2 ) deriving from polyamine oxidation has been correlated with cell wall maturation and lignification during development as well as with wound-healing and cell wall reinforcement during pathogen invasion .
ROS is indispensable during the course of anti-infection against the microbes in the plant . For instance , ROS is involved in the hypersensitive responses , the lignification of the cell wall , the linkage of proteins and the inducible expression of many genes .
The in-vitro micropropagation of Black Amber Plum with stem segments of the half-wooden shoot as explants has been trialed . The result shows that the explants cultured on LS medium and LQ medium can be quickly induced to form plantlet , with a fast proliferation and a strong growth .
Using block randomization design , we select three kinds of cuttings for non-lignification 、 semi-lignification and lignification , and the length is 3 ~ 5cm 、 5 ~ 8cm and over 15cm respectively by shading and spraying foliar fertilizer with stock maternal tree ;
The callus induction time is 36 d 、 37.3 d 、 41.7 d respectively and rooting percentage is 44.33 % 、 25.75 % 、 60.33 % respectively using semi - lignification 、 non - lignification and lignification cutting ;
【 Conclusion 】 The results suggest that the accumulation of HRGP and the deposition of lignin in cell wall are related to resistant reaction of cucumber to downy mildew , and it is considered a biochemical response of cucumber to downy mildew .
The cells outer sphere gradually to lignification during the growing .
To make woody or woodlike by the deposit of lignin .
The hard fibrous lignified substance under the bark of trees .
Effect of Active Oxygen Metabolism on Excised Bamboo Shoot Lignification
Effect of High Oxygen Modified Atmosphere Packaging on Lignification of Green Asparagus
Regulation of Lignification and Quality Changes in Postharvest Loquat Fruit
A plant having hard lignified tissues or woody parts especially stems .
Manuring seedlings are badly in lignification and easy to top drying ;
This lignification serves to stiffen and strengthen the cells .
Strong , big and well lignified seedlings should be used in afforestation .
Spring shoots of half lignification were the best explants in initial culturing .
Rooting of softwood cuttings not lignified also failed .