
  • 网络jose;jos
  1. 欧洲委员会的主席荷西,最近也去了格林兰岛。

    The President of the European Commission Jose Manuel Barroso recently visited Greenland .

  2. 选择了荷西,三毛就是选择了她最能伸手触摸的幸福。

    Choice is the choice of the San Jose , she can reach out and touch the happiness .

  3. 荷西亚。胡赛的账册则是用顶好的旧鲨鱼皮装订的。

    and Hosea Hussey had his account books bound in superior old shark-skin .

  4. 在那里,她成了一个快乐的家庭主妇,因为有了生命中最爱的荷西。

    There , she became a happy housewife , because of the love life of the jos .

  5. 经过之前的通关考验,所有的走私贩同意接受荷西成为走私队新成员。而荷西与贾西亚终于碰面了。

    Don Jose is introduced to Garcia and accepted as a new member of the gang by the other smugglers .

  6. 荷西亚。胡赛先生不在家,他把一切事务都交给胡赛太太全权处理。

    Mr. Hosea Hussey being from home , but leaving Mrs. Hussey entirely competent to attend to all his affairs .

  7. 下列为位于圣他克拉县内圣荷西及其周边城?的大部份社区中心及图书馆的联络资料。

    Below are the contact information for most community centers and libraries in San Jos and surrounding cities in Santa Clara county .

  8. “你打算干什么,抢国库吗?”一个士兵问道。“谁知道?”小孩面孔的荷西答道。

    What are you going to do , rob the treasury ? Asked a guard . " quien sabe ?" replied baby-faced hose .

  9. 在这种气候下过日子,荷西跟我只有扮流沙河里住着的沙和尚,一无选择其他角色的余地。

    Live under such weather , Hexi and I have to dressed like monk SA who live in sand sliding river , and have no chance to choose other character .

  10. 卡门依靠在她的丈夫单眼贾西亚的怀中,在贾西亚刚刚归队的时候,就有旧时战友同胞告诉他关于卡门与荷西的暧昧关系。

    Carmen lands in the arms of her one-eyed husband Garcia , who in the meantime has already been informed by his comrades of her relationship to the former brigadier Don Jose .

  11. 荷西尼亚在葡萄牙语中的意思是“小牧场”,位于孔拉多和加维亚区之间,是南美最大的贫民区。

    Situated between the So Conrado and G á vea districts of Rio de Janeiro , Rocinha meaning small ranch in Portuguese is the largest slum or " favela " in South America .

  12. 日军侵占台湾以前,台湾地区城市的发展经历了早期自然开发、荷西殖民及明郑收复经营、清朝统一三个时期。

    Before Japan occupied it , the city development in Taiwan experienced three stages : natural development , Holland and Spain colony , recaptured and management by Zheng Chenggong and his son , and unity by Qing Dynasty .

  13. 正当荷西‧费理其阿诺的歌曲响起的那一刻,一只手突然从画面下方出现,保养良好的纤纤玉手和手镯,让观者猜这应该是个女人的手。

    At the precise moment a Jos é Feliciano song begins , a hand suddenly rises up from the lower edge of the frame ; the manicured , slender fingers and a wrist-watch suggest that of a woman .