
hé huā
  • lotus;lotus flower
荷花 [hé huā]
  • (1) [lotus]

  • (2) 多年生草本,生于水中,叶圆大,花红或白,种子称莲,地下茎为藕

  • (3) 莲的花

  • 映日荷花别样红。--宋. 杨万里《晓出净慈寺送林子方》

  • 荷花之异馥。--明. 李渔《闲情偶寄.种植部》

荷花[hé huā]
  1. 荷花虽好,也要绿叶扶持。

    For all its beauty the lotus needs its green leaves to set it off .

  2. 湖中有十来枝荷花。荷花上清水滴滴,荷叶上水珠滚来滚去。

    Crystal drops were dripping from a dozen lotus buds in the lake , while beads of water rolled about the leaves .

  3. 雨后荷花显得更加润泽了。

    After the rain the lotus flowers looked fuller .

  4. 荷花产于非洲和亚洲。

    Lotus grows in Africa and Asia .

  5. 荷花开式开关模机构CAD系统的设计研究

    The research and design of the lotiform open-close mould CAD system

  6. 基于荷花效应的MEMS功能表面仿生技术

    Research on Bionic Functional Surface of MEMS Based on Lotus Effect

  7. 主要研究结果如下:1.重金属Cd和Zn胁迫影响了荷花种子的萌发。

    Results are as follows : 1 . Cd and Zn stress affected the seed germination .

  8. IBA和NAA都能提高荷花玉兰扦插时不定根的发生率。

    Both IBA and NAA could increase rooting rates of Southern Magnolia .

  9. 荷花梦&哈尔滨光谱SPA美容美体中心

    Harbin SPA Beauty Centre

  10. 荷花茶含有钾、钙、磷、镁等矿质元素,其中钾元素含量高达1.19%,且黄酮甙、维生素C含量亦较丰富。

    There were potassium , calcium , phosphorus , magnesium , etc in it , and the content of potassium element reached to 1.19 percent . Besides , it was also abundant in flavones and vitamin C.

  11. 重金属Cd、Zn胁迫影响了荷花叶绿素的含量,短时间低浓度胁迫下叶绿素的含量有明显升高,长时间以及高浓度处理下荷花叶绿素的含量降低。

    Cd and Zn stress affected chlorophyll content , and it increased obviously under short time and low concentration stress , decreased under long time and high concentration stress .

  12. 本文继传统数量分类工作之后,对71个荷花品种进行了动态系统模糊聚类和最优化模糊聚类(ISODATA)分析。

    In this paper , the system fuzzy cluster analysis method and the ISODATA method are used to classify 71 lotus varieties ( Nelumbo ) .

  13. 采用非平衡分子动力学模拟(NEMD)分析了流体在具有“荷花效应”的微流通道中的边界滑移现象。

    Nonequilibrim molecular dynamics ( NEMD ) was used to simulate the boundary slip phenomenon of microchannel with'lotus effect ' .

  14. 出生于成都的美籍华人、在中国西南地区为荷花美食游(LotusCulinaryTravel)担任导游的左子英(音)表示,比起饭店的版本,家常麻婆豆腐通常不会那么油腻,用料也要简单一些。

    According to Chinese-American Zuo Ziying , who was born in Chengdu and who conducts tours in southwest China for Lotus Culinary Travel , jiachang or home-style versions of mapo dofu are usually less oily and more simple than those cooked in restaurant kitchens .

  15. 清明节,用户们涌向这家网站,敬献成千上万的虚拟祭品,这些祭品从GIF格式的白荷花、到身穿白衣的鼓手、再到逝者生前最喜欢的食物,可谓应有尽有。

    For Qing Ming , users flooded the site with tens of thousands of virtual tributes , spanning everything from GIFs of animated white lotuses to drummers dressed in white or pictures of departed ones ' favorite foods .

  16. 好酒,好酒,还有荷花的香味。

    Good wine ! There is fragrant smell of the lotus .

  17. 基于荷花效应的双微观超疏水表面制作技术研究

    Fabrication Method of Binary Micro-structure Super-hydrophobic Surface Based on Lotus Effect

  18. 荷花花粉营养成分研究

    A Study on Nutritional Composition in Pollen of Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn

  19. 论荷花情结对中国佛教文化的审美观照

    Aesthetic Reflection of " Lotus Complex " on Chinese Buddhism Culture

  20. 一尾金色鲤鱼在荷花间嬉戏。

    One of the golden carp darted from lily to lily .

  21. 荷花品种综合评选的数学模型

    A Mathematical Model of Comprehensive Appraisal of the Cultivations of Lotus

  22. 微波干燥荷花及魔芋胶预处理对其影响的研究

    Study on microwave drying lotus and the effect of konjac glucomannan pretreatment

  23. 开花模式。荷花促成栽培试验

    Florescence mode . Experiments on Forcing Cultivation of Flowering Lotus

  24. 荷花塘、石板桥,一派田家风光。

    A lotus flower pond , a stone bridge , rural scenery .

  25. 荷花鲜切花化学保鲜试验研究

    Test on Chemical Fresh-keeping for Cutting Flowers of Water Lily

  26. 荷花的营养成分和安全性研究

    Study on the Nutritional Components and Safety Foctors of Lotus

  27. 心头荷花开,身畔暖风走。

    Heart of lotus opens , body side of genial breezes walks .

  28. 微笑的样子很美,就像是荷花仙子一样纯美。

    Smiling look beautiful , like the same styles of lotus fairy .

  29. 而荷花便是国画中最常见的主人公。

    Lotus is one of the most common elements in Chinese paintings .

  30. 荷花品种的形态特征及生物学特性的初步观察

    A preliminary investigation on the morphological and biological characteristics of Lotus Varieties