
  • 网络calcium oxalate stones;CaOx;HUCN
  1. Tamm-Horsfall蛋白影响草酸钙结石形成的化学基础

    Chemical basis of the effects of Tamm-Horsfall protein on the formation of calcium oxalate stones

  2. 间α胰蛋白酶抑制物在大鼠肾草酸钙结石模型中的表达

    Expression of Inter-alpha-trypsin Inhibitor in Kidney of Experimental Calcium Oxalate Stones Formation Model in Rats

  3. 维生素K缺乏对肾钙素抑制草酸钙结石形成的影响

    Effect of vitamin K antagonist on the inhibitory activity of nephrocalcin

  4. 草酸钙结石形成对鼠肾组织维生素K依赖性羧化酶活性的影响

    Detection and significance of vitamin K dependent carboxylase activity in rat with urolithiasis

  5. 维生素B6、C和E对草酸钙结石形成的影响

    Influences of Vitamin B_6 , C and E on Formation of Calcium Oxalate Calculi in Urinary Tract

  6. α-亚麻酸对草酸钙结石鼠前列腺素E2的影响

    The influence of α - Linolenic acid on the renal prostaglandin E_2 in calcium oxalate urolithiasis rats

  7. 方法用乙二醇诱导Wistar大鼠产生肾草酸钙结石。

    Methods Hyperoxaluria and CaOx crystal were produced in Wistar rats by ethylene glycol in drinking water .

  8. 泽泻抑制尿草酸钙结石形成活性成分的2DNMR分析

    Analysis of Active Ingredients in Alisma orientalis ( Sam. ) Juze Extract for Inhibiting Formation of Urinary Oxalate Calcium Calculi by 2D NMR

  9. 改变枸橼酸和EDTA抗衡阳离子对草酸钙结石抑制作用的体外模拟

    In Vitro Simulation on the Inhibition of Calcium Oxalate Calculus by Changing the Counterions of Citric Acid and EDTA

  10. 草酸钙结石的晶体和基质的AFM图像与磷酸钙结石不尽相同,晶体尺寸有差异(P<0.05)。

    The calcium phosphate crystal could be differentiated from the calcium oxalate according to the AFM images and their differ dimensions .

  11. 草酸钙结石患者尿液提取的晶体基质中蛋白结合型Gla含量亦显著低于正常人。

    Results Protein-bound Gla in the crystal matrix and urine of calcium oxalate stone formers were significantly less than that of normal subjects .

  12. 上述结果表明,ESPS是一种抑制草酸钙结石的潜在绿色药物。

    This result indicated that SPS may be a potential inhibitor to calcium oxalate urinary stones .

  13. 结论:尿纤溶活性是一种重要的抗结石形成而保护机体健康的因素,-αLNA可提高草酸钙结石鼠尿纤溶活性,抑制尿结石形成。

    Conclusions : Urinary fibrinolytic activity was a important protective factor of urinary calculi formation ,α - Linolenic acid may prevent calcium oxalate urolithiasis formation by increasing urinary fibrinolytic activity .

  14. 目的:探讨尿纤溶活性在尿结石形成过程中的保护作用以及α-亚麻酸(-αLNA)对草酸钙结石鼠纤溶活性的影响。

    Objective : To investigate the protective role of urinary fibrinolytic activity in urinary stone formation and the effect of α - Linolenic acid on the fibrinolytic activity in calcium oxalate urolithiasis rats .

  15. 草酸钙结石的形成与尿液中草酸钙的存在形式密切相关,一水草酸钙(COM)促进尿石症形成,而二水草酸钙(COD)易随尿液排出体外。

    The formation of calcium oxalate ( CaOxa ) stones is closely related to its forms existing in urines . Calcium oxalate monohydrate ( COM ) can promote the formation of urolithiasis , while calcium oxalate dihydrate ( COD ) is easily expelled from the body .

  16. 草酸钙结石患者尿中蛋白结合型γ-羧基谷氨酸的检测意义

    Protein-bound gamma-carboxyglutamic acid in urine of calcium oxalate calculus formers

  17. 草酸钙结石患者尿液的镁/草酸比值

    Urinary magnesium / oxalate ratio in calcium oxalate stone patients

  18. 睾酮和雌二醇对大鼠草酸钙结石模型的影响

    Effects of testosterone and estradiol on rat stone model of calcium oxalate

  19. 海藻硫酸多糖抑制草酸钙结石形成的化学模拟

    Chemical Simulation on Inhibition of Calcium Oxalate Stones by Eucheuma striatum Polysaccharide

  20. 红外光谱法在草酸钙结石研究中的应用

    The Application of Infrared Spectrophotometry on the Study of Calcium Oxalate Calculi

  21. 草酸钙结石研究中的化学基础

    Chemical Basis in the Investigation of Calcium Oxalate Stones

  22. 同时,草酸钙结石也是人发病率最高的结石类型。

    Calcium oxalate calculi represent the most common type of stones in humans .

  23. 结石成分分析以草酸钙结石为主(55.6%)。

    Calcium oxalate calculus predominates ( 55.6 % ) .

  24. 草酸钙结石形成的原因

    The Cause of the Formation of Calcium Oxalate Calculus

  25. 正常人和草酸钙结石病人尿草酸钙晶体基质

    The urinary calcium oxalate crystal matrix of normal subjects and calcium oxalate stone-formers

  26. 复发性草酸钙结石与尿内酸性粘多糖的关系

    Urine glycosaminoglycans and recurrent urinary calcium oxalate stones

  27. 草酸钙结石的动物模型研究进展

    Research progress in calcium oxalate stones in animals

  28. 肝素和硫酸乙酰肝素抑制草酸钙结石形成的化学基础

    Chemical Basic of the Inhibition of Calcium Oxalate Stones by Heparin and Heparan Sulfate

  29. 牛磺酸对大鼠草酸钙结石肾脏的保护作用

    Protective effect of taurine on kidney in a rat model of calcium oxalate nephrolithiasis

  30. 枸杞对大鼠肾草酸钙结石生成的干预效果及其机制

    Effects and mechanism of Fructus lycii on renal calcium oxalate stone formation in rats