
  • 网络herbaceous peat
  1. 中国草本泥炭的性质及其利用途径

    The qualities and using prospects for herbaceous peat in China

  2. 泥炭型煤(包括泥炭燃料砖、泥炭蜂窝煤和泥炭棒等),是利用我国储量丰富的草本泥炭为主料加工制成的新型燃料,该产品具有良好的燃烧性能。

    It is a new type of fuel which is processed by using the main raw material of herbaceous peat whose reserves are rich in china .

  3. 改性后草本泥炭和磺化泥炭对BPA的吸附量分别提高了322%和33%以上。

    The BPA sorption capacity of modified fibric peat and modified sulphonated peat increased by more than 322 % and 33 % , respectively .

  4. 草本泥炭形成的生物环境机制

    Bio-environmental mechanism of herbaceous feat form in g

  5. 根据植物残体组成和理化性质可分三种草本泥炭类型。纤维质低灰分的草本泥炭主要用作建筑材料、提取水解物作饲料酵母和净化吸附材料。

    The herbaceous peat mainly consists of plant residue of Sedge and Reed , and physical and chemical properties are distinguished from moos peat and woody peat .

  6. 半纤维质中灰分的草本泥炭主要用作营养土、营养钵、燃料、提取腐殖酸类物质和制造腐殖酸类肥料。

    The herbaceous peat of mesic and medium ashes is mainly used for the nutrition soil , nutrition bowl , fuel , extracting humic acid , and made into humic fertilizer .

  7. 不同类型泥炭腐植酸对煤浆的分散性不同,以低灰分、高腐植酸的草本泥炭最好,泥炭藓泥炭最差;

    Seeing about the dispersion properties of the additives to CWM . The results show that the humic substances from peat have good dispersion properties to CWM , especially from herbaceous peat with low ash and high humic acid content ;