
cǎo chǎng
  • grassland;grass;meadow;grazing
草场 [cǎo chǎng]
  • [meadow] 天然或人工培育的大片放牧草地

草场[cǎo chǎng]
  1. 草场上有一条小径通向村庄。

    There was a path through the meadow to the village .

  2. 高寒草甸草场牦牛优化放牧方案的研究

    Study on Optimum Grazing Method of Yak in Alpine Meadow Pastureland

  3. 他有将近1,000公顷的草场和耕地。

    He had nearly a thousand acres of grazing and arable land .

  4. 草场中心有一根旗杆。

    There is a flagstaff in the centre of the field .

  5. 辽阔的草场向东伸展。

    Vast meadows stretch to the east .

  6. 苏卡瑞说:“我们希望改善动物的健康状况,让农场主更轻松地养护大片草场,让动物在此自在地漫步。”

    " We want to improve the quality of animal health and make it easier for farmers to maintain large landscapes where animals roam free , " says Sukkarieh .

  7. 当孩子们荡累了,他们便去草场找覆盆子吃。

    When the children grew tired of swinging , they went down toward the pasture and picked wild raspberries and ate them .

  8. 那天早上晚些时候,动物们都从草场那边走回来了——绵羊,羊羔,公鹅,母鹅,七只小鹅。

    Later on that morning , the animals came up from the pasture — the sheep , the lambs , the gander , the goose , and the seven goslings .

  9. 基于GIS草场牧户管理信息系统的研究

    Study on Grassland Herdsman Management Information System Based on GIS Technology

  10. GIS支持下内蒙古草场动态变化及其环境背景分析

    Analysis on Grassland Dynamics and Its Environment Background in Based on Digital Platform in Case of Inner Mongolia

  11. 本文介绍用陆地卫星TM资料作达里诺尔地区草场牧草产量分级图及两年产草量变化分级图的原理与方法。

    This report describes the principles and methods for grass production classification and yearly variation using LANDSAT TM data .

  12. 应用NOAA气象卫星图象资料估算草场生物量方法的初步研究

    A preliminary study on NOAA images for the estimation of pasture biomass

  13. 牦牛在秋冬季草场的昼反刍时间分别为(86.22±14.24)min和(53.84±13.93)min,秋季草场高于冬季草场。

    The day-ruminating time in autumn and winter was ( 86.22 ± 14.24 ) min and ( 53.84 ± 13.93 ) min , respectively .

  14. GIS在资源管理应用方面能够有效地解决林业、农业和国土等领域内各种资源(如森林、草场、土地)的分布、分级、统计和制图等问题。

    In resource management application , GIS can effectively solve the distribution , graduation , statistics and charting in forestry , agriculture , national territory and so on , such as forest , pasture , land .

  15. 研究结果表明,天然草场牧草中13种矿物元素含量呈明显的季节性变化,牧草含P量从夏草场的0.12μg/g降至早春草场的0.04μg/g;

    Results showed that content of 13 mineral elements in herbage grown in natural Pasture changed apparently seasonally . P content reduced from 0.12 μ g / g in summer pasture grasses to 0.04 μ g / g in early spring pasture grasses ;

  16. 绵羊采食后牧草的恢复时间比无林草场短2~4d,既单位时间内能生产更多的牧草;

    The time for grass recovery after grazing by sheep on forested grassland was 2-4 day shorter than that on non - forested grassland .

  17. 巴里坤草场不同草地类型MODIS-NDVI的时空变化

    Spatial and Temporal Change of MODIS-NDVI for Different Grassland in Barkol

  18. 应用NOAA/AVHRR遥感资料对大面积草场进行产草量定量估算的方法研究

    Research on the methods of quantitative estimate of the grass output of a vast grassland by using the remote sensing data of noaa / avhrr

  19. 采用MODIS遥感数据,针对内蒙古半干旱草场生态环境特征,以光能利用率模型为基础与生态模型相结合,研究区域尺度下半干旱草地净第一性生产力遥感模型;

    This paper presents a regional net primary productivity ( NPP ) model parameterized with remote sensing information of MODIS , and tests it in areas of Inner Mongolia semi-arid grassland .

  20. 四川省草原面积1600多万hm2,宜牧草场1200万hm2,主要分布于四川西部的甘孜、阿坝和凉山地区,是我国五大牧区之一。

    There are over 16,000,000 hectares of grassland in western Sichuan , in which , 120,000,000 hectare grassland is suitable for browsing . It is one of the five largest grasslands in China .

  21. 退化草原的恢复费用需要18.11×108元,占2002年GDP的22.1%,而目前草场恢复的资金远远低于理论数值,草原恢复速度低于退化速度。

    The restoration expenses were 18.11 × 10 ~ 8yuan , which accounted for 22.1 % of GDP in 2002.The fund used in grassland restoration is far from theoretical standard , so the pace of recovery is lower than that of degradation at present .

  22. 我国的沙漠化面积达到262.2万km2,占全国土地面积的27%,吞食了大面积农田、草场和牧场,埋没了不少村庄,有些地区断绝了交通,给人们带来了巨大的灾害。

    The area of desertization land are 2.62 million km 2 , covering 27 % of the total area of national land . Large area of farmland , range and pasture has been devoured . Some villages have been submerged .

  23. 通过对星、地资料反演的草冠层叶面温度比较发现,二者反演结果相差小于0.2K,说明利用卫星遥感资料,应用LSF概念模型反演草场冠层叶面温度可获得比较满意的结果。

    The difference between the retrieved leaf temperatures from these two different data sources is less than 0.2k , which means that the grass canopy leaf temperature can be retrieved satisfactorily through LSF conceptual model combined with satellite data .

  24. 结果表明:在新建人工草地时,采用播种前整地+人工除草+雨季结束前20d播种+速生先锋种的方法与其他方法相比,对于控制新建人工草场的杂害草效果更佳。

    The results showed that among eight different trials , the best weed control was found in the scheme with " soil treatment prior seeding + hand-removal weeding + seeding on the day 20 prior ending of raining season + fast growing pioneer species " .

  25. 盐城滩涂草场类型及开发利用研究

    Study on Types and Utilization of Grassland in Yancheng Tideland Zone

  26. 我国羊草草场机械化改良发展现状及趋势

    Situation and developing tendency Leymus chinense grassland mechanized improvement in China

  27. 沙地草场10种饲用植物的营养成分

    A Study on Nutrients of 10 Forage Plants on Sandy Grassland

  28. 我们已经把草场和森林变为农田。

    We have made agricultural fields out of prairies and forests .

  29. 陕北天然草场的类型研究

    Studies on the types of natural grassland in North Shaanxi province

  30. 香格里拉区域森林和草场资源的可持续性分析

    A Sustainable Analysis on Forest and Pasture Resources in Shangri-la Region