- 网络English auction

Colored Petri Net Based Conversation Mechanism of English Auction Protocal
Despite perfect reasoning of RET , it does not match what we have observed in practice , that is , a seller can obtain the same expected revenue from English auction and Dutch auction , but less from Second Price auction , and the least from First Price auction .
The model of non-homogeneous Markov chain for England auction with non-open reserve price
The Markov Chain Model of England Auction on Having Reserve Price and Transaction Probability
The bidding decision making model for multi-object English auction is improved .
English auction , also known as an open ascending price auction .
This type of auction is distinct from the English auction , in that bidders can only submit one bid each .
The English auction is commonly used for selling goods , most prominently antiques and artwork , but also secondhand goods and real estate .
Under the IPV Model ( independent private value model ), we analyze the customer bid balancing strategy of single product one mouthful the price in English online auction .
English auction is : given that the winning bidder 's bid was simply more than the highest Price a little , so each person would immediately follow its estimated price offer .
But softens terms , considered under the realistic environment possibly produces each kind of information asymmetrical , tenders the person risk withstanding degree to be different , the auction cheat and so on , the choice English auction is better .
The research discovered that to these not separable public utilities project , it is suitable to use the first price auction and the English auction , under the standard model , the income of these two kinds of auction is the same .
In the system design , not only to achieve the English auction , Holland auction and the first price sealed auction three auction , the auction publishers can choose the most suitable for their own auction , further increased the availability of .
In this paper , author first step studies one mouthful price online auction , including a fixed one mouthful price , temporary one mouthful price , hold out for long time an one mouthful online auction with three kinds of online auction styles .
English Auction Protocol Based on Ring Signatures
The paper studies the English auction secure protocol . An efficient and secure English auction protocol is proposed with signature based on proof of knowledge .