
yīnɡ tè ěr ɡōnɡ sī
  • Intel
  1. 英特尔公司(Intel)赞助电子竞技已经有十年的历史了。

    Intel has been sponsoring eSports for over 10 years now .

  2. 尽管人们都在嚷嚷着后PC时代来临,英特尔公司首席执行官保罗•欧德宁仍然看好传统的个人电脑市场。

    Despite all the hullabaloo over a post-PC era , Intel chief executive officer Paul Otellini remains bullish on the traditional personal computing market .

  3. 近日,英特尔公司推出了其名为“Alloy项目”的最新虚拟现实头戴设备。通过这一装置,英特尔公司介绍了一个新词:“融合现实”。

    Intel has unveiled its newest virtual reality headset called " Project Alloy . " Through this gadget , the company introduces the concept of " merged reality . "

  4. 我们还和图像芯片业内的多家供应商合作,包括高通公司(Qualcomm)、ARM公司、英特尔公司(Intel)等。

    We also work with GPU vendors across the industry , including Qualcomm ARM , Intel , etc.

  5. 在研究日,英特尔公司的研究人员展示了如何使用LED大灯和尾灯汽车微型摄像机可以使用光传感器检测车之间的距离。

    At Research Day , Intel 's researchers showed how cars with LED headlights and taillights with tiny camera sensors can use light to detect the distance between cars .

  6. 英特尔公司和惠普公司联合确定了一项新的基础结构技术,名为EPIC(显式并行指令计算)。

    Intel and Hewlett-Packard have jointly defined a new architecture technology called EPIC ( Explicitly Parallel Instruction Computing ) .

  7. 但在由对手ARMHoldings授权的芯片所主宰的移动设备领域,如智能手机和平板电脑,英特尔公司就落在人后了。

    But the company lags behind in mobile devices like smartphones and tablets , where chips licensed by rival arm Holdings ( armh ) rule .

  8. 不过,去年英特尔公司(Intel)想出了一个新招数。

    Last year , however , Intel came up with a new wrinkle on the formula by hiring hip-hop star will .

  9. 作为教育部确认的、英特尔公司资助的全球性教师培训项目,英特尔○R未来教育在大连地区得到实施并推广。

    PCs on Information Infrastructure from Intel Approved by Education Department , " Inter " future education , a global teachers training supported by Inter Company has already begun in Dalian .

  10. 第三、四和五章采用案例分析方法,对PC产业中的英特尔公司、微软公司和戴尔公司三家主导企业的商务模式模块化创新和演化进行研究分析。

    Chapter 3 , 4 and 5 make case studies to the business model innovations and evolutions of the main corporations in PC industry , such as Intel , Microsoft and Dell .

  11. Galleon破产事件让包括在麦肯锡公司、IBM和英特尔公司的这些名企业的员工们参与了外部融资。

    The Galleon case has ensnared people at big-name firms outside finance , including McKinsey & Company , IBM and Intel .

  12. 那时我还是英特尔公司(IntelCorporation)的一名总经理,负责将一个教育类个人电脑的项目变成一门赚钱的生意。

    At the time , I was a general manager at Intel Corporation INTL 1.01 % , and had been tasked with turning an education PC initiative into a for-profit business .

  13. AMD公司的K6-2处理器将具有图形处理功能,独占市场鳌头的英特尔公司,其未来的芯片也将具有某些图形处理功能。

    Advanced Micro Devices'K6-2 processor will integrate graphics , and market leader Intel 's future chips are likely to integrate some graphics capabilities .

  14. “常青藤之桥”前景看好&英特尔公司表示,与2D的晶体管相比,全新的晶体管性能提升37%,同时耗电量则不到前者的一半。

    Ivy bridge is promising & Intel says its new transistors will provide up to a 37 % performance increase and consume less than half the power than their 2-D counterparts .

  15. 就在这条消息曝光后的次日,英特尔公司(Intel)也宣布将在2016年以前推出一款完全不需要任何电线的个人电脑,也就是说既不需要电源线,也不需要显示器连接线。

    The next day , Intel announced plans to release a completely wire-free personal computer by 2016 & no power cord , no monitor cable , nothing .

  16. 这一升级很大程度上要依赖英特尔公司提供的Xeon芯片。

    The upgrades would depend largely on new Intel Xeon chips .

  17. 榜单上最知名的企业中,Cisco公司排名第55,Adobe公司排名第83,英特尔公司排名第83,微软排名第86。

    Among some of the best-known tech players , Ciscowas No. 55 , Adobewas No. 83 , IntelNo . 84 , and MicrosoftNo . 86 .

  18. 然全球经济危机仍在肆虐,英特尔公司(IntelCorp.)麾下的风险投资部门却无意放缓其在中国的拓展步伐。英特尔投资部(IntelCapital)高管周二宣布将在中国进行三笔新的投资。

    Intel Corp. 's venture-capital unit doesn 't plan to slow its activity in China despite the global crisis , executives said Tuesday as the fund announced three new investments in the country .

  19. 他们辩论说KenHamid没有这个利用设备传播他的信息的权利,干扰英特尔公司所有物。

    They argued that Hamidi did not have the right to intrude on Intel 's property by using its equipment to deliver his messages .

  20. 当时,他刚刚年满54岁,已经是硅谷英特尔公司(Intel)的执行副总裁。

    At 54 , he was a Silicon Valley-based executive vice president at Intel ( INTC ) and widely believed to be No. 1 in line to succeed CEO Paul Otellini .

  21. AMD长期以来一直宣称,芯片实际性能的提高比一味提高主频更重要,而一味提高主频正是英特尔公司的长期的芯片设计哲学。

    AMD had also argued for years that there was more to performance than simply getting chips to run at ever higher clock speeds , the approach favoured by Intel .

  22. 我们同时也看到了一个使Alpha成为工业标准的机会,这将建立在DEC公司与英特尔公司和三星电子公司的授权协议以及与AMD的建议协议基础之上。

    We also see an opportunity to establish Alpha as an open industry standard , building on Digital 's licensing agreements with Intel and Samsung and its proposed agreement with AMD .

  23. 英特尔公司(IntelCorp.)负责亚太业务的副总裁布莱恩特(GregoryBryant)说,此次展会上的创新规模超过了过去几年的总和。

    ' The amount of innovation is more than what has happened in years , ' said Gregory Bryant , Intel Corp. 's vice president in charge of Asian-Pacific operations .

  24. •同时,英特尔公司(Intel)实现了高于预期的业绩&其一季度销售额同比上升25%,达129亿美元,远高于分析师预测的119亿美元的均值水平。

    • meanwhile , Intel surpassed analyst expectations & its first quarter sales jumped 25 % year over year to $ 12.9 billion , significantly more than the predicted $ 11.9 billion average estimate .

  25. KenHamidi于1995年被英特尔公司解雇。1998年他发了一封很大的论述公司劳动惯例的邮件。

    Hamidi was dismissed from Intel in1995 and , in1998 , sent the mass email that discussed the company 's labor practices .

  26. 一些公司已经通知投资者,这场洪灾预计将对其未来收益产生不利影响,其中就包括苹果(Apple)和惠普(Hewlett-Packard)公司,英特尔公司(Intel)最近也发表了类似的声明。

    Apple ( AAPL ) , Hewlett-Packard , ( HPQ ) and most recently Intel ( INTC ) are among the companies that have told investors that the flooding will have an impact on future earnings .

  27. 英特尔公司(Intel)旗下全资子公司迈克菲(McAfee)最近公布的一份报告显示,移动设备上检测到的恶意软件97%都是被设计成攻击安卓系统的。

    According to a recent report from McAfee , an Intel ( INTC ) company , 97 % of malware detected on mobile devices were designed to attack Android .

  28. 在撰写关于英特尔公司历史的新书《英特尔三杰》(TheIntelTrinity)的过程中,我认识到我们犯了一个严重的错误,那就是过于相信摩尔划出的这条平滑曲线。

    In writing my new book on the history of Intel Corporation , The Intel Trinity , I became convinced that we have made a serious mistake being so comfortable with that shallow line .

  29. 据英特尔公司预测,Ultrabook将会占到2012年便携电脑销量的约40%。

    Intel predicts Ultrabooks will account for about 40 % of consumer portable PC sales in 2012 .

  30. 作为硅谷历史上最聪明的人之一【也是未来英特尔公司(Intel)的共同创始人】,摩尔不仅明白了这张图说明了什么,更重要的是明白了它意味着什么。

    Moore , one of the most brilliant individuals in Silicon Valley history ( and future Intel INTC - 2.74 % co-founder ), not only knew what this said , but more important , what it meant .