
  • 网络foreclosure;REO
  1. 由于房产市场的萧条,在美国有数以千计的空置房,半成品房或者法拍屋,这意味着这里应该有很多经济适用房,对吗?

    The housing bust left thousands of empty , unfinished or foreclosed homes laying empty across the U.S.

  2. 第三,希望靠日益上涨的租金获利的机构投资者开始大举买入止赎法拍屋,以大额折扣买入这些住宅后返租给它们的原主人,而不是转卖出手谋求迅速获利。

    Third , institutional investors , wanting to cash in on rising rental rates , have started gobbling up foreclosed homes at fire sale prices and then renting the homes back to the foreclosed owners rather than flipping them for a quick profit .