
  1. 日前,英国财政大臣乔治·奥斯本推出一项针对外国公司的新税,即在英国开展经济活动所得利润要被课以25%的税。

    UK Treasury1 chief George Osborne has introduced a new 25 % tax on foreign companies ’ profits derived2 from economic activity in the UK .

  2. 英国财政部称,每十枚铜币(即便士)中就会有六枚硬币仅在一次使用后就被人存置一旁,甚至被扔进垃圾箱。

    The Treasury1 says that six out of ten copper2 coins are used only once before being stashed3 away or even chucked in the bin4 .

  3. 伦敦金融城的各家机构曾希望,英国财政部(uktreasury)和监管部门会帮助他们绕开欧洲法律的规范。

    City institutions had hoped that the UK Treasury and British regulators would help fend off European legislation .

  4. 例如,英国财政部认为永久损失的产出占国内生产总值(gdp)的5%。

    The UK Treasury for example puts the permanent loss of output at 5 per cent of gross domestic product .

  5. 上周,英国财政大臣乔治•奥斯本(GeorgeOsborne)向新的保守党(Conservative)政府承诺将提高生产率。

    George Osborne , the chancellor , last week committed the new Conservative government to boosting productivity .

  6. 英国财政大臣奥斯本(GeorgeOsborne)称他为拉加德的任命感到高兴。

    The British Chancellor George Osborne says he 's delighted at Christine Lagarde 's appointment .

  7. 英国财政部(Treasury)在下一盘精明的棋,暗示它将修订计划,而改变却甚少。

    The Treasury is playing a shrewd game , hinting it is going to revise its plans , but changing little .

  8. 在一批糟糕的经济统计数据出炉以后,英国财政大臣乔治奥斯本(GeorgeOsborne)看上去成了一名十足的输家。

    UK chancellor George Osborne looks decidedly like a loser after a dreadful batch of economic statistics .

  9. 英国财政研究所(InstituteforFiscalStudies)估计,穷人缴纳的肥胖税占其个人收入的比例可能是富人的7倍。

    The Institute for Fiscal Studies in the UK estimates that a fat tax would cost the poor seven times as much as a proportion of income as the wealthy .

  10. 长期担任英国财政部首席经济学家的伯恩斯勋爵(LordBurns),试图用名义框架的说法来替代新型政策。

    Lord Burns , long-time UK Treasury chief economist , tried to substitute the expression " nominal framework " for the new type policies .

  11. 英国财政大臣乔治攠斯本(GeorgeOsborne)承诺把伦敦打造为全球金融科技之都。

    George Osborne , the UK chancellor , has pledged to make London the fintech capital of the world .

  12. 某些安排自称绕过了这一原则英国财政部(uktreasury)大楼是一项复杂证券化安排的标的资产,雅典地铁也可能被私有化。

    Some arrangements pretend to bypass this principle the UK Treasury building is the subject of a complex securitisation and the Athens Metro might be privatised .

  13. 其次,抛售北岩银行(NorthernRock)的股份后,英国财政部应该保持它在其他银行中的持股,这样它才有基础充当面向中小型企业的国有贷款机构的角色。

    Second , having sold off Northern Rock , the Treasury should retain its other bank holdings as a basis for a state lending bank for small and medium - sized enterprises .

  14. 因此,支出削减不应像英国财政大臣乔治奥斯本(georgeosborne)所希望的那样,成为减赤的主要来源。

    Therefore , spending cuts should not form the bulk of deficit reduction as George Osborne , UK chancellor , desires .

  15. 英国财政大臣乔治攠斯本(GeorgeOsborne)曾展开一场重大的政治押注,在亚投行项目处于早期阶段时就力挺该项目。

    George Osborne , the chancellor , took a big political gamble by backing the AIIB project at an early stage .

  16. 它承诺大举投资于能源、防洪和交通基础设施,听起来比英国财政部下属主要负责行政的InfrastructureUK更着眼实际。

    It is pledging an aggressive agenda of investment in energy , flood defences and transport , and sounds more substantive than the Treasury 's largely administrative arm , Infrastructure UK .

  17. 苏格兰籍的英国财政部首席秘书丹尼亚历山大(dannyalexander)在一次讲话中,谈到了相关影响。

    A speech by Danny Alexander , the Scottish Chief Secretary to the UK Treasury , brings out the implications .

  18. 下周,英国财政部将与相关投行、公司就其伦敦金融城(CityOfLondon)计划举行为期两天的会议。该计划于4月发起,目的是提高各方对伦敦人民币交易的认知。

    The Treasury will meet with investment banks and companies next week for a two-day conference on its City of London initiative , which was launched in April to raise awareness of renminbi trading in London .

  19. 如果这样,英国财政整固将减少实际需求,如果其它因素保持不变,国内需求将减少8%,gdp将下滑4%。

    If so , the UK consolidation would lower real demand , other things equal , by a total of 8 per cent and GDP by 4 per cent .

  20. 即使是英国财政大臣乔治奥斯本(georgeosborne),除了在牛津学历史时学到的那点皮毛外,也没有受过什么经济学教育。

    Even the finance minister , George Osborne , has no education in economics beyond whatever he picked up studying history at Oxford .

  21. 与此同时,新的金融稳定理事会(councilforfinancialstability)将协调金融服务管理局、英国财政部以及英国央行(bankofengland)的活动,以改善我们发现和应对银行体系问题的方式。

    Meanwhile , a new Council for financial stability will co-ordinate the activities of the FSA , the Treasury and the Bank of England to improve the way we spot and respond to problems in the system .

  22. 与此同时,得益于英国财政大臣乔治奥斯本(GeorgeOsborne)的大力支持,工行和建行获得了在英国开设分支机构的牌照。

    At the same time UK branch licences have been granted to ICBC and CCB , following strong encouragement from UK chancellor George Osborne .

  23. 同样在上周,英国财政大臣乔治奥斯本(GeorgeOsborne)将提高生产率列为新政府最重要的经济工作重点。

    Also last week , George Osborne , UK finance minister , set higher productivity as the most important economic priority for the new government .

  24. 英国财政大臣乔治•奥斯本(GeorgeOsborne)将会在本周宣布预算案,这将是现任政府提高英国基础设施投资紧迫性的最后机会。

    This week 's Budget from chancellor George Osborne will give the current government a last chance to inject some urgency into UK infrastructure investment .

  25. 在伦敦与英国财政大臣乔治·奥斯本(GeorgeOsborne)举行会晤之后,盖特纳表示,美国希望金融改革能够采取小心谨慎,始终如一的态度。

    After meeting in London with his British counterpart , George Osborne , Geithner said the United States wants a careful and approach to financial reform .

  26. 今年4月,英国财政大臣乔治奥斯本(georgeosborne)宣布了雄心勃勃的计划,目标是让伦敦成为下一个大型人民币离岸交易中心。

    In April , UK chancellor George Osborne announced ambitious plans for London to become the next big offshore hub for trading in the Chinese currency .

  27. 根据英国财政部(treasury)正在拟定的一项影响深远的法案,居住在英国的外国富豪们将要为他们在英国境内的资产缴纳巨额资本利得税。

    An elite of wealthy foreigners living in Britain faces paying billions of pounds in capital gains tax on UK-based assets , under far-reaching legislation being drawn up by the Treasury .

  28. 英国财政大臣乔治•奥斯本(GeorgeOsborne)对内政大臣特里萨•梅(TheresaMay)提出的外国留学生在毕业后必须离开英国的议案表示反对。此前已有不少人警告称,梅的这一提议将损害英国的大学和企业。

    Theresa May 's plan to send home international students after they graduate has been quashed by chancellor George Osborne , amid warnings that the move would damage British universities and business .

  29. 的确,英国财政大臣肯尼斯•克拉克(KennethClarke)1994年的增税措施没有产生人们广泛预期的衰退后果,这正是其中的原因所在。

    Here indeed is the clue to why Chancellor Kenneth Clarke 's 1994 tax increases did not have the recessionary effects so widely predicted .

  30. 英国财政部、金融服务管理局(FSA)和英国央行(BoE)均已表态称,现在各家银行不能想当然地以为,在遭遇危机时能够自动获得纳税人的援助。

    The Treasury , Financial Services Authority and Bank of England have said that banks cannot now assume automatic taxpayer support in a crisis .